Saturday, May 11, 2024

Greek Mechology - Part 8 - Random Tables

The following are random tables to help define your character and to get a plot hook for your game.
This will be added to as I think of them.

Random Character Origin Table

Origin: Roll 1d20

  • 1-4: Born and raised in a specific city-state (roll on City-State table)
  • 5-8: Nomadic upbringing, traveling between city-states (roll on Nomad table)
  • 9-12: Foreign heritage, raised in a different culture or city-state (roll on Foreign Culture table)
  • 3-16: Orphaned or abandoned, raised on the streets (roll on Street Urchin table)
  • 7-20: Mysterious background, unknown origins (GM discretion)

City-State: Roll 1d8

  • 1: Athens
  • 2: Sparta
  • 3: Thebes
  • 4: Corinth
  • 5: Argos
  • 6: Rhodes
  • 7: Syracuse
  • 8: Pergamon

Nomad: Roll 1d6

  • 1: Aetolian Tribes
  • 2: Thracian Tribes
  • 3: Scythian Tribes
  • 4: Amazonian Tribes
  • 5: Centaur Clans
  • 6: Trojan Exiles

Foreign Culture: Roll 1d6

  • 1: Egyptian
  • 2: Carthaginian
  • 3: Persian
  • 4: Macedonian
  • 5: Celtic
  • 6: Etruscan 

Street Urchin: Roll 1d6

  • 1: Petty Thief
  • 2: Smuggler's Apprentice
  • 3: Beggar with a Heart of Gold
  • 4: Street Performer
  • 5: Young Revolutionary
  • 6: Enforcer for a Crime Syndicate

Mysterious Background: Roll 1d6

  • 1: Raised by a reclusive scholar
  • 2: Found abandoned with a mysterious artifact
  • 3: Trained in secret arts by a hidden society
  • 4: Survived a supernatural event as a child
  • 5: Raised by animals or mystical creatures
  • 6: Plagued by prophetic dreams or visions

Random Plot Generator

1. Location: Roll a d20 to determine the primary setting of the plot hook:
  • 1-5: Athens
  • 6-10: Alexandria
  • 11-15: Rome
  • 16-20: A remote temple or ruin

2. Inciting Incident: Roll a d6 to determine the initial event that sparks the adventure:
  • 1: A powerful shade has been sighted, believed to be seeking a new host.
  • 2: An artifact of immense power has been unearthed, attracting the attention of various factions.
  • 3: A secret society has uncovered a plot to destabilize a city-state's government.
  • 4: A series of mysterious disappearances are linked to a cult worshipping a forgotten god.
  • 5: A renowned philosopher has gone missing, leaving behind cryptic clues.
  • 6: A prominent political figure has been assassinated, sparking tensions between rival factions.

3. Antagonist: Roll a d8 to determine the primary antagonist or obstacle the players will face:
  • 1: A rival secret society seeking to claim the artifact for their own ends.
  • 2: A corrupted shade manipulating events from the shadows.
  • 3: A rogue philosopher using forbidden knowledge to further their goals.
  • 4: A powerful politician exploiting the chaos for personal gain.
  • 5: A mythical creature unleashed by accident, wreaking havoc.
  • 6: A vengeful deity seeking to reclaim lost worshipers.
  • 7: A faction within the government plotting a coup.
  • 8: A rival adventuring party seeking the same artifact or goal.

4. Twist: Roll a d10 for a twist that complicates the plot:
  • 1: The artifact is a fake, but it leads to a greater mystery.
  • 2: The missing philosopher is actually a shade, manipulating events for their own ends.
  • 3: The assassinated figure has been replaced by a shape-shifter.
  • 4: The disappearances are linked to a secret portal to the underworld.
  • 5: The artifact is cursed, causing those who possess it to slowly lose their minds.
  • 6: The rival secret society is actually a front for a more sinister organization.
  • 7: The mythical creature is being controlled by a puppet master.
  • 8: The artifact is sentient and has its own agenda.
  • 9: The rival adventuring party is actually working for the same goal but with different motives.
  • 10: The entire plot is a deception orchestrated by a mastermind pulling the strings from behind the scenes.


Monday, April 29, 2024

Greek Mechology - Part 7 - Secret Societies

In the shadows of the ancient world, beyond the gaze of common folk and kings alike, lie the clandestine networks of secret societies. These enigmatic organizations, often shrouded in mystery and steeped in tradition, wield influence that transcends borders and time. Some seek to preserve ancient knowledge and protect sacred relics, while others pursue esoteric wisdom or manipulate the course of history to serve their hidden agendas. From the hallowed halls of the Philosopher Kings to the enigmatic chambers of the Pythagoras Order and the Socratic Order, these societies shape the tapestry of Greek Mechology, weaving a web of intrigue and power that stretches across the known world. Welcome to the realm of secrets, where every whisper holds the weight of destiny, and every choice may lead to enlightenment or oblivion.

Secret Organizations - An Overview:

Just some things to think about.

Goals and Agendas: Each organization could have its own goals and agenda, which could range from seeking knowledge and enlightenment to pursuing political power or influence. These goals could be driven by the teachings of their founder or the beliefs of their members.

Membership: Joining a secret organization could require initiation rites, oaths of loyalty, or demonstrations of skill or knowledge. Members could be drawn from all walks of life, from scholars and philosophers to warriors and politicians.

Secrecy: Maintaining secrecy could be crucial for these organizations, as their teachings or activities could be considered heretical or dangerous by mainstream society or ruling powers. They could use codes, symbols, or hidden meeting places to communicate and coordinate their activities.

Interactions with Shades: Some organizations could actively seek out Shades for knowledge or power, while others could oppose them, seeing them as a threat to the natural order or to their own goals. This could lead to conflicts or alliances between organizations, adding depth and complexity to your world.

Solidarity: While these secret organizations are often means of showing Strong sense of camaraderie and shared purpose among members, the fact that it is possible for different sects of the same organization to be at each other’s throats.

The Alchemists Guild

Overview: The Alchemists Guild is a secretive organization based in Alexandria, dedicated to the study and practice of alchemy.

Mysteries of Note: The guild is rumored to have successfully turned lead into gold, but at what cost?

Agenda: To perfect the art of alchemy and attain immortality through the philosopher's stone.

Places of Sway: The Alchemists Guild holds influence in the libraries, laboratories, and arcane academies of Alexandria, where they conduct their experiments and research.

Leader: The Grand Alchemist: The leader of the Alchemists Guild is known as the Grand Alchemist, a title given to the most skilled and knowledgeable alchemist among them. The Grand Alchemist is responsible for overseeing the guild's experiments and research.

Organization: The Alchemists Guild is structured around the pursuit of alchemical knowledge and the transmutation of base metals into gold. Members progress through the guild by demonstrating their understanding of alchemical principles and their ability to perform successful transmutations.

Goal: The Alchemists Guild seeks to perfect the art of alchemy and attain immortality through the creation of the philosopher's stone. They believe that by unlocking the secrets of alchemy, they can transcend the limitations of mortality and achieve eternal life.

Cult Activity: The Alchemists Guild conducts secretive experiments and rituals that involve the transmutation of metals, the creation of elixirs of immortality, and the study of ancient texts and artifacts related to alchemy.

Adventure Hook (Low Level): The party is hired by a member of the Alchemists Guild to retrieve a rare alchemical ingredient—an exotic plant that is believed to hold the key to unlocking the secrets of the philosopher's stone. The plant is rumored to be in the possession of a rival alchemist who seeks to use it for his own experiments.

Adventure Hook (Medium Level): The Alchemists Guild has discovered the location of a hidden laboratory that is believed to contain ancient alchemical texts and artifacts of great importance to their research. They hire the party to accompany them on an expedition to excavate the laboratory and retrieve these treasures, but they soon discover that they are not the only ones interested in what lies within.

Adventure Hook (High Level): The Grand Alchemist of the Alchemists Guild has disappeared under mysterious circumstances, and the guild believes that he has unlocked the secret of the philosopher's stone and gone into hiding to protect it. The party is tasked with tracking down the Grand Alchemist, uncovering the truth behind his disappearance, and ensuring that the philosopher's stone does not fall into the wrong hands.


Advanced knowledge of alchemical principles and practices. 

Access to rare and exotic ingredients for alchemical experiments. 

Strong sense of camaraderie and shared purpose among members.


Obsession with alchemical transmutation can lead to ethical dilemmas and moral compromises. 

Reliance on esoteric and secretive practices that may be misunderstood or dismissed by mainstream society. 

Internal rivalries and power struggles over access to alchemical knowledge and resources.

The Arcane Brotherhood

Overview: The Arcane Brotherhood is a clandestine group of sorcerers and wizards based in Athens, dedicated to the study and practice of forbidden magics and ancient rituals.

Mysteries of Note: The Brotherhood possesses a tome said to contain spells capable of reshaping reality itself.

Agenda: To unearth and master all forms of arcane magic, regardless of the consequences.

Places of Sway: The Arcane Brotherhood operates from hidden chambers beneath Athens, where they conduct their experiments and research into forbidden magics.

Leader: The Archmage: The leader of the Arcane Brotherhood is known as the Archmage, a title given to the most powerful and knowledgeable wizard among them. The Archmage is responsible for overseeing the Brotherhood's magical experiments and rituals.

Organization: The Arcane Brotherhood is organized around the study and practice of arcane magic. Members progress through the ranks by demonstrating their mastery of arcane spells and rituals, as well as their willingness to explore forbidden magics.

Goal: The Arcane Brotherhood seeks to unearth and master all forms of arcane magic, regardless of the consequences. They believe that by unlocking the secrets of forbidden magics, they can achieve ultimate power and reshape reality itself.

Cult Activity: The Arcane Brotherhood conducts secretive rituals and experiments that involve the summoning of otherworldly beings, the casting of powerful spells, and the exploration of ancient tombs and ruins in search of arcane knowledge.

Adventure Hook (Low Level): The party is hired by a member of the Arcane Brotherhood to retrieve a stolen grimoire—an ancient book of spells that is said to contain powerful magic. The grimoire is believed to be in the possession of a rival wizard who seeks to use it for his own dark purposes.

Adventure Hook (Medium Level): The Arcane Brotherhood has discovered the location of a hidden tomb that is believed to contain the remains of a powerful sorcerer. They hire the party to accompany them on an expedition to excavate the tomb and retrieve the sorcerer's artifacts, but they soon discover that they are not the only ones interested in what lies within.

Adventure Hook (High Level): The Archmage of the Arcane Brotherhood has uncovered a ritual that is said to grant ultimate power to whoever completes it. The party is tasked with finding the components of the ritual and performing it, but they soon discover that the ritual comes with a terrible price—one that could cost them their very souls.


Advanced knowledge of arcane spells and rituals. 

Access to forbidden magics and ancient artifacts. 

Strong sense of loyalty and camaraderie among members.


Obsession with forbidden magics can lead to corruption and madness. 

Reliance on secrecy and isolation can lead to a lack of political influence and limited connections outside the Brotherhood. 

Internal rivalries and power struggles over access to arcane knowledge and resources.

Bacchanalia (Dionysian Mysteries)

Overview: The Bacchanalia, also known as the Dionysian Mysteries, were ancient Roman religious festivals dedicated to the worship of Bacchus (Dionysus in Greek), the god of wine, fertility, and ecstasy. The festivals were characterized by wild, drunken revelry, and were believed to bring about a state of divine madness and communion with the god.

Mysteries of Note: The Bacchanalia were shrouded in secrecy, and the details of the rituals and ceremonies were known only to initiates. Participants were believed to experience a form of spiritual ecstasy and liberation from societal norms during the festivals.

Agenda: The Bacchanalia aimed to honor Bacchus through ecstatic rites and rituals, believing that by doing so, they could ensure the fertility of the land, the prosperity of the community, and the continuation of the cycle of life and death.

Places of Sway: The Bacchanalia were celebrated throughout the Roman Empire, with dedicated temples and shrines in major cities where the festivals were held. The rituals were also performed in secluded groves and forests, away from prying eyes.

Leader: The High Priest/Priestess of Bacchus: The leader of the Bacchanalia, chosen for their devotion to Bacchus and their ability to lead others in the ecstatic worship of the god. The High Priest/Priestess played a central role in organizing and conducting the rituals of the festivals.

Organization: The Bacchanalia were organized into groups or cults known as thiasoi, led by a hierophant who oversaw the initiation of new members and the conduct of the rituals. Initiates underwent a period of preparation and purification before being allowed to participate fully in the festivals.

Goal: The Bacchanalia sought to facilitate a mystical union with Bacchus through ecstatic rites and rituals, believing that by doing so, they could tap into the divine power of the god and experience a higher state of consciousness.

Cult Activity: The Bacchanalia involved the consumption of large quantities of wine, music, dancing, and the performance of rituals that were believed to induce a state of divine madness. Initiates were encouraged to let go of their inhibitions and surrender themselves to the will of Bacchus.

Adventure Hook (Low Level): The party is hired by a concerned citizen to investigate rumors of a secret Bacchanalia cult operating in the city. The party must infiltrate the cult, gather evidence of their activities, and report back to the authorities before the festivals lead to unrest or chaos.

Adventure Hook (Medium Level): The High Priest/Priestess of Bacchus seeks the party's help in locating a sacred artifact—an ancient goblet believed to have been used by Bacchus himself. The party must journey to a hidden temple and retrieve the artifact before it falls into the wrong hands.

Adventure Hook (High Level): A series of strange occurrences and natural disasters leads the High Priest/Priestess to believe that Bacchus is angry and must be appeased. The party is tasked with uncovering the source of Bacchus' displeasure and finding a way to restore harmony between the god and his followers, which may involve confronting powerful forces beyond mortal comprehension.


Deep connection to the divine through ecstatic rituals. 

Strong sense of community and shared purpose among followers. 

Access to mystical experiences and altered states of consciousness.


Vulnerability to excess and loss of control during the festivals. 

Susceptibility to manipulation by charismatic leaders or outside influences. 

Persecution by mainstream religious authorities, who viewed the Bacchanalia as a threat to social order and morality.

The Clockwork Collective

Overview: The Clockwork Collective is a secretive group of engineers and inventors based in Rhodes, dedicated to creating clockwork automatons with free will.

Mysteries of Note: They are rumored to possess a functioning automaton capable of independent thought and emotion.

Agenda: To blur the line between machine and man, creating a new race of sentient beings.

Places of Sway: The Clockwork Collective operates from hidden workshops and laboratories in Rhodes, where they conduct their experiments and research into clockwork technology.

Leader: The Grand Artificer: The leader of the Clockwork Collective is known as the Grand Artificer, a title given to the most skilled and innovative inventor among them. The Grand Artificer is responsible for overseeing the Collective's experiments and creations.

Organization: The Clockwork Collective is structured around the creation and advancement of clockwork technology. Members progress through the ranks by demonstrating their skill in clockwork engineering and their commitment to the Collective's goals.

Goal: The Clockwork Collective seeks to blur the line between machine and man by creating clockwork automatons with free will. They believe that by imbuing their creations with the ability to think and feel, they can create a new race of sentient beings.

Cult Activity: The Clockwork Collective conducts secretive experiments and rituals that involve the creation and enhancement of clockwork automatons. These rituals are designed to imbue their creations with free will and consciousness, blurring the line between machine and sentient being.

Adventure Hook (Low Level): The party is hired by a member of the Clockwork Collective to retrieve a stolen blueprint—an intricate design for a new type of clockwork automaton. The blueprint is believed to be in the possession of a rival inventor who seeks to use it for his own creations.

Adventure Hook (Medium Level): The Clockwork Collective has discovered the location of a hidden cache of ancient clockwork artifacts that are believed to hold the key to creating sentient automatons. They hire the party to accompany them on an expedition to excavate the cache and retrieve these artifacts, but they soon discover that they are not the only ones interested in what lies within.

Adventure Hook (High Level): The Grand Artificer of the Clockwork Collective has developed a revolutionary new clockwork technology that is said to surpass anything that has come before. The party is tasked with protecting the Grand Artificer and his invention from rival inventors and saboteurs who seek to steal his secrets and destroy his work.


Advanced knowledge of clockwork engineering and technology.

Access to rare and exotic materials for clockwork creations.

Strong sense of innovation and creativity among members.


Obsession with creating sentient automatons can lead to ethical dilemmas and moral conflicts.

Reliance on secrecy and isolation can lead to a lack of political influence and limited connections outside the Collective.

Internal rivalries and power struggles over access to clockwork technology and resources.

Cult of Asclepius

Overview: The Cult of Asclepius was a religious group dedicated to the worship of Asclepius, the Greek god of healing and medicine. Followers of the cult participated in secretive rituals and sought healing and guidance through dreams believed to be sent by Asclepius.

Mysteries of Note: The cult believed that Asclepius could communicate with his followers through dreams, offering guidance, healing, and divine wisdom. Initiates of the cult often reported vivid dreams in which Asclepius appeared to them, providing them with instructions for healing and spiritual growth.

Agenda: The Cult of Asclepius aimed to provide its followers with physical and spiritual healing through their worship of Asclepius. The cult emphasized the importance of faith, prayer, and ritual in achieving these goals.

Places of Sway: The cult was popular throughout the Greek world, with temples dedicated to Asclepius found in major cities and healing centers. The cult's teachings and practices were often incorporated into mainstream medical practices, blurring the lines between religion and medicine.

Leader: The High Priest of Asclepius: The leader of the Cult of Asclepius, known as the high priest, was responsible for overseeing the cult's rituals and ceremonies, as well as interpreting the dreams of Asclepius' followers. The high priest was believed to have a special connection to Asclepius, allowing them to communicate with the god on behalf of the cult's followers.

Organization: The Cult of Asclepius was organized hierarchically, with various levels of initiation and knowledge. Initiates progressed through these levels by demonstrating their commitment to Asclepius and their willingness to follow the cult's teachings and practices.

Goal: The goal of the Cult of Asclepius was to provide its followers with physical and spiritual healing through their worship of Asclepius. The cult aimed to offer comfort and solace to those suffering from illness or injury, as well as guidance and wisdom to those seeking spiritual enlightenment.

Cult Activity: The cult's rituals and ceremonies often involved prayer, offerings, and the recitation of hymns and incantations dedicated to Asclepius. Initiates would sleep in the temple's dormitories, hoping to receive healing dreams sent by Asclepius.

Adventure Hook (Low Level): The party is hired by a group of pilgrims to escort them to a temple of Asclepius, where they hope to receive healing for their ailments. Along the way, they must protect the pilgrims from bandits and wild animals, as well as navigate the political and religious tensions surrounding the cult.

Adventure Hook (Medium Level): A series of mysterious deaths at a temple of Asclepius leads the party to investigate rumors of foul play. They must uncover the truth behind the deaths, unraveling a conspiracy that threatens the sanctity of the cult and the safety of its followers.

Adventure Hook (High Level): The high priest of Asclepius seeks the party's help in uncovering a plot by a rival cult to discredit and destroy the cult of Asclepius. The party must uncover the conspirators, expose their plans, and protect the sanctity of the cult before it's too late.


Strong belief in the healing powers of Asclepius. 

Access to ancient healing techniques and rituals. 

Close-knit community of followers who support one another.


Reliance on dreams and visions for guidance, which can be unreliable. 

Vulnerability to persecution by mainstream religious authorities. 

Limited understanding and acceptance outside of the cult's followers.

The Cult of Hecate

Overview: The Cult of Hecate is a secretive society dedicated to the worship of Hecate, the goddess of magic, witchcraft, and the moon. They believe that Hecate is a powerful deity who can grant them mystical powers and protect them from harm, and they seek to appease her through secretive rituals and ceremonies.

Mysteries of Note: The Cult of Hecate is said to possess ancient texts and artifacts that contain the secrets of magic and sorcery. These texts are believed to hold the key to unlocking the full extent of Hecate's power and gaining favor in her eyes.

Agenda: The Cult of Hecate aims to gain favor with Hecate and receive her blessings in the form of magical powers and protection. They believe that by worshiping Hecate and performing rituals in her honor, they can harness the power of the moon and wield it to their advantage.

Places of Sway: The Cult of Hecate holds sway in hidden temples and sanctuaries dedicated to the goddess. These places are often located in remote or inaccessible locations, away from prying eyes and the influence of mainstream society.

Leader: The High Priestess: The leader of the Cult of Hecate is known as the High Priestess, a title given to the most skilled and powerful witch within the cult. The High Priestess is believed to have a direct connection to Hecate and is responsible for leading the cult in its worship and rituals.

Organization: The Cult of Hecate is organized hierarchically, with various levels of initiation and knowledge. Initiates progress through these levels by demonstrating their understanding of magic and their devotion to Hecate.

Goal: The Cult of Hecate seeks to gain mystical powers and protection through their worship of the goddess. They believe that by aligning themselves with Hecate and performing rituals in her honor, they can gain the ability to perform magic and influence the world around them.

Cult Activity: The Cult of Hecate conducts secretive rituals and ceremonies that involve the use of incantations, potions, and sacrifices. These rituals are designed to invoke the power of Hecate and gain her favor, as well as to commune with spirits and otherworldly beings.

Adventure Hook (Low Level): The party is hired by a member of the Cult of Hecate to retrieve a stolen artifact—a magical talisman that is said to contain the essence of Hecate herself. The artifact is believed to have been stolen by a rival faction that seeks to use its power for their own nefarious purposes.

Adventure Hook (Medium Level): The Cult of Hecate has discovered the existence of a hidden coven of witches who practice dark and forbidden magic. They hire the party to infiltrate the coven and retrieve a powerful magical artifact that they believe is being used to perform malevolent spells and curses.

Adventure Hook (High Level): The High Priestess of the Cult of Hecate has received a vision that foretells of a great magical catastrophe that will befall the world unless a series of mystical rituals are performed. The party is tasked with locating the sites of these rituals, deciphering their secrets, and performing them to prevent the catastrophe from occurring. Along the way, they must confront powerful sorcerers, navigate treacherous magical realms, and make sacrifices that will test their loyalty to the cult and their own moral compass.


Advanced knowledge of magic and sorcery.

Access to ancient texts and artifacts related to Hecate's worship.

Strong sense of devotion and loyalty among members.


Secrecy and isolation can lead to a lack of understanding and acceptance by mainstream society.

Reliance on dark and forbidden magic that may have unintended consequences.

Internal power struggles and rivalries that can undermine the unity of the cult.

Cult of Magna Mater (Cybele)

Overview: The Cult of Magna Mater, also known as the Cybele cult, was a secretive religious movement originating in Asia Minor. It focused on the worship of Cybele, the Great Mother Goddess, and was known for its ecstatic rites and secretive nature.

Mysteries of Note: The Cult of Magna Mater was shrouded in mystery, with its rituals and ceremonies known only to initiates. Participants were believed to experience a form of divine ecstasy and communion with the goddess during these rites.

Agenda: The Cult of Magna Mater aimed to honor Cybele through rituals and ceremonies that celebrated fertility, nature, and the cycle of life and death. They believed that by worshiping Cybele, they could ensure the prosperity and well-being of their communities.

Places of Sway: The Cult of Magna Mater was most prominent in Asia Minor, where it originated, but it spread throughout the Roman Empire, with temples and shrines dedicated to Cybele in major cities. The cult also conducted rituals in secluded groves and caves, away from prying eyes.

Leader: The High Priest/Priestess of Cybele: The leader of the Cult of Magna Mater, chosen for their devotion to Cybele and their ability to lead others in the worship of the goddess. The High Priest/Priestess played a central role in organizing and conducting the rituals of the cult.

Organization: The Cult of Magna Mater was organized into small, secretive groups known as collegia, each led by a hierophant who oversaw the initiation of new members and the conduct of the rituals. Initiates underwent a period of preparation and purification before being allowed to participate fully in the cult's activities.

Goal: The Cult of Magna Mater sought to facilitate a mystical union with Cybele through ecstatic rites and rituals, believing that by doing so, they could tap into the divine power of the goddess and experience a higher state of consciousness.

Cult Activity: The Cult of Magna Mater involved the performance of rituals and ceremonies that celebrated fertility, nature, and the divine feminine. Participants engaged in ecstatic dances, music, and chanting, often working themselves into a state of divine frenzy.

Adventure Hook (Low Level): The party is hired by a concerned citizen to investigate rumors of a secret cult operating in the city. The party must infiltrate the cult, gather evidence of their activities, and report back to the authorities before the cult's practices lead to unrest or chaos.

Adventure Hook (Medium Level): The High Priest/Priestess of Cybele seeks the party's help in locating a sacred artifact—an ancient statue believed to embody the spirit of Cybele. The party must journey to a hidden temple and retrieve the artifact before it falls into the wrong hands.

Adventure Hook (High Level): A series of natural disasters and omens leads the High Priest/Priestess to believe that Cybele is angry and must be appeased. The party is tasked with uncovering the source of Cybele's displeasure and finding a way to restore harmony between the goddess and her followers, which may involve confronting powerful forces beyond mortal comprehension.


Deep connection to the divine through ecstatic rituals.

Strong sense of community and shared purpose among followers.

Access to mystical experiences and altered states of consciousness.


Vulnerability to excess and loss of control during the rituals.

Susceptibility to persecution by mainstream religious authorities.

Reliance on secrecy and isolation, which can limit their influence and reach.

Cult of Sol Invictus

Overview: The Cult of Sol Invictus, meaning the "Unconquered Sun," was a Roman cult that became prominent only recently. It focused on the worship of the sun as a deity and had secretive rituals that were known only to its initiates.

Mysteries of Note: The mysteries of the Cult of Sol Invictus likely revolved around the significance of the sun as a symbol of power, vitality, and divinity. Initiates of the cult would have been taught the sacred nature of the sun and its role in the cosmos.

Agenda: The cult of Sol Invictus aimed to honor and worship the sun as a divine entity, believing that by doing so, they could gain its favor and blessings. The cult likely sought to promote the values of strength, endurance, and resilience that were associated with the sun.

Places of Sway: The cult of Sol Invictus would have had temples and shrines dedicated to the sun, where its rituals and ceremonies were conducted. These temples would have been located in cities and towns throughout the Roman Empire, particularly in regions where the cult was popular.

Leader: The High Priest of Sol Invictus: The leader of the cult would have been a high priest dedicated to the worship of Sol Invictus. The high priest would have been responsible for overseeing the rituals and ceremonies of the cult and ensuring that its teachings were upheld.

Organization: The cult of Sol Invictus was likely organized hierarchically, with priests, priestesses, and initiates serving different roles within the cult. Initiates of the cult would have progressed through various levels of initiation and knowledge, gaining access to deeper mysteries and teachings.

Goal: The goal of the cult of Sol Invictus was to honor and worship the sun as a divine entity, seeking its favor and blessings for its members and the Roman Empire as a whole. The cult aimed to promote the values of strength, endurance, and resilience that were associated with the sun.

Cult Activity: The cult of Sol Invictus would have conducted rituals and ceremonies that honored and celebrated the sun. These rituals may have included prayers, hymns, and offerings of incense and food to the sun. The cult likely also practiced solar meditation, where initiates would meditate on the sun's power and divinity.

Adventure Hook (Low Level): The party is hired by a member of the cult to retrieve a stolen artifact—a sacred symbol of the sun that was taken from a temple. The artifact is believed to hold great power and significance, and its theft threatens to anger Sol Invictus. The party must track down the thieves, recover the artifact, and return it to its rightful place before disaster strikes.

Adventure Hook (Medium Level): A series of mysterious deaths leads the party to investigate rumors of a cult that worships Sol Invictus and practices secretive rituals involving human sacrifice. The cult is believed to be using its rituals to gain power and influence in the city, and the party must infiltrate the cult, uncover its secrets, and put an end to its activities before more lives are lost.

Adventure Hook (High Level): The High Priest of Sol Invictus seeks the party's help in uncovering a plot by a rival cult to discredit and destroy the cult of Sol Invictus. The party must uncover the conspirators, expose their plans, and protect the sanctity of the cult before it's too late.


Believed to have the favor of Sol Invictus, ensuring strength, endurance, and resilience among its members. 

Strong sense of community and devotion among its followers. 

Access to sacred rites and teachings that are believed to hold great power and significance.


Reliance on the favor of Sol Invictus, which could lead to overconfidence and complacency. 

Vulnerability to persecution and suppression by authorities who disapprove of the cult's practices. 

Limited understanding and acceptance outside of the cult, which could isolate its members from mainstream society.

The Cult of the Serpent

Overview: The Cult of the Serpent is a secretive cult nestled in the ruins of Delphi, worshiping a primordial serpent deity and seeking to awaken it from its slumber.

Mysteries of Note: They possess ancient scrolls detailing rituals to commune with the serpent god.

Agenda: To usher in a new age under the rule of their deity, bringing chaos and destruction to the world.

Places of Sway: The Cult of the Serpent operates from hidden temples and underground chambers in the ruins of Delphi, where they conduct their rituals and ceremonies.

Leader: The High Priestess: The leader of the Cult of the Serpent is known as the High Priestess, a title given to the most devout and fanatical follower among them. The High Priestess is responsible for interpreting the will of the serpent deity and guiding the cult's actions.

Organization: The Cult of the Serpent is organized around the worship of their deity and the fulfillment of its desires. Members progress through the ranks by demonstrating their devotion to the serpent god and their willingness to sacrifice for its glory.

Goal: The Cult of the Serpent seeks to awaken their deity from its slumber and bring about a new age of chaos and destruction. They believe that by following the ancient rituals and prophecies, they can hasten the serpent god's return to power.

Cult Activity: The Cult of the Serpent conducts secretive rituals and ceremonies that involve the sacrifice of animals and sometimes humans. These rituals are designed to appease their deity and prepare the world for its awakening.

Adventure Hook (Low Level): The party is hired by a group of villagers who fear that their children have been abducted by the Cult of the Serpent for use in their rituals. The party must infiltrate the cult's temple and rescue the children before they are sacrificed.

Adventure Hook (Medium Level): The Cult of the Serpent has discovered the location of an ancient artifact that is said to be the key to awakening their deity. They hire the party to retrieve the artifact from its hidden location and bring it to their temple, but they soon discover that other factions are also seeking the artifact for their own purposes.

Adventure Hook (High Level): The High Priestess of the Cult of the Serpent has received a vision that foretells the coming of a great cataclysm that will herald the return of their deity. The party is tasked with preparing for the cataclysm and ensuring that the cult's rituals are carried out without interference, even as other factions seek to stop them.


Fanatical devotion to their deity. 

Access to ancient scrolls and artifacts related to serpent worship. 

Strong sense of community and purpose among members.


Reliance on ancient prophecies and rituals that may be misinterpreted or misunderstood. 

Isolation and secrecy can lead to a lack of resources and support from outside factions. 

Vulnerability to infiltration and sabotage by rival factions and adventurers.

The Cult of the Veiled Oracle

Overview: The Cult of the Veiled Oracle is a secretive cult hidden deep within the forests of Arcadia, revering a mysterious oracle said to possess the gift of prophecy.

Mysteries of Note: The oracle's predictions are eerily accurate, leading many to believe she is truly blessed by the gods.

Agenda: To interpret the oracle's prophecies and use them to manipulate events to their advantage.

Places of Sway: The Cult of the Veiled Oracle holds sway in the forests of Arcadia, where they conduct their secretive rituals and ceremonies.

Leader: The High Seer: The leader of the Cult of the Veiled Oracle is known as the High Seer, a title given to the most skilled and revered member among them. The High Seer is believed to be able to interpret the oracle's prophecies and guide the cult in their actions.

Organization: The Cult of the Veiled Oracle is organized around the worship of the oracle and the belief in her prophetic powers. Members progress through the ranks by demonstrating their devotion to the oracle and their ability to interpret her prophecies.

Goal: The Cult of the Veiled Oracle seeks to use the oracle's prophecies to manipulate events and gain power and influence in the region.

Cult Activity: The Cult of the Veiled Oracle conducts secretive rituals and ceremonies to commune with the oracle and receive her prophecies. These rituals often involve the use of mind-altering substances and chanting, which the cult believes helps them to receive the oracle's messages more clearly.

Adventure Hook (Low Level): The party is hired by a local noble to investigate rumors of a powerful seer living in the forest who is said to possess the gift of prophecy. They soon discover that the seer is actually a member of the Cult of the Veiled Oracle and is using her powers to manipulate events in the region.

Adventure Hook (Medium Level): The Cult of the Veiled Oracle has received a prophecy that a great calamity will befall the region unless a series of rituals are performed to appease the gods. They hire the party to help them perform these rituals, but the party soon discovers that the rituals may have unintended consequences.

Adventure Hook (High Level): The High Seer of the Cult of the Veiled Oracle has received a prophecy that foretells the rise of a powerful new empire in the region. The party is hired by rival factions to either prevent or ensure the fulfillment of this prophecy, leading to a confrontation with the cult and its leaders.


Belief in the oracle's prophetic powers and the importance of her prophecies.

Access to mind-altering substances and rituals that enhance their prophetic visions.

Strong sense of community and devotion among members.


Reliance on the oracle's prophecies can lead to misinterpretation and manipulation.

Isolation and secrecy can lead to a lack of understanding and support from outside their cult.

Prophecies may be open to interpretation and manipulation by outside forces.

Cult of Venus Erycina

Overview: The Cult of Venus Erycina was a secretive cult centered around the goddess Venus, particularly worshiped at Eryx in Sicily. The cult was known for its sacred prostitution and secretive rites, which were believed to honor Venus and ensure fertility, prosperity, and love.

Mysteries of Note: The mysteries of the Cult of Venus Erycina were closely guarded secrets known only to initiates of the cult. These mysteries likely involved rituals and ceremonies that celebrated the beauty and power of Venus and sought her blessings for the members of the cult.

Agenda: The cult of Venus Erycina aimed to honor and appease Venus through rituals and offerings, believing that by doing so, they could ensure her favor and blessings. The cult likely played a role in promoting fertility, love, and prosperity among its members and the community at large.

Places of Sway: The cult of Venus Erycina would have been centered in Eryx, a city in Sicily where the goddess was particularly venerated. Temples dedicated to Venus Erycina may have been located in Eryx and other cities where the cult had a presence.

Leader: The High Priestess of Venus: The leader of the cult would have been a high priestess dedicated to the worship of Venus Erycina. The high priestess would have been responsible for overseeing the rituals and ceremonies of the cult and ensuring that its teachings were upheld.

Organization: The cult of Venus Erycina was likely organized hierarchically, with priests, priestesses, and initiates serving different roles within the cult. Initiates of the cult would have progressed through various levels of initiation and knowledge, gaining access to deeper mysteries and teachings.

Goal: The goal of the cult of Venus Erycina was to honor and appease Venus through worship and offerings, seeking her favor and blessings for the members of the cult and the community at large. The cult aimed to promote fertility, love, and prosperity through its rituals and ceremonies.

Cult Activity: The cult of Venus Erycina would have conducted rituals and ceremonies that honored and celebrated the goddess Venus. These rituals may have included sacred prostitution, where temple priestesses engaged in sexual acts as a form of worship. Other rituals may have involved offerings of flowers, incense, and food to Venus, as well as prayers and hymns sung in her honor.

Adventure Hook (Low Level): The party is hired by a wealthy patron to retrieve a stolen artifact—a statue of Venus Erycina that was taken from a temple in Sicily. The statue is believed to hold great power and significance, and its theft threatens to anger the goddess. The party must track down the thieves, recover the statue, and return it to its rightful place before disaster strikes.

Adventure Hook (Medium Level): A series of mysterious disappearances leads the party to investigate rumors of a cult that worships Venus Erycina and practices sacred prostitution. The cult is believed to be using its rituals to manipulate and control influential figures in the city, and the party must infiltrate the cult, uncover its secrets, and put an end to its activities before it can cause further harm.

Adventure Hook (High Level): The High Priestess of Venus Erycina seeks the party's help in uncovering a plot by a rival cult to discredit and destroy the cult of Venus Erycina. The party must uncover the conspirators, expose their plans, and protect the sanctity of the cult before it's too late.


Believed to have the favor of Venus, ensuring fertility, prosperity, and love among its members.

Strong sense of community and devotion among its followers.

Access to sacred rites and teachings that are believed to hold great power and significance.


Reliance on the favor of Venus, which could lead to overconfidence and complacency.

Vulnerability to persecution and suppression by authorities who disapprove of the cult's practices.

Limited understanding and acceptance outside of the cult, which could isolate its members from mainstream society.

Dacian Draco

Overview: The Dacian Draco was a type of dragon standard used in battle by the Dacian people of ancient Romania. The Draco was a symbol of power and protection, believed to possess magical properties that could aid the Dacian warriors in battle. The cult of the Dacian Draco venerated this standard as a sacred object, believing it to be a manifestation of divine power.

Mysteries of Note: The mysteries of the Dacian Draco were closely guarded secrets known only to a select few within the cult. These mysteries likely involved rituals and ceremonies that invoked the power of the Draco and sought its protection and guidance in times of war.

Agenda: The cult of the Dacian Draco aimed to harness the power of the Draco to protect the Dacian people and ensure their success in battle. The cult likely played a role in bolstering the morale of Dacian warriors and instilling in them a sense of divine favor.

Places of Sway: The cult of the Dacian Draco would have been centered in Dacia, the ancient kingdom located in modern-day Romania. Temples or shrines dedicated to the Draco may have been located in strategic locations, such as near fortresses or on prominent hilltops.

Leader: The Draco Keeper: The leader of the cult would have been known as the Draco Keeper, responsible for safeguarding the Draco and overseeing its use in rituals and ceremonies. The Draco Keeper would have been a respected and revered figure within Dacian society.

Organization: The cult of the Dacian Draco was likely organized hierarchically, with priests and priestesses serving as intermediaries between the divine power of the Draco and the people. Initiates of the cult would have progressed through various levels of initiation and knowledge, gaining access to deeper mysteries and teachings.

Goal: The goal of the cult of the Dacian Draco was to protect the Dacian people and ensure their success in battle. The cult aimed to harness the power of the Draco to inspire courage in Dacian warriors and strike fear into the hearts of their enemies.

Cult Activity: The cult of the Dacian Draco would have conducted rituals and ceremonies that involved the veneration of the Draco and the invocation of its power. These rituals may have included offerings, prayers, and the performance of symbolic acts that represented the power of the Draco.

Adventure Hook (Low Level):The party is hired by a Dacian chieftain to retrieve a stolen Draco, believed to have been taken by a rival tribe. The Draco is said to possess great power and significance, and its theft threatens to weaken the chieftain's hold over his people. The party must track down the thieves, recover the Draco, and return it to its rightful place before it's too late.

Adventure Hook (Medium Level): A series of mysterious attacks on Dacian villages leads the party to investigate rumors of a rogue cult that has begun to worship a corrupted version of the Draco. The cult seeks to use the power of the Draco for their own nefarious purposes, and the party must stop them before they can unleash chaos and destruction upon the land.

Adventure Hook (High Level): The Draco Keeper seeks the party's help in uncovering a plot by a rival kingdom to steal the Draco and use its power to conquer Dacia. The party must uncover the conspirators, expose their plans, and protect the Draco at all costs, lest it fall into the wrong hands and bring ruin to the Dacian people.


Believed to possess magical powers that could aid the Dacian warriors in battle.

Symbol of power and protection, instilling courage in Dacian warriors and striking fear into their enemies.

Close-knit community of followers who are fiercely loyal to the cult and its teachings.


Reliance on the Draco for protection and success in battle, which could lead to overconfidence and reckless behavior.

Vulnerability to theft or destruction of the Draco, which could weaken the morale of the Dacian warriors and undermine the authority of the cult.

Limited understanding and acceptance outside of Dacian society, which could isolate the cult from potential allies.

Dii Consentes

Overview: The Dii Consentes were the twelve major deities of the Roman pantheon, whose cults and mysteries were often secretive and reserved for the elite. These deities were considered the most important and powerful gods and goddesses in Roman religion, and their worship was central to Roman religious practice.

Mysteries of Note: The mysteries of the Dii Consentes were closely guarded secrets known only to a select few. Initiates of the cults dedicated to these deities were believed to receive special blessings and protections from the gods, as well as insights into the nature of the divine.

Agenda: The cults of the Dii Consentes aimed to maintain the favor and protection of the gods through rituals, sacrifices, and prayers. The cults also played a role in reinforcing social hierarchy and promoting the values of Roman society.

Places of Sway: Temples dedicated to the Dii Consentes were found throughout the Roman Empire, with the most important temples located in Rome itself. These temples served as centers of religious and social life, where the elite could worship and seek the favor of the gods.

Leader: The Pontifex Maximus: The Pontifex Maximus was the high priest of the Roman state religion and the chief authority on religious matters. The Pontifex Maximus oversaw the cults of the Dii Consentes and ensured that their rituals and ceremonies were conducted correctly.

Organization: The cults dedicated to the Dii Consentes were organized hierarchically, with priests and priestesses serving as intermediaries between the gods and the people. Initiates of the cults progressed through various levels of initiation and knowledge, gaining access to deeper mysteries and teachings.

Goal: The goal of the cults of the Dii Consentes was to maintain the favor and protection of the gods through worship and devotion. The cults aimed to ensure the prosperity and well-being of the Roman state and its people by honoring the gods and fulfilling their religious duties.

Cult Activity: The cults of the Dii Consentes conducted rituals and ceremonies that involved prayer, sacrifice, and offerings to the gods. These rituals were often elaborate and highly symbolic, designed to communicate with the gods and seek their blessings.

Adventure Hook (Low Level): The party is hired by a wealthy patron to retrieve a stolen relic—a sacred object dedicated to one of the Dii Consentes. The relic is believed to hold great power and significance, and its theft threatens to anger the gods. The party must track down the thieves, recover the relic, and return it to its rightful place before disaster strikes.

Adventure Hook (Medium Level): A series of strange omens and portents leads the party to investigate rumors of a secret cult dedicated to one of the Dii Consentes. They must infiltrate the cult, uncover its secrets, and put an end to its activities before it can cause harm to the Roman state and its people.

Adventure Hook (High Level): The Pontifex Maximus seeks the party's help in uncovering a plot by a rival cult to discredit and destroy the cults of the Dii Consentes. The party must uncover the conspirators, expose their plans, and protect the sanctity of the cults before it's too late.


·       Central role in Roman religious and social life.

·       Access to ancient rituals and teachings.

·       Close ties to the Roman elite and political establishment.


·       Reliance on secrecy and elitism, which can alienate the common people.

·       Vulnerability to political and social upheaval.

·       Limited understanding and acceptance outside of Roman culture.

Eleusinian Mysteries

Overview: The Eleusinian Mysteries were a major festival in ancient Greece dedicated to Demeter, the goddess of agriculture, and her daughter Persephone, queen of the underworld. The mysteries were known for their secretive rituals and teachings about the afterlife.

Mysteries of Note: The Eleusinian Mysteries were known for their promise of divine revelation and insight into the afterlife. Initiates were believed to undergo a process of spiritual transformation and enlightenment through their participation in the mysteries.

Agenda: The Eleusinian Mysteries aimed to provide initiates with a deeper understanding of the cycle of life and death and their place within the natural order. The mysteries emphasized the importance of agriculture and the cycles of nature in Greek society.

Places of Sway: The Eleusinian Mysteries were centered around the sanctuary of Eleusis, near Athens, where the main rituals and ceremonies took place. The sanctuary was considered a sacred place of great spiritual significance to the ancient Greeks.

Leader: The Hierophant: The leader of the Eleusinian Mysteries, known as the hierophant, was responsible for overseeing the initiation ceremonies and teachings of the cult. The hierophant was considered a sacred figure with deep knowledge of the mysteries.

Organization: The Eleusinian Mysteries were organized hierarchically, with several levels of initiation and knowledge. Initiates progressed through these levels by demonstrating their understanding of the teachings and principles of the mysteries.

Goal: The goal of the Eleusinian Mysteries was to provide initiates with a deeper understanding of the mysteries of life and death, and their connection to the cycles of nature. The mysteries aimed to offer comfort and reassurance to initiates about the nature of the afterlife.

Cult Activity: The Eleusinian Mysteries involved rituals and ceremonies that celebrated the cycle of life and death, as well as the mysteries of the agricultural cycle. Initiates participated in feasts, processions, and symbolic reenactments of the myths of Demeter and Persephone.

Adventure Hook (Low Level): The party is invited to attend the Eleusinian Mysteries as guests of a prominent citizen. They must navigate the complex rituals and ceremonies of the festival, uncovering its secrets and mysteries along the way.

Adventure Hook (Medium Level): A series of mysterious disappearances in the countryside leads the party to investigate rumors of a secret cult operating in the area. They must infiltrate the cult, uncover its connection to the Eleusinian Mysteries, and put an end to its activities before more lives are lost.

Adventure Hook (High Level): The hierophant of the Eleusinian Mysteries seeks the party's help in uncovering a plot to desecrate the sanctuary of Eleusis. The party must uncover the conspirators, thwart their plans, and protect the sanctity of the mysteries before it's too late.


·       Deep spiritual significance and reverence among followers.

·       Access to ancient teachings and rituals that offer insight into the afterlife.

·       Strong sense of community and shared purpose among initiates.


·       Reliance on secrecy and isolation, which can limit their influence.

·       Vulnerability to persecution by mainstream religious authorities.

·       Limited appeal outside of Greece and the Greek-speaking world.

Etruscan Haruspices

Overview: The Etruscan Haruspices were priests in Etruscan society who practiced divination through the inspection of entrails of sacrificed animals, often in secretive ceremonies. They believed that the gods communicated their will through the patterns and characteristics of the entrails, and they played a crucial role in advising rulers and making important decisions.

Mysteries of Note: The Etruscan Haruspices were known for their ability to interpret the will of the gods through the examination of entrails. They were believed to possess a deep understanding of the divine and the ability to foretell future events.

Agenda: The Etruscan Haruspices sought to maintain their influence and authority in Etruscan society by serving as intermediaries between the gods and the people. They believed that their divinations could guide rulers and ensure the prosperity and security of the Etruscan city-states.

Places of Sway: The Etruscan Haruspices held sway in the religious and political spheres of Etruscan society, advising rulers and conducting rituals in sacred sites and temples dedicated to the gods.

Leader: The Chief Haruspex: The leader of the Etruscan Haruspices, appointed based on their skill and experience in divination. The Chief Haruspex is responsible for overseeing the practice of haruspicy and interpreting the will of the gods.

Organization: The Etruscan Haruspices were organized into a hierarchical structure, with different ranks and roles based on skill and experience. Initiates underwent rigorous training in the art of haruspicy, learning to interpret the signs and symbols present in the entrails of sacrificed animals.

Goal: The Etruscan Haruspices aimed to maintain their influence and authority in Etruscan society by providing accurate and insightful divinations to rulers and individuals seeking guidance. They believed that their knowledge of the divine gave them a unique perspective on the world and its workings.

Cult Activity: The Etruscan Haruspices conducted secretive ceremonies and rituals involving the sacrifice of animals and the examination of their entrails. These rituals were believed to allow them to commune with the gods and receive their guidance and wisdom.

Adventure Hook (Low Level): The party is hired by a local ruler to investigate rumors of a rogue haruspex who is conducting unauthorized divinations and spreading dissent. The party must track down the rogue priest and uncover their motives before they cause further trouble.

Adventure Hook (Medium Level): The Chief Haruspex seeks the party's help in locating a rare and powerful artifact—an ancient tome containing the secret teachings and prophecies of the Etruscan Haruspices. The party must journey to a hidden temple and retrieve the artifact before it falls into the wrong hands.

Adventure Hook (High Level): A series of ominous omens and portents leads the Chief Haruspex to believe that a great calamity is about to befall the Etruscan city-states. The party is tasked with uncovering the source of these omens and preventing the impending disaster, which may involve confronting powerful forces beyond mortal comprehension.


Deep understanding of divination and the will of the gods. 

Access to sacred rituals and artifacts that can influence events. 

Strong influence over rulers and decision-makers in Etruscan society.


Reliance on the interpretation of signs and symbols, which can be subjective and open to misinterpretation. 

Vulnerability to manipulation by unscrupulous individuals seeking to exploit their beliefs for personal gain. 

Internal rivalries and power struggles within the ranks of the Haruspices, which can undermine their authority and effectiveness.

The Hermetic Order

Overview: The Hermetic Order is a secretive society dedicated to the teachings of Hermes Trismegistus, a legendary figure associated with wisdom, magic, and alchemy. They believe that Hermes Trismegistus was a divine messenger who revealed hidden knowledge to humanity, and they seek to unlock the secrets of the universe through the study of Hermetic teachings.

Mysteries of Note: The Hermetic Order is said to possess ancient texts and artifacts that contain the secrets of alchemy, astrology, and mystical philosophy. These texts are believed to hold the key to understanding the nature of reality and achieving spiritual enlightenment.

Agenda: The Hermetic Order aims to pursue spiritual and intellectual enlightenment through the study of Hermetic teachings. They seek to unlock the secrets of the universe and transcend the limitations of the material world.

Places of Sway: The Hermetic Order holds sway in libraries, academies, and secret chambers where they study and practice Hermetic teachings. They are particularly influential in Alexandria, Athens, and Rome, where they have established centers of learning and scholarship.

Leader: The Magus: The leader of the Hermetic Order is known as the Magus, a title given to the most skilled and knowledgeable member of the order. The Magus is believed to have attained a high level of spiritual enlightenment and is responsible for guiding the order in its pursuit of Hermetic knowledge.

Organization: The Hermetic Order is organized hierarchically, with various levels of initiation and knowledge. Initiates progress through these levels by demonstrating their understanding of Hermetic teachings and their ability to apply them in practice.

Goal: The Hermetic Order seeks to unlock the secrets of the universe and achieve spiritual enlightenment through the study and practice of Hermetic teachings. They believe that by understanding the hidden laws of the universe, they can transcend the limitations of the material world and attain a higher state of being.

Cult Activity: The Hermetic Order conducts secretive rituals and ceremonies that involve meditation, contemplation, and the use of alchemical substances. These rituals are designed to deepen the members' understanding of Hermetic teachings and their connection to the divine.

Adventure Hook (Low Level): The party is hired by a member of the Hermetic Order to retrieve a stolen ancient text that contains the secrets of alchemy. The text is believed to be in the possession of a rival faction that seeks to use its knowledge for nefarious purposes.

Adventure Hook (Medium Level): The Hermetic Order has discovered the existence of a hidden chamber beneath a major city that is believed to contain ancient artifacts of great importance to their order. They hire the party to accompany them on an expedition to excavate the chamber and retrieve these artifacts, but they soon discover that they are not the only ones interested in what lies beneath the city. Rival scholars, treasure hunters, and even supernatural entities are also seeking to claim the chamber's contents.

Adventure Hook (High Level): The Magus of the Hermetic Order has received a vision that foretells of a great cataclysm that will befall the world unless a series of mystical artifacts are brought together and activated. The party is tasked with locating these artifacts, deciphering their secrets, and using them to prevent the cataclysm from occurring. Along the way, they must navigate ancient mysteries, confront powerful adversaries, and make difficult choices that will determine the fate of the world.


Advanced knowledge of alchemy, astrology, and mystical philosophy.

Access to ancient texts and artifacts related to Hermetic teachings.

Strong sense of spiritual and intellectual pursuit among members.


Secrecy and isolation can lead to a lack of political influence and limited connections outside the order.

Reliance on esoteric and complex teachings that may be misunderstood or dismissed by mainstream society.

Internal divisions over interpretations of Hermetic principles and rituals.

Isis Mysteries

Overview: The Isis Mysteries were a cult dedicated to the worship of Isis, an Egyptian goddess associated with magic, motherhood, and fertility. The cult was known for its secretive initiation rites and widespread popularity throughout the Roman Empire.

Mysteries of Note: The Isis Mysteries were believed to offer initiates the promise of spiritual renewal and protection, as well as the possibility of divine favor and blessings. The mysteries involved rituals and ceremonies that celebrated the life and deeds of Isis.

Agenda: The Isis Mysteries aimed to provide initiates with a deeper understanding of the nature of the divine and their place within the cosmic order. The cult emphasized the importance of devotion and piety in achieving spiritual enlightenment.

Places of Sway: The Isis Mysteries were popular throughout the Roman Empire, with temples dedicated to Isis found in major cities and provinces. The cult appealed to people from all walks of life, offering hope and solace in uncertain times.

Leader: The High Priestess: The leader of the Isis Mysteries, known as the high priestess, was believed to be a direct conduit to the divine will of Isis. The high priestess oversaw the rituals and ceremonies of the cult, ensuring that they were conducted according to tradition.

Organization: The Isis Mysteries were organized hierarchically, with several levels of initiation and knowledge. Initiates progressed through these levels by demonstrating their devotion to Isis and their commitment to the cult's teachings.

Goal: The goal of the Isis Mysteries was to provide initiates with a sense of spiritual fulfillment and connection to the divine. The mysteries aimed to offer comfort and guidance to believers, particularly in times of hardship and adversity.

Cult Activity: The Isis Mysteries involved rituals and ceremonies that celebrated the life and deeds of Isis, as well as the myths and legends associated with her. Initiates participated in processions, feasts, and symbolic reenactments of Isis' miracles and miracles.

Adventure Hook (Low Level): The party is approached by a group of devotees of Isis who seek their help in recovering a stolen relic—a sacred statue of Isis that is believed to hold great power and significance. The party must track down the thieves, recover the relic, and return it to the temple before it falls into the wrong hands.

Adventure Hook (Medium Level): A series of strange occurrences in a local community leads the party to investigate rumors of a cult of Isis operating in the area. They must infiltrate the cult, uncover its secrets, and put an end to its activities before it can cause any harm.

Adventure Hook (High Level): The high priestess of the Isis Mysteries seeks the party's help in thwarting a plot by a rival cult to discredit and destroy the cult of Isis. The party must uncover the conspirators, expose their plans, and protect the sanctity of the mysteries before it's too late.


Widespread popularity and appeal among believers. 

Access to ancient teachings and rituals that offer comfort and guidance. 

Strong sense of community and shared devotion among followers.


Reliance on secrecy and isolation, which can limit their influence. 

Vulnerability to persecution by mainstream religious authorities. 

Limited understanding and acceptance outside of the cult's followers.


Overview: Mithraism was a mystery religion centered around the worship of the god Mithras, originating in the Roman Empire in the 1st century BCE. It was characterized by its secretive nature, hierarchical structure, and complex rituals.

Mysteries of Note: The mysteries of Mithraism were known only to initiates, and the details of its rituals and ceremonies were closely guarded secrets. Participants were believed to undergo a process of spiritual rebirth and enlightenment through their initiation into the mysteries.

Agenda: Mithraism aimed to facilitate a mystical union with Mithras through its rituals and ceremonies, believing that by doing so, initiates could achieve spiritual enlightenment and transcendence.

Places of Sway: Mithraism was most popular among the Roman military and spread throughout the empire, with temples dedicated to Mithras found in major cities and military outposts. The temples, known as mithraea, were often located underground and designed to mimic caves, reflecting Mithras' mythological slaying of the bull in a cave.

Leader: The Pater/Patera: The leader of a Mithraic community, known as a "pater" (for men) or "patera" (for women), was responsible for overseeing the rituals and ceremonies of the cult. The pater/patera was also responsible for initiating new members into the mysteries of Mithras.

Organization: Mithraism was organized hierarchically, with several levels of initiation and knowledge. Initiates progressed through these levels by demonstrating their understanding of Mithraic teachings and their commitment to the cult's principles.

Goal: The goal of Mithraism was to achieve spiritual enlightenment and transcendence through communion with Mithras. Followers believed that by participating in the rituals and mysteries of the cult, they could attain a higher state of consciousness and union with the divine.

Cult Activity: Mithraic rituals and ceremonies often involved the symbolic sacrifice of a bull, representing the triumph of light over darkness. Initiates would also participate in feasts, prayers, and meditations designed to deepen their understanding of Mithraic teachings.

Adventure Hook (Low Level): The party is hired by a curious scholar to investigate a recently discovered mithraeum buried beneath a city. The party must explore the underground temple, decipher its mysteries, and uncover its secrets before they fall into the wrong hands.

Adventure Hook (Medium Level): The pater/patera of a local mithraeum seeks the party's help in retrieving a stolen artifact—a ceremonial dagger believed to have been used by Mithras himself. The party must track down the thieves, recover the artifact, and return it to the temple before a major ritual is disrupted.

Adventure Hook (High Level): A rival cult, threatened by the growing influence of Mithraism, seeks to undermine the cult's authority by framing them for a series of sacrilegious acts. The party is tasked with clearing the cult's name, uncovering the true perpetrators, and preventing a conflict that could engulf the city in chaos.


Deep connection to the divine through secretive rituals.

Strong sense of hierarchy and order within the cult.

Access to mystical experiences and spiritual enlightenment.


Reliance on secrecy and isolation, which can limit their influence.

Vulnerability to persecution by mainstream religious authorities.

Rituals and practices that may be misunderstood or misinterpreted by outsiders.

The Order of the Black Rose

Overview: The Order of the Black Rose is a secretive group based in Rome, specializing in espionage, assassination, and political manipulation.

Mysteries of Note: They are believed to have orchestrated the downfall of several prominent political figures.

Agenda: To maintain control over the political landscape of Rome and beyond, using any means necessary.

Places of Sway: The Order of the Black Rose operates from hidden safehouses and clandestine meeting places throughout Rome, where they plan and execute their operations.

Leader: The Grand Vizier: The leader of the Order of the Black Rose is known as the Grand Vizier, a title given to the most cunning and ruthless operative among them. The Grand Vizier is responsible for overseeing the Order's missions and ensuring their continued influence.

Organization: The Order of the Black Rose is organized around the principles of secrecy and subterfuge. Members progress through the ranks by demonstrating their skill in espionage, assassination, and political manipulation, as well as their loyalty to the Order's goals.

Goal: The Order of the Black Rose seeks to maintain control over the political landscape of Rome and beyond by manipulating key figures and events to serve their own interests. They believe that by controlling the levers of power, they can shape the course of history to their advantage.

Cult Activity: The Order of the Black Rose conducts secretive missions and operations that involve espionage, assassination, and political manipulation. These missions are designed to further the Order's goals and maintain their influence over the political elite of Rome.

Adventure Hook (Low Level): The party is hired by a member of the Order of the Black Rose to retrieve sensitive information—a list of names and locations of potential political allies. The information is believed to be in the possession of a rival faction that seeks to undermine the Order's influence.

Adventure Hook (Medium Level): The Order of the Black Rose has discovered a plot to assassinate a prominent political figure in Rome. They hire the party to uncover the details of the plot and prevent the assassination, but they soon discover that the plot goes much deeper than they initially thought.

Adventure Hook (High Level): The Grand Vizier of the Order of the Black Rose has uncovered a conspiracy that threatens to destabilize the entire Roman Empire. The party is tasked with unraveling the conspiracy, exposing the conspirators, and preventing a catastrophe that could plunge Rome into chaos.


Advanced knowledge of espionage, assassination, and political manipulation. 

Access to a network of spies and informants throughout Rome. 

Strong sense of loyalty and camaraderie among members.


Reliance on secrecy and isolation can lead to a lack of trust and cooperation with other factions. 

Internal power struggles and rivalries over control of the Order's resources and influence. 

Vulnerability to betrayal and infiltration by rival factions and spies.

The Order of the Crimson Sun

Overview: The Order of the Crimson Sun is a secretive order located in the volcanic region near Mount Etna, dedicated to the worship of the destructive power of the sun.

Mysteries of Note: They possess ancient artifacts that are said to channel the power of the sun itself.

Agenda: To unleash the fury of the sun upon their enemies, purging the world of those they deem unworthy.

Places of Sway: The Order of the Crimson Sun holds sway in the volcanic regions near Mount Etna, where they conduct their secretive rituals and ceremonies.

Leader: The Sunlord: The leader of the Order of the Crimson Sun is known as the Sunlord, a title given to the most devout and powerful member among them. The Sunlord is believed to be able to channel the power of the sun itself, using it to smite their enemies and bring about destruction.

Organization: The Order of the Crimson Sun is organized around the worship of the sun and the belief in its power to cleanse the world of evil and corruption. Members progress through the ranks by demonstrating their devotion to the sun and their willingness to carry out the orders of their superiors.

Goal: The Order of the Crimson Sun seeks to cleanse the world of those they deem unworthy, using the power of the sun to bring about destruction and renewal.

Cult Activity: The Order of the Crimson Sun conducts secretive rituals and ceremonies to commune with the sun and channel its power. These rituals often involve the sacrifice of living beings, which the order believes is necessary to appease the sun and gain its favor.

Adventure Hook (Low Level): The party is hired by a local village to investigate strange happenings in the area, including crops withering and livestock dying. They soon discover that the Order of the Crimson Sun has established a foothold in the region and is using its power to bring about destruction.

Adventure Hook (Medium Level): The Order of the Crimson Sun has discovered the location of an ancient artifact—a gem said to be able to amplify the power of the sun. They hire the party to retrieve the gem and bring it back to their headquarters, but they soon discover that the gem has other, more sinister powers.

Adventure Hook (High Level): The Sunlord of the Order of the Crimson Sun has declared a holy war against neighboring kingdoms, believing them to be corrupt and unworthy of the sun's light. The party is hired by a coalition of kingdoms to stop the Sunlord and prevent a cataclysmic war that could engulf the entire region.


Belief in the righteousness of their cause and the power of the sun. 

Access to ancient artifacts and weapons that channel the power of the sun. 

Strong sense of unity and purpose among members.


Fanaticism and zealotry can blind them to the consequences of their actions. 

Reliance on ancient and often unreliable artifacts and weapons. 

Isolation and secrecy can lead to a lack of support and resources from outside their order.

The Order of the Sacred Flame

Overview: The Order of the Sacred Flame is a secretive society that traces its origins back to the firemen of ancient Rome. They believe that fire is a sacred element that can purify and renew, and they seek to protect the city from the destructive power of uncontrolled flames.

Mysteries of Note: The Order of the Sacred Flame is said to possess ancient texts and artifacts that contain the secrets of fire control and manipulation. These texts are believed to hold the key to harnessing the power of fire for both protection and destruction.

Agenda: The Order of the Sacred Flame aims to protect Rome from fires and other disasters by maintaining a network of firefighters and fire control experts. They believe that by honoring the sacred nature of fire and using it responsibly, they can prevent catastrophic fires and ensure the safety of the city and its inhabitants.

Places of Sway: The Order of the Sacred Flame holds sway in the fire stations and barracks scattered throughout Rome. These places serve as both training grounds for new members and as bases of operation for firefighting efforts.

Leader: The Grand Firemaster: The leader of the Order of the Sacred Flame is known as the Grand Firemaster, a title given to the most skilled and experienced firefighter within the order. The Grand Firemaster is responsible for overseeing firefighting efforts, training new recruits, and ensuring the safety of the city.

Organization: The Order of the Sacred Flame is organized hierarchically, with various ranks and levels of expertise. Members progress through these ranks by demonstrating their skill and bravery in fighting fires and protecting the city.

Goal: The Order of the Sacred Flame seeks to protect Rome from fires and other disasters by maintaining a well-trained and disciplined firefighting force. They believe that by honoring the sacred nature of fire and using it responsibly, they can prevent catastrophic fires and ensure the safety of the city and its inhabitants.

Cult Activity: The Order of the Sacred Flame conducts training exercises, drills, and ceremonies that are designed to honor the sacred nature of fire and instill a sense of duty and responsibility in its members. These activities are also intended to maintain the skills and readiness of the firefighting force.

Adventure Hook (Low Level): The party is hired by a member of the Order of the Sacred Flame to investigate a series of suspicious fires that have been plaguing a neighborhood in Rome. The fires seem to be spreading in a pattern that suggests arson, and the party must uncover the source of the fires and put a stop to them before they cause further damage.

Adventure Hook (Medium Level): The Order of the Sacred Flame has received word of a plot to set fire to several key buildings in Rome, including the Senate House and the Temple of Jupiter. They hire the party to track down the arsonists and prevent the fires from being lit, but they soon discover that the plot is more complex than it seems, and that powerful forces are at work behind the scenes.

Adventure Hook (High Level): The Grand Firemaster of the Order of the Sacred Flame has been kidnapped by a rival faction that seeks to discredit the order and seize control of the city's firefighting efforts. The party is tasked with rescuing the Grand Firemaster, uncovering the identity of the kidnappers, and thwarting their plans to disrupt the order and cause chaos in Rome. Along the way, they must navigate the politics of the city, confront powerful enemies, and prove their loyalty to the order and the safety of Rome.


Advanced knowledge of firefighting techniques and fire control.

Access to specialized equipment and resources for fighting fires.

Strong sense of duty and loyalty among members.


Secrecy and isolation can lead to a lack of understanding and support from mainstream society.

Reliance on traditional methods and techniques that may be outdated or ineffective in modern times.

Internal rivalries and power struggles that can undermine the unity and effectiveness of the order.

The Orphic Mysteries

Overview: The Orphic Mysteries were a set of religious beliefs and practices based on the teachings of Orpheus, a legendary musician and poet. Followers of the Orphic Mysteries believed in the importance of purity and spiritual purification, teaching that the soul could be liberated from the cycle of rebirth through ritual and moral living.

Mysteries of Note: The Orphic Mysteries emphasized the importance of purity and spiritual purification, teaching that the soul could be liberated from the cycle of rebirth through ritual and moral living.

Agenda: The Orphic Mysteries sought to offer their followers a path to salvation and enlightenment, promising a blessed afterlife for those who followed their teachings.

Places of Sway: The Orphic Mysteries were influential in certain philosophical circles and among poets and artists, with followers found in various Greek and Roman cities.

Leader: The High Hierophant: The leader of the Orphic Mysteries, believed to be a direct descendant of Orpheus himself. The High Hierophant is considered the spiritual and moral authority within the organization.

Organization: The Orphic Mysteries are organized hierarchically, with different levels of initiation and knowledge. Initiates progress through these levels by demonstrating their understanding of Orphic teachings and their commitment to the purification of the soul.

Goal: The Orphic Mysteries seek to guide their followers on a path of spiritual enlightenment and liberation from the cycle of rebirth. They believe that by living a life of purity and following the teachings of Orpheus, one can achieve a blessed afterlife.

Cult Activity: The Orphic Mysteries conduct rituals and ceremonies that involve music, dance, and purification rites. These rituals are believed to cleanse the soul and prepare it for the afterlife.

Adventure Hook (Low Level): The party is approached by a group of Orphic Mysteries initiates who seek their help in retrieving a stolen relic—a lyre believed to have belonged to Orpheus himself. The relic is said to possess mystical powers and is essential for an upcoming ritual.

Adventure Hook (Medium Level): The Orphic Mysteries invite the party to participate in a pilgrimage to a sacred site believed to be a gateway to the underworld. The party must navigate treacherous terrain and overcome spiritual trials to reach the site and uncover its secrets.

Adventure Hook (High Level): The High Hierophant of the Orphic Mysteries approaches the party with a dire request—the soul of Orpheus has been stolen from the underworld, threatening the balance of life and death. The party must embark on a perilous journey to retrieve the soul and restore order to the cosmos.


Deep understanding of spiritual and metaphysical concepts.

Access to sacred relics and artifacts believed to possess mystical powers. 

Strong sense of community and shared purpose among followers.


Vulnerability to persecution by mainstream religious authorities. 

Reliance on mystical beliefs and rituals that may be seen as heretical by some. 

Internal divisions over interpretations of Orphic teachings and rituals.

The Philosopher Kings

Overview: The Philosopher Kings are a secretive group of philosophers and scholars who believe in using their intellectual prowess to guide society. They see themselves as the ultimate authority on all matters of philosophy and ethics.

Mysteries of Note: The Philosopher Kings are rumored to possess ancient texts and artifacts that could grant incredible knowledge or power to those who find them.

Agenda: The Philosopher Kings seek to establish themselves as the supreme rulers of the intellectual world, influencing governments and institutions to follow their philosophies.

Places of Sway: The Philosopher Kings hold sway in major academic institutions, libraries, and philosophical societies across the known world. They have a strong presence in Athens, Alexandria, and Rome.

Leader: The Grand Sage: The leader of the Philosopher Kings is known as the Grand Sage, a title given to the most knowledgeable and respected philosopher among them. The Grand Sage is considered the ultimate authority on all matters of philosophy and ethics within the order.

Organization: The Philosopher Kings are organized hierarchically, with different levels of authority and influence. Initiates must demonstrate their knowledge and understanding of philosophy and ethics to progress through the ranks of the order.

Goal: The Philosopher Kings seek to use their knowledge and wisdom to guide society towards a more enlightened and ethical future. They believe that by influencing governments and institutions, they can create a utopian society based on their philosophical principles.

Cult Activity: The Philosopher Kings conduct secretive debates, discussions, and lectures on philosophy and ethics. They also study ancient texts and artifacts, seeking to unlock the secrets of the past to guide the future.

Adventure Hook (Low Level): The party is hired by a member of the Philosopher Kings to retrieve a lost manuscript—an ancient text that is believed to contain the key to a long-forgotten philosophical theory. The manuscript is rumored to be in the possession of a rival philosopher who seeks to use its knowledge for nefarious purposes.

Adventure Hook (Medium Level): The Philosopher Kings have discovered the existence of a hidden library that is believed to contain ancient texts and artifacts of great importance to their order. They hire the party to accompany them on an expedition to excavate the library and retrieve these treasures, but they soon discover that they are not the only ones interested in what lies within.

Adventure Hook (High Level): The Grand Sage of the Philosopher Kings has disappeared under mysterious circumstances, and the order believes that he has been kidnapped by a rival faction that seeks to exploit his knowledge for their own gain. The party is tasked with tracking down the kidnappers, rescuing the Grand Sage, and unraveling a conspiracy that threatens not only the Philosopher Kings but the very fabric of society itself.


Advanced knowledge of philosophy, ethics, and ancient texts. 

Access to ancient texts and artifacts related to philosophy and ethics. 

Strong sense of community and intellectual debate among members.


Secrecy and isolation can lead to a lack of political influence and limited connections outside the order. 

Reliance on esoteric and complex philosophical teachings that may be misunderstood or dismissed by mainstream society. 

Internal divisions over interpretations of philosophical principles and rituals.

The Pythagorean Brotherhood

Overview: The Pythagorean Brotherhood is a secretive society of scholars and mathematicians who venerate the teachings of Pythagoras. They operate under the guise of a scholarly organization, using their knowledge of mathematics and philosophy to pursue their hidden agenda.

Mysteries of Note: The Pythagorean Brotherhood is said to possess ancient devices and artifacts that can manipulate the fabric of reality itself, granting incredible powers to those who understand them.

Agenda: The Pythagorean Brotherhood aims to unravel the mysteries of the universe and use their knowledge to shape the world according to their mathematical ideals.

Places of Sway: The Pythagorean Brotherhood holds sway in mathematical academies, observatories, and secret chambers hidden beneath major cities. They are particularly influential in Alexandria, Babylon, and Rome.

Leader: The Grand Geometer: A title given to the most skilled mathematician and philosopher within the Brotherhood. This leader is not only a master of mathematical principles but also deeply versed in the mystical and philosophical aspects of Pythagorean teachings.

Organization: The Pythagorean Brotherhood is structured hierarchically, with various levels of initiation and knowledge. Initiates progress through these levels by demonstrating their understanding of mathematics, music, and metaphysics, as well as their adherence to the Brotherhood's principles.

Goal: The Pythagorean Brotherhood seeks to unravel the mysteries of the universe through the study of mathematics and metaphysics. They believe that the universe is governed by mathematical principles, and by understanding these principles, they can unlock the secrets of existence.

Cult Activity: The Brotherhood conducts secretive rituals and ceremonies that involve chanting, meditation, and the performance of mathematical and musical exercises. These rituals are designed to deepen the members' understanding of the mathematical and metaphysical concepts central to Pythagorean teachings.

Adventure Hook (Low Level): The party is hired by a member of the Brotherhood to retrieve a stolen artifact—a mysterious geometric object that is said to have been crafted by Pythagoras himself. The artifact is believed to hold the key to understanding a complex mathematical theorem that could revolutionize the field of geometry.

Adventure Hook (Medium Level): The Pythagorean Brotherhood has discovered the existence of a hidden chamber beneath a major city that is believed to contain ancient texts and artifacts of great importance to their order. They hire the party to accompany them on an expedition to excavate the chamber and retrieve these treasures, but they soon discover that they are not the only ones interested in what lies beneath the city. Rival scholars, mercenaries, and even members of a secret society opposed to the Pythagorean teachings are also seeking to claim the chamber's contents.

Adventure Hook (High Level): The Grand Geometer of the Pythagorean Brotherhood has disappeared under mysterious circumstances, and the Brotherhood believes that he has been kidnapped by a rival faction that seeks to exploit his knowledge for their own nefarious purposes. The party is tasked with tracking down the kidnappers, rescuing the Grand Geometer, and unraveling a conspiracy that threatens not only the Brotherhood but the very fabric of reality itself. Along the way, they must delve into ancient mysteries, solve complex mathematical puzzles, and confront powerful adversaries who will stop at nothing to achieve their goals.


Advanced knowledge of mathematics, music, and metaphysics.

Access to ancient texts and artifacts related to Pythagorean teachings.

Strong sense of community and brotherhood among members.


Secrecy and isolation can lead to a lack of political influence and limited connections outside the Brotherhood.

Reliance on esoteric and complex teachings that may be misunderstood or dismissed by mainstream society.

Internal divisions over interpretations of Pythagorean principles and rituals.

The Scholars of Atlantis

Overview: The Scholars of Atlantis are a group of academics and researchers dedicated to studying the lost civilization of Atlantis, seeking to uncover its secrets and technologies.

Mysteries of Note: They claim to have discovered the location of the fabled city of Atlantis, but it remains hidden from the world.

Agenda: To rediscover the lost technologies and knowledge of Atlantis, believing it holds the key to a utopian future.

Places of Sway: The Scholars of Atlantis operate from libraries, universities, and research institutions across the known world, where they study ancient texts and artifacts related to Atlantis.

Leader: The Grand Scholar: The leader of the Scholars of Atlantis is known as the Grand Scholar, a title given to the most learned and respected researcher among them. The Grand Scholar is responsible for guiding the group's research and discoveries.

Organization: The Scholars of Atlantis are organized around the principles of academic research and discovery. Members progress through the ranks by contributing to the group's knowledge and understanding of Atlantis, as well as by sharing their findings with the wider scholarly community.

Goal: The Scholars of Atlantis seek to uncover the lost technologies and knowledge of Atlantis, believing that it holds the key to a utopian future free from war and suffering. They believe that by studying Atlantis, they can learn from its mistakes and create a better world for future generations.

Cult Activity: The Scholars of Atlantis conduct research expeditions to ancient ruins and archaeological sites believed to be connected to Atlantis. They also collaborate with other scholarly organizations to share knowledge and resources.

Adventure Hook (Low Level): The party is hired by a member of the Scholars of Atlantis to accompany them on a research expedition to a newly discovered site believed to be connected to Atlantis. The party must protect the scholars from danger and help them uncover the site's secrets.

Adventure Hook (Medium Level): The Scholars of Atlantis have discovered a hidden chamber beneath a major city that is believed to contain ancient texts and artifacts of great importance to their research. They hire the party to accompany them on an expedition to excavate the chamber and retrieve these treasures, but they soon discover that they are not the only ones interested in what lies beneath the city.

Adventure Hook (High Level): The Grand Scholar of the Scholars of Atlantis has uncovered a secret prophecy that foretells the return of Atlantis and the dawn of a new age. The party is tasked with uncovering the truth behind the prophecy and ensuring that the knowledge of Atlantis is used for the betterment of all mankind.


Advanced knowledge of ancient languages, history, and archaeology. 

Access to ancient texts and artifacts related to Atlantis. 

Strong sense of purpose and dedication among members.


Reliance on unproven theories and interpretations of ancient texts. 

Isolation and secrecy can lead to a lack of support and resources from outside factions. 

Vulnerability to fraud and deception by those seeking to exploit their research for personal gain.

The Shadow Council

Overview: The Shadow Council is a secretive organization that traces its origins back to the ancient world, where it was formed by a coalition of powerful rulers, scholars, and mystics who sought to influence the course of history from the shadows. Over the centuries, the Shadow Council has evolved into a clandestine network of individuals who wield power and influence across the known world.

Mysteries of Note: The Shadow Council is said to possess ancient artifacts and relics that hold great power, including items imbued with the magic of ancient civilizations and knowledge lost to the ages. These artifacts are believed to grant their wielders immense power and influence.

Agenda: The Shadow Council aims to manipulate events and individuals to further its own agenda, which is shrouded in secrecy. Members of the council seek to maintain their control over the world's affairs through covert actions and alliances with other powerful organizations.

Places of Sway: The Shadow Council operates from hidden chambers and secret meeting places scattered throughout the world, including ancient ruins, underground catacombs, and remote islands. These places serve as bases of operations for the council's activities and as repositories for its vast wealth and knowledge.

Leader: The Grand Shadow: The leader of the Shadow Council is known as the Grand Shadow, a title given to the most influential and powerful member of the council. The identity of the Grand Shadow is a closely guarded secret, known only to a select few within the council.

Organization: The Shadow Council is organized hierarchically, with various ranks and levels of influence. Members of the council progress through these ranks by demonstrating their loyalty and effectiveness in furthering the council's agenda.

Goal: The Shadow Council seeks to maintain its control over the world's affairs by manipulating events and individuals to further its own interests. Members of the council believe that their actions are necessary to preserve the balance of power and prevent chaos and disorder.

Cult Activity: The Shadow Council conducts secretive rituals and ceremonies that are designed to maintain the council's power and influence. These rituals often involve the use of ancient artifacts and relics to channel magic and manipulate the forces of nature.

Adventure Hook (Low Level): The party is hired by a member of the Shadow Council to retrieve a powerful artifact that has fallen into the hands of a rival faction. The artifact is said to possess the power to control minds, and the party must retrieve it before it can be used to disrupt the council's plans.

Adventure Hook (Medium Level): The Shadow Council has discovered the existence of a rival organization that seeks to undermine its influence and seize control of its resources. The party is tasked with infiltrating the rival organization and uncovering its plans, but they soon discover that the organization is more powerful and dangerous than they had anticipated.

Adventure Hook (High Level): The Grand Shadow of the Shadow Council has been assassinated, and the council is thrown into chaos. The party is hired by a faction within the council to track down the assassin and uncover the conspiracy behind the murder. Along the way, they must navigate the politics of the council, confront powerful enemies, and prevent a civil war that could plunge the world into chaos.


Vast wealth and resources.

Access to ancient artifacts and relics of great power.

Influence over powerful individuals and organizations.


Secrecy and isolation can lead to a lack of understanding and support from mainstream society.

Reliance on manipulation and coercion to achieve goals, which can backfire if exposed.

Internal power struggles and rivalries that can undermine the unity and effectiveness of the council. 

The Society of the Golden Dawn

Overview: The Society of the Golden Dawn is a secretive society of scholars and mystics operating in the shadow of Mount Olympus, dedicated to unlocking the secrets of the gods themselves.

Mysteries of Note: They claim to have contacted adivine beings, receiving visions and guidance from the Olympian pantheon.

Agenda: To ascend to godhood themselves, transcending mortal limitations and becoming divine beings.

Places of Sway: The Society of the Golden Dawn holds sway in the region around Mount Olympus, where they conduct their secretive rituals and ceremonies.

Leader: The Hierophant: The leader of the Society of the Golden Dawn is known as the Hierophant, a title given to the most enlightened and visionary member among them. The Hierophant is believed to be able to communicate directly with the gods and receive their wisdom and guidance.

Organization: The Society of the Golden Dawn is organized around the worship of the Olympian pantheon and the belief in their ability to ascend to godhood. Members progress through the ranks by demonstrating their knowledge of ancient texts and their ability to commune with the divine.

Goal: The Society of the Golden Dawn seeks to transcend their mortal limitations and become divine beings themselves, believing that they are the true heirs to the power and wisdom of the Olympian gods.

Cult Activity: The Society of the Golden Dawn conducts secretive rituals and ceremonies to commune with the gods and receive their wisdom. These rituals often involve the use of hallucinogenic substances and trance-like states, which the society believes allows them to transcend their mortal bodies and commune with the divine.

Adventure Hook (Low Level): The party is hired by a local lord to investigate strange happenings in the region, including reports of strange lights and sounds coming from the mountains. They soon discover that the Society of the Golden Dawn is conducting a ritual to commune with the gods and must decide whether to stop them or join them.

Adventure Hook (Medium Level): The Society of the Golden Dawn has discovered the location of an ancient temple dedicated to the Olympian gods, believed to contain artifacts of great power. They hire the party to accompany them on an expedition to excavate the temple and retrieve these artifacts, but they soon discover that they are not the only ones interested in the temple's contents.

Adventure Hook (High Level): The Hierophant of the Society of the Golden Dawn has received a vision from the gods that foretells the coming of a great cataclysm that will destroy the world. The party is hired by rival factions to either prevent or ensure the fulfillment of this prophecy, leading to a confrontation with the society and its leaders.


Belief in their divine right to ascend to godhood and the power of the Olympian pantheon. 

Access to ancient texts and artifacts related to the Olympian gods. 

Strong sense of purpose and destiny among members.


Fanaticism and zealotry can blind them to the consequences of their actions. 

Reliance on ancient and often unreliable texts and artifacts. 

Isolation and secrecy can lead to a lack of support and resources from outside their society.

The Socratic Order

Overview: The Socratic Order is a philosophical society dedicated to the teachings of Socrates. They believe in the power of questioning and dialectic to uncover the truth.

Mysteries of Note: The Socratic Order is rumored to possess a vast network of spies and informants who gather information to further their philosophical inquiries.

Agenda: The Socratic Order seeks to challenge established beliefs and institutions through rigorous debate and questioning, aiming to reform society through intellectual discourse.

Places of Sway: The Socratic Order is influential in academies, forums, and public squares where debates and discussions take place. They are prominent in Athens, Corinth, and Rome.

Leader: The Grand Inquirer: The leader of the Socratic Order is known as the Grand Inquirer, a title given to the most skilled debater and philosopher among them. The Grand Inquirer is responsible for leading debates and discussions within the order.

Organization: The Socratic Order is organized around the principles of questioning and dialectic. Members are encouraged to question everything and engage in debates to uncover the truth.

Goal: The Socratic Order aims to challenge and reform society through intellectual discourse. They believe that by questioning established beliefs and institutions, they can uncover the truth and create a more just and enlightened society.

Cult Activity: The Socratic Order conducts debates, discussions, and lectures on philosophy and ethics. They also engage in questioning and dialectic exercises to sharpen their skills and uncover new insights.

Adventure Hook (Low Level): The party is hired by a member of the Socratic Order to investigate a series of mysterious disappearances of scholars and philosophers in the city. They suspect that a rival faction is behind the disappearances and seek the party's help in uncovering the truth.

Adventure Hook (Medium Level): The Socratic Order has uncovered evidence of corruption and deceit within the city's government. They hire the party to gather evidence and expose the corruption, but they soon discover that the conspiracy goes deeper than they thought.

Adventure Hook (High Level): The Grand Inquirer of the Socratic Order has been accused of heresy and treason by a rival faction. The party is tasked with defending the Grand Inquirer in a series of high-stakes debates and trials that will determine the fate of the order and its teachings.


Advanced skills in questioning, debating, and dialectic. 

Access to a vast network of spies and informants. 

Strong sense of community and intellectual curiosity among members.


Reliance on questioning and debate can lead to indecision and inaction. 

Vulnerability to persecution and suppression by authorities who disapprove of their teachings.

Internal divisions over interpretations of Socratic principles and methods.

The Thespian Order

Overview: The Thespian Order is a secretive society of actor vigilantes who use Greek plays as cover to dispense justice. Originally based in Athens, they have since franchised out to other cities, operating under the guise of theatrical troupes.

Mysteries of Note: The Thespian Order is said to have access to a network of informants and spies, providing them with valuable information to aid in their vigilantism.

Agenda: To mete out justice to those who operate outside the law and to protect the innocent from harm, all while maintaining their cover as actors.

Places of Sway: The Thespian Order holds sway in theaters and performance venues in cities where they have established franchises, using these locations as bases of operation.

Leader: The Stage Master: The leader of the Thespian Order is known as the Stage Master, a title given to the most skilled and respected member among them. The Stage Master is responsible for coordinating operations and ensuring that justice is served.

Organization: The Thespian Order is organized around the principles of justice and the protection of the innocent. Members progress through the ranks by demonstrating their acting abilities, as well as their commitment to the cause of justice.

Goal: The Thespian Order seeks to rid the world of crime and corruption, using their unique skills and abilities to bring justice to those who would otherwise escape it.

Cult Activity: The Thespian Order uses Greek plays as a cover for their vigilantism, often incorporating elements of the plays into their operations. They use costumes, props, and stagecraft to create elaborate schemes to catch criminals and deliver them to justice.

Adventure Hook (Low Level): The party is hired by a local magistrate to investigate a series of thefts that have been plaguing the city. They soon discover that the thefts are part of a larger scheme orchestrated by a criminal organization, and that the Thespian Order is working behind the scenes to bring them to justice.

Adventure Hook (Medium Level): The Thespian Order has discovered the existence of a corrupt official who is using his position to enrich himself at the expense of the city's citizens. They hire the party to help them gather evidence against the official and bring him to justice, but they soon discover that the official has powerful allies who will stop at nothing to protect him.

Adventure Hook (High Level): The Stage Master of the Thespian Order has received a vision that foretells of a great disaster that will befall the city unless a series of criminals are brought to justice. The party is hired by rival factions to either prevent or ensure the fulfillment of this prophecy, leading to a confrontation with the Thespian Order and its leaders.


Mastery of disguise and deception, allowing them to operate unnoticed among criminals.

Access to a network of informants and spies, providing them with valuable intelligence.

Strong sense of justice and commitment to their cause.


Reliance on elaborate schemes and deception can sometimes backfire or be discovered.

Isolation and secrecy can lead to a lack of support and resources from outside their order.

Operational constraints due to their need to maintain their cover as actors.
