Sunday, May 9, 2021

Savage World - Death to the IzNot - Part 1 - Streamlined Heroism

Our heroes begin their epic adventure in a new town where there is IzNot activity. 

#savageworlds #apocalypse #80's 


including synopsis

Savage worlds - post-apocalyptic game (using weird wars 2 and day after Ragnarok)

Well, the Last Game went well, although a lot of it was improv because of PC's actions.

The overall theme is Barbarians vs Fascists (you know what I'm talking about).

The party consists of:

1. A bug monster with four arms

2. A dwarf adventurer based loosely on Jack Harkness and has a techno gauntlet as his main weapon.

3. A grumpy old druid that has dedicated his life to stopping illegal hunting (I have no idea how he decides this in the post-apocalypse)

4. A Halfling ninja whose answer is usually murder followed by extreme justification.

Oh, and the Dwarf has a Tamagotchi called "Nora" that he picked up at the beginning of the game.


It started in a post-apocalyptic city called Styxx (cribbed from Darwin's world), where they just got off a zeppelin and are at the docks.  A crate broke open and three enormous scorpions broke out.   

So naturally, our party decided to distract them and put them out of the port instead of fighting them.  They were essentially dumped on rocks safely nearby.

When the merchant who owned said scorpions as a delicacy, he got booted off al la 300, but was saved by the dwarf so he scampered back to his place of residence.

The party decided to follow them back to a mansion and after yammering on a decision, saw an IzNotz flag in the window and went in as two teams.

1. The druid turned into a spider and the dwarf acted as if to sell him to get intel on a job and/or fortune.

2. The ninja and the bug snuck in to see what they could loot.

They met the big bad in the meeting room, a small guy with a big mutated head who almost purchased said the spider, until two IzNotz grunts found out about the bug.

One fight later, everybody but the two guards at the door were dead (the party let them go as they appeared to not be IzNotz as one of them entertained him with baby pictures), lit the place on fire, and are now looting the place.

They found the following:

Chest full of Canadian pennies.

Chest full of Canadian tire money.

A secret passage 

Two animated corpses reinforced with metal that just woke up. (Axis Stitches)

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