Saturday, June 15, 2024

Leagues of Votann - A Reimagining - Part 1 - Overview


Writers note:  I really like the idea of the Votann and seriously glad they are back, but have my own ideas on how they should have been implemented.  This is my attempt to revise their concept to see where it leads and to hopefully influence their future design.

Historical Background

The Exiled Kin: When the Tyranids overran the original homeworlds of the Kin, they were driven into exile. Scavenging across the universe, the Kin discovered the remains of the Men of Iron, which they reverse-engineered to survive.

Rediscovery and Refuge: Over millennia, the Kin found a secluded, resource-rich region of the galactic core where they could hide and rebuild. This isolation allowed them to develop their technology without interference.

Official History

"For thousands of Terran years the Leagues of Votann have exploited the riches of the galactic core and overcome the perils of that tumultuous region. Over the millennia, they have battled many of the galaxy's starfaring species and sometimes traded with or fought as mercenaries for others. Now, as the galaxy convulses in the grip of the Great Rift in the Era Indomitus, they face new challenges and new wars.

The Kin are squat, powerfully-built humanoids. They dwell in vast numbers within the galactic core, not as populous as the teeming Humans, but far better established than the nascent T'au or dwindling Aeldari. They are a clone species; each generation of new Kin emerges from artificial womb machines known as 'crucibles,' which draw upon vast banks of genomic data to produce a stable and varied populace. Their numbers are further augmented by the Ironkin, self-aware, machine intelligences clad in mechanical bodies that are dedicated to aiding their flesh-and-blood fellows. To the Kin, the Ironkin are equal and valuable members of their star-faring society, both in times of peace and war.

Few species in the galaxy can match the Kin for resilience of body, mind, and spirit. They are indefatigable but also highly conservative. It takes a great deal to change their minds once their course is set, and those not of their species stand little chance of doing so. This makes the Kin implacable enemies. It also makes them valuable allies, but securing their aid is no easy matter. The Kin look to their own familial duties and obligations first, and ultimately to the survival of their people. If they deem the motivations of others to go against these particular interests, then they are more likely to become foes than friends.

As a people whose earliest origins lie aboard void-borne mining fleets, the Kin have an unforgiving moral code. A filter changed late; a weak seam missed; a water tank left leaking: these and a million other minor lapses can spell disaster when voyaging through the inimical void. Equally, to overlook valuable resources locked away within a stellar body, asteroid field or particulate belt can leave a voidship without the raw materials required to effect repairs or to fuel systems.

When waste, laziness, or even simple error can spell death for all aboard, these become the worst of sins. From painful experience has emerged the rugged survivalist culture of the Kin, who find strength and unity in the endless quest to acquire the resources their Kindreds need to endure. It is this apparent acquisitiveness that has caused many other intelligent species to judge the Kin -- often harshly -- as selfish hoarders."

Technological Integration

Ironkin Allies: The Kin share their lives with the Ironkin, self-aware robotic constructs considered societal equals. These advanced AI-driven beings assist in all aspects of Kin society, including warfare, mining, and governance.

Cyberbrain Evolution: To preserve and enhance their knowledge, Kin adolescents undergo cyberbrain implantation during puberty. This neuro-cybernetic augmentation facilitates instantaneous communication and a collective techno-skill repository, creating a unified society.

Reduction of Chaos Influence: The cyberbrains, combined with a disciplined culture of austerity, have significantly diminished the Kin's susceptibility to Chaos. However, this interconnectedness and constant recording of grievances have led to widespread cyber-psychosis, characterized by paranoia and aggression towards other species.

The Vengeance Protocol

Memory of Wrongs: The Kin meticulously record every insult, slight, and atrocity committed against their people. This collective memory fuels an insatiable desire for revenge, leading them to ambush and dismantle technological threats. Captured enemies are stripped of their technology and abandoned on desolate worlds, ensuring the Kin's secrets remain hidden.

Murderworlds: Preferring indirect combat, the Kin transform entire planets into death traps. Using advanced drones, automated defenses, and environmental hazards, they create kill zones designed to annihilate any force that approaches their hidden enclaves.

Advanced Warfare

Cyber Gestalt and Mecha Titans: In dire situations, the Kin can combine their cyberbrains into a cyber gestalt, enabling them to pilot colossal mechs reminiscent of Pacific Rim's Jaegers. These machines, perfected over millennia, embody the pinnacle of Kin engineering and wrath.

Centralized AI and Men of Iron Influence: Each Kindred's activities are overseen by a Votann, a centralized AI that directs all operations. These Votann are treated with near-worship and are integral to the Kin's survival and efficiency.

Heretical Knowledge and Subversion

Rewriting Imperial History: The Kin possess "evidence" suggesting the God-Emperor of Mankind is much younger than claimed, a powerful mutant who rose during the Age of Strife. According to their records, he fabricated his divine origin to consolidate power, abandoning the Kin to their fate. This heretical belief fuels their disdain for the Imperium.

Interference and Sabotage: Kin agents subtly sabotage Imperial technology, maintaining their technological edge. They repurpose Eldar soul crystals, Ork spores, and Tyranid biomaterial, integrating these elements into their tech to enhance their capabilities and exact vengeance.

Patience in Vengeance

Long-Term Strategists: The Kin are exceptionally patient, biding their time and meticulously planning their revenge. They strike when least expected, ensuring their foes suffer maximum damage and confusion.  They are surprisingly patient in their revenge.


The Leagues of Votann are a formidable force in the Warhammer 40k universe, blending technological mastery with a deep-seated desire for revenge. Their advanced cybernetic integration, strategic use of drones, and the presence of the Ironkin make them unique. While their heretical beliefs and indirect combat methods set them apart from other factions, their resilience and resourcefulness ensure they remain a significant threat to those who cross them.

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