Sunday, June 16, 2024

Leagues of Votann - A Reimagining - Part 2 - Interactions.

Votann Perspective

These terms reflect the Votann's perspective as a technologically advanced, insular society that views other factions with a mix of pity, contempt, and rivalry. The Votann see themselves as the true inheritors of humanity's technological legacy, viewing other factions as either primitive, misguided, or corrupted. This mindset reinforces their insularity and the strong bonds within their own kindred, as well as their readiness to obliterate any threats to their survival.

Imperium of Man


  • Historical Grudges: The Kin hold a deep-seated animosity towards the Imperium due to perceived abandonment and historical slights. They see the Imperium as hypocritical and overly reliant on dogma.
  • Reluctant Allies: In dire situations, the Kin might ally with Imperial forces against common threats like the Tyranids or Chaos. However, these alliances are fraught with tension and mistrust.


  • Tech Sabotage: Kin infiltrators disrupt Imperial technology, causing malfunctions in critical systems like combat servitors and Adeptus Mechanicus machinery.
  • Advanced Drones: Deploying advanced drones to neutralize key Imperial assets, such as heavy armor and artillery, before full engagements.
  • Hacker Warfare: Utilizing cyber-warfare to disrupt Imperial communications and control systems, sowing confusion and disarray among enemy ranks.



  • Immunity to Corruption: The Kin’s cyberbrains and austere culture provide significant resistance to Chaos corruption, making them less susceptible to the influence of Chaos gods.
  • Relentless Hunters: The Kin are dedicated to hunting down and destroying Chaos forces, viewing them as an existential threat to their survival.


  • Anti-Psychic Technology: Employing devices that dampen or negate psychic abilities, protecting Kin forces from warp-based attacks.
  • Purity Protocols: Utilizing advanced scanning and purification protocols to identify and eliminate Chaos-tainted individuals and artifacts.
  • Daemon-Hunting Drones: Deploying specialized drones designed to combat daemonic entities, equipped with holy or null-field technology.



  • Mutual Distrust: The Kin and Eldar often find themselves at odds due to conflicting interests and historical animosities.
  • Trade and Skirmishes: While there might be occasional trade between the two, skirmishes over resources and territory are more common.


  • Soul Crystal Sabotage: Capturing and repurposing Eldar soul stones to power Kin technology or deny their use to the Eldar.
  • Adaptive Stealth: Using advanced stealth technologies to counter the Eldar’s mobility and strike capabilities, making it difficult for Eldar forces to gain the upper hand.
  • Precision Strikes: Targeting key Eldar leaders and psykers to disrupt their highly coordinated tactics.



  • Resource Competition: The Kin often clash with Orks over valuable resources in the galactic core.
  • Technological Superiority: Kin forces see Orks as crude but dangerously unpredictable adversaries.


  • Ork Tech Repurposing: Capturing and repurposing Ork technology for Kin use, often enhancing it with superior Kin engineering. Ironically, very little of the Ork tech is used, as it is psychically based, but it’s often used more so for inspiration and duplication.
  • Drone Swarms: Deploying swarms of drones to overwhelm and outmaneuver Ork forces, targeting their leadership to cause disarray.
  • Kinetic Defenses: Using kinetic barriers and reinforced structures to withstand the brutal assaults typical of Ork warfare.



  • Survival Instinct: The Kin have a personal vendetta against the Tyranids due to their devastating impact on their original homeworlds.
  • Containment Strategies: The Kin prioritize containing Tyranid infestations before they can spread.


  • Bio-Adaptation: Developing bio-engineered defenses and weapons specifically designed to counter Tyranid biology. 
  • Planetary Traps: Turning entire planets into traps for Tyranid hive fleets, using environmental hazards and automated defenses to decimate invading swarms.
  • Nanite Plagues: Deploying nanite-based weapons that target and break down Tyranid organisms at the molecular level.



  • Ancient Rivalry: The Kin view the Necrons as ancient threats with technology that rivals their own.
  • Tech Duels: Battles between the Kin and Necrons are often as much about technological supremacy as they are about physical combat.


  • Disruption Fields: Utilizing technology that disrupts Necron energy matrices and resurrection protocols.
  • Tech Interference: Employing hacking and signal interference to disrupt Necron control systems and communication networks.
  • Quantum Shielding: Using advanced shielding technologies to counter the Necron’s gauss weaponry and other exotic armaments.



  • Cautious Diplomacy: The Kin and T'au might engage in cautious trade and diplomacy, given their mutual appreciation for technology and efficiency.
  • Territorial Conflicts: Despite occasional cooperation, territorial disputes and competition for resources can lead to conflict.


  • Electronic Warfare: Engaging in electronic warfare to disrupt T'au targeting systems and drone networks.
  • Stealth Operations: Using superior stealth technology to conduct surgical strikes against key T'au infrastructure and command units.
  • Kinetic Superiority: Leveraging their superior kinetic weaponry to counter the T'au’s reliance on ranged combat and mobility.

Insulting Terms Used by the Votann

  1. Imperium of Man (Humans)
    • "Meat Puppets": Reflecting their view of humans as inferior beings reliant on primitive technology.
    • "Cultists of Man": Highlighting their disdain for the religious fervor of the Imperium and its worship of the God-Emperor.
    • "Rust Monkeys": Implying that humans are primitive and their technology is prone to breakdown.


  1. Aeldari (Eldar)
    • "Fading Shadows": Emphasizing the Eldar's dwindling numbers and declining influence.
    • "Glass Cannons": Mocking their fragility despite their powerful weaponry.
    • "Soul Hoarders": Referring to the Eldar's use of soulstones.


  1. Orks
    • "Greenskin Vermin": Reflecting their view of Orks as pests that infest and destroy.
    • "Scrap Lords": Mocking the Orks' crude and improvised technology.
    • "War Junkies": Emphasizing the Orks' mindless love for battle.


  1. T'au Empire
    • "Blue-Blood Bureaucrats": Deriding the T'au's caste system and perceived over-reliance on hierarchy and organization.
    • "Drone Lovers": Mocking the T'au's heavy reliance on drones and automated technology, even as they use it themselves in a more sophisticated manner.
    • "False Utopians": Highlighting their skepticism of the T'au's "Greater Good" philosophy.


  1. Necrons
    • "Rusty Ancients": Mocking their ancient origins and perceived outdatedness.
    • "Metal Tombs": Referring to their soulless, mechanical nature and the tomb worlds they inhabit.
    • "Deathless Relics": Highlighting their eternal existence as an insult to their inability to evolve or change.


  1. Tyranids
    • "Bio-Machines": Emphasizing their view of Tyranids as organic constructs rather than living beings.
    • "Swarm Fodder": Reflecting their disdain for the Tyranids' horde tactics.
    • "Genetic Waste": Insulting their uncontrolled and rampant biological diversity.


  1. Drukhari (Dark Eldar)
    • "Void Pirates": Mocking their piratical raiding nature.
    • "Pain Addicts": Deriding their love for torture and suffering.
    • "Shadow Lurkers": Emphasizing their sneaky, underhanded tactics.


  1. Chaos Space Marines
    • "Warp-tainted Traitors": Reflecting their view of Chaos Marines as corrupted and dishonorable.
    • "Daemon Spawn": Mocking their allegiance to the Chaos gods and their often-mutated forms.
    • "Lost Sons": Insulting their fall from grace and former loyalty to the Imperium.


  1. Adeptus Mechanicus
    • "Cogheads": Mocking their obsession with machinery and technology.
    • "Techno-zealots": Highlighting their religious fervor for the Omnissiah.
    • "Data Hoarders": Reflecting their secretive nature and tendency to guard technological knowledge.

Imperium of Man

View on the Votann:

The Imperium of Man holds a complex and often conflicted perspective on the Votann. While they recognize the Votann as an abhuman subspecies with a historical connection to humanity, their advanced technology and independent nature often put them at odds with the Imperium's dogmatic approach.

Typical Terms:

  • "Stubborn Abhumans": Reflects the Imperium's view of the Votann's unyielding nature.
  • "Tech-Hoarders": Indicates their jealousy and suspicion towards the Votann's technological prowess.


  1. Adversarial: The Imperium frequently clashes with the Votann over territory and resources, viewing their technological independence as a threat to the Imperium's dominance.
  2. Transactional: Occasionally, the Imperium may engage in trade or alliances, especially in desperate situations where Votann technology can turn the tide.
  3. Suspicious: The Imperium often monitors Votann activities closely, wary of their potential to upset the established order.


View on the Votann:

The Eldar regard the Votann with a mix of curiosity, respect, and caution. The Votann's technological sophistication and resilience resonate with the Eldar's own values, yet their pragmatism and sometimes ruthless methods can cause friction.

Typical Terms:

  • "Short-Lived Ones": Reflects the Eldar's perception of the Votann's relatively short lifespans.
  • "Tech-Traders": A nod to their propensity for technological exchange.


  1. Cautiously Cooperative: The Eldar are willing to ally with the Votann against common threats like Chaos or Tyranids, but always with an eye on their own interests.
  2. Respectful: There is a mutual respect for each other's ancient knowledge and technology, leading to occasional exchanges and collaborations.
  3. Distrustful: Despite cooperation, the Eldar remain wary of the Votann's potential to disrupt the balance of power in the galaxy.


View on the Votann:

The Tau view the Votann as both potential allies and rivals. The Votann's advanced technology and organized society align with Tau ideals, yet their independent nature and occasional territorial conflicts create tension.

Typical Terms:

  • "Stalwart Kin": Reflects a grudging respect for their resilience and community.
  • "Tech-Savants": Acknowledges their technological expertise.


  1. Collaborative: The Tau often seek technological exchanges and joint ventures, recognizing the Votann's expertise can complement their own advancements.
  2. Competitive: There is an underlying competition for resources and influence, with both sides striving to expand their territories.
  3. Diplomatic: The Tau employ diplomacy to manage relations, aiming to maintain peace and benefit from Votann technological insights.


View on the Votann:

To the Orks, the Votann are another enemy to fight, and their advanced technology is seen as loot to be plundered. The Orks respect the Votann's toughness in battle but see them primarily as a source of new gear and a good fight.

Typical Terms:

  • "Stumpy Humies": A derogatory term reflecting the Orks' disdain for the Votann's stature.
  • "Shiny Looters": Highlighting their interest in Votann technology.


  1. Adversarial: The Orks constantly raid Votann territories, driven by their insatiable desire for battle and loot.
  2. Predatory: Orks view Votann technology as prime targets for plunder, leading to frequent and brutal conflicts.
  3. Respectful in Battle: While they despise them, the Orks respect the Votann's ability to put up a good fight, often leading to grudging admiration.


View on the Votann:

The Tyranids have no concept of diplomacy or respect; they view the Votann purely as biomass to consume. The Votann's advanced defenses and technologies are merely obstacles to be overcome.

However, the closest emotion they could possibly get from them is frustration.  The Votann are incredibly difficult to gene steal.  Their cloning, direct neural interface, and civilization structure  makes them immediately detected.

Typical Terms:

  • N/A: The Tyranids do not have terms; they see all life forms as biomass.


  1. Purely Adversarial: The Tyranids invade Votann worlds to consume all organic matter, leading to relentless and brutal conflicts.
  2. Obstacles: The Votann's defenses and technological prowess are challenges that the Tyranids must adapt to and overcome.
  3. Evolutionary Pressure: The Votann's resistance forces the Tyranids to evolve and develop new strategies and adaptations.


View on the Votann:

The Necrons see the Votann as upstart interlopers in a galaxy that they consider their own. The Votann's technological sophistication is both a curiosity and a challenge to Necron supremacy.

Typical Terms:

  • "Upstart Miners": Reflecting disdain for their origins and ambitions.
  • "Resource Stealers": Indicating competition over valuable materials and ancient relics.


  1. Adversarial: The Necrons often clash with the Votann over territory and ancient technologies, leading to frequent skirmishes.
  2. Technological Curiosity: The Necrons are intrigued by Votann technology, sometimes seeking to study or appropriate it.
  3. Cold War Dynamics: Both sides engage in a strategic game of territory control and technological advancement, avoiding direct conflict when possible.


View on the Votann:

Chaos forces see the Votann as a potential source of powerful souls and advanced technology to corrupt. The Votann's resilience to Chaos influence is both a challenge and an enticing target for subversion.

Typical Terms:

  • "Stubborn Souls": Acknowledging their resistance to Chaos influence.
  • "Tech-Defilers": Reflecting their view of Votann technology as something to be corrupted.


  1. Hostile: Chaos forces constantly seek to corrupt or destroy Votann worlds, viewing them as a threat to their influence.
  2. Subversive: Chaos agents attempt to infiltrate and corrupt Votann societies, exploiting any weaknesses.
  3. Strategic Targeting: Chaos forces focus on disrupting Votann technological capabilities and sowing discord within their ranks.

By understanding these perspectives, we see the multifaceted relationships the Votann have with other factions, characterized by a mix of respect, competition, and outright hostility. These dynamics shape the Votann's interactions and strategies in the Warhammer 40k universe.

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