Thursday, June 13, 2024

The Elderberry Tales - Part 4 - Equipment

Special equipment of note:

The technological order of things in Adamar is roughly equivalent to 1,000 A.D., featuring the marvels of windmills, waterwheels, and blast furnaces. Time is kept using sundials and charts or by using water clocks, though precision is not often necessary.

Most buildings of note are miracles that have erupted from the earth. A devoted cleric can pray on a location for weeks, causing an Abbey, Castle, Church, or Fort to ascend in full. These structures still require maintenance, the addition of special equipment (such as aqueducts), and repairs over time, but this divine intervention speeds up settlement compared to traditional building methods. However, lesser buildings like houses or guild halls must still be built the old-fashioned way.

A unique power source available in Adamar is that of the soul. A devotee’s soul is not just a religious trapping but an energy source that can be channeled into a wide variety of effects. The skulls of the dead, known as “soul batteries,” are used to create magical effects. The more renowned the person, the more powerful the soul battery. Most catacombs are racks of these batteries, with the dead providing real help for the living. If someone is particularly devoted to the cause and their quests are just and successful, their body becomes a relic. While the skull is the most potent source, other parts of the body also contain magical energy that can be harnessed.


Armor in Adamar generally follows the guidelines in the Player’s Handbook, but plate armor is exceedingly rare and often reserved for the most elite warriors or nobility.

Mounts and Transport

While soul batteries power strange and wondrous devices, many people still rely on horses, carts, and wagons for transport. Spurs and stirrups are common among the noble class, allowing for the effective use of lances in combat.

There are a number of fantasy species that have managed to be tamed and are used for day to day affairs by those whom are lucky, such as riding snails.

Special Equipment of Note

Aqueducts and Wells:

Vital for sustaining life in settlements, these are often integrated into the miracle-built structures, ensuring a reliable water supply.

Blessed Tools:

Effect: Tools that are blessed by a cleric receive magical enhancements that make everyday tasks easier and more efficient. The exact nature of the blessing depends on the tool and the blessing granted.

Mechanical Benefits:

Efficiency Boost: When using a blessed tool, the user gains advantage on all ability checks related to the tool's use. For example, a blessed smithing hammer grants advantage on Smith's Tools checks, and a blessed plow grants advantage on checks related to farming.

Minor Magical Effect: Each blessed tool also has a minor magical effect. Examples include:

  • Blessed Plow: Increases crop yield by 20% when used for farming.
  • Blessed Hammer: Grants a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls if used as an improvised weapon.
  • Blessed Weaver's Loom: Creates cloth that is naturally resistant to wear and tear, doubling the lifespan of the fabric.
  • Blessed Carpenter's Tools: Structures built with these tools are 10% more durable.

Divine Guidance: Once per day, the user can call upon the tool's blessing for divine guidance. This allows the user to add a d4 to one ability check, saving throw, or attack roll related to the tool's use.

Costs and Limitations:

Clerical Maintenance: The blessing on the tool requires regular maintenance by a cleric. The blessing must be renewed once a week, taking 1 hour of the cleric's time and requiring a spell slot of 1st level or higher. If not maintained, the tool loses its magical properties until re-blessed.

Wear and Tear: The magical energy within the tool can cause it to wear down faster than normal. Each time the tool is used for its primary purpose, there is a 5% chance it takes damage equivalent to a weapon (e.g., if a weapon takes damage, it might break or lose its edge).

Divine Attention: Using blessed tools can attract the attention of divine beings, both benevolent and malevolent. There is a small chance (1%) each week that the user encounters a divine entity or their minions, which can lead to quests, boons, or conflicts.

Moral Conduct: The tool's blessing can be revoked if the user engages in behavior that is contrary to the values of the cleric's deity. This requires the user to uphold certain moral or ethical standards, which can vary depending on the deity.

Example Blessed Tool: Blessed Smithing Hammer

  • Efficiency Boost: Advantage on Smith's Tools checks.
  • Minor Magical Effect: Grants a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls if used as an improvised weapon.
  • Divine Guidance: Once per day, add a d4 to a Smith's Tools check.
  • Clerical Maintenance: Requires a cleric to renew the blessing once a week.
  • Wear and Tear: 5% chance of taking damage each time it's used for smithing.
  • Divine Attention: 1% chance per week of encountering a divine entity.
  • Moral Conduct: The blessing can be revoked if the user acts against the deity's principles.

Charm Bracelets:

Worn by peasants and nobles alike, these bracelets can hold small, enchanted charms that provide minor protective spells, enhance physical abilities, or ward off evil spirits.

Effect: Charm Bracelets can hold a number of small, enchanted charms that provide various minor magical effects. The number of charms a bracelet can hold depends on its craftsmanship and material quality, typically ranging from 1 to 3 charms.

Mechanical Benefits:

Protective Spells:

  • Charm of Shielding: Grants the wearer a +1 bonus to AC.
  • Charm of Protection: Provides advantage on saving throws against being frightened or charmed.
  • Charm of Warding: Grants resistance to one type of damage (chosen when the charm is created, such as fire, cold, or necrotic).

Enhanced Physical Abilities:

  • Charm of Strength: Grants a +1 bonus to Strength-based ability checks and saving throws.
  • Charm of Agility: Grants a +1 bonus to Dexterity-based ability checks and saving throws.
  • Charm of Endurance: Grants a +1 bonus to Constitution-based ability checks and saving throws.

General Enhancements:

  • Charm of Luck: Grants the wearer one re-roll per day on an ability check, saving throw, or attack roll. The second roll must be taken.
  • Charm of the Healer: Increases the healing received from any healing spell or potion by 1d4.

Costs and Limitations:

Charm Activation: Activating a charm requires an action, and each charm can only be activated once per day unless otherwise specified.

Crafting and Maintenance: Creating and maintaining these charms requires the expertise of a skilled enchanter or cleric. Crafting a charm takes 8 hours and consumes 50 gp worth of materials per charm. Additionally, each charm must be recharged by a cleric or enchanter once a week, requiring 1 hour and a spell slot of 1st level or higher.

Limited Capacity: A bracelet can hold a maximum of 3 charms. Adding more charms can overburden the bracelet, causing all its magical effects to become inert until excess charms are removed.

Magical Interference: Wearing multiple magic items can cause interference. If a character wears more than two magical items (including the charm bracelet), they must make a DC 10 Constitution saving throw each dawn. On a failure, one of the magical items (determined randomly) ceases to function until the next dawn.

Vulnerability: The bracelet and its charms are susceptible to anti-magic effects and dispel magic spells. If subjected to such effects, the bracelet and all its charms become non-magical for 1 hour.

Moral Conduct: Similar to blessed tools, the charms' effectiveness can be influenced by the wearer's actions. Engaging in behavior that is antithetical to the deity or enchanter's principles can weaken the charms, reducing their effectiveness or nullifying their effects entirely until the wearer atones.

Dung and Salt-Riddled Weapons: 

Dung and Salt-Riddled Weapons are a grim and resourceful addition to the armory in "The Elderberry Tales." These weapons, infused with the unsanitary combination of dung and salt, are designed to inflict additional harm through infection and other debilitating effects. Here are their mechanical benefits and associated costs for 5e:

Effect: These weapons are coated with a mixture of dung and salt, causing wounds that are prone to infection and additional harm.

Mechanical Benefits:

Infectious Strike:

When a creature is hit by a dung and salt-riddled weapon, they must succeed on a DC 12 Constitution saving throw or become infected. An infected creature takes an additional 1d4 poison damage at the start of each of their turns for 1 minute. The creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success.

Festering Wounds:

Critical hits with a dung and salt-riddled weapon cause the target to make the Constitution saving throw with disadvantage. If the target fails, the ongoing poison damage increases to 2d4.

Weakening Strike:

Once per long rest, the wielder can choose to apply an additional effect to a successful hit: the target must succeed on a DC 14 Constitution saving throw or have disadvantage on Strength-based ability checks and saving throws for 1 minute.

Fearsome Reputation:

The mere sight of a dung and salt-riddled weapon can be intimidating. The wielder gains advantage on Intimidation checks made while brandishing the weapon.

Costs and Limitations:

Weapon Degradation:
Coating a weapon with dung and salt causes it to degrade over time. After 10 successful hits, the weapon takes a permanent -1 penalty to damage rolls. This penalty is cumulative, and after taking 5 such penalties, the weapon becomes unusable.

Unsanitary Handling:
Handling a dung and salt-riddled weapon is hazardous. Each time the wielder draws or stows the weapon, they must succeed on a DC 10 Constitution saving throw or suffer 1d4 poison damage and gain the poisoned condition for 1 hour.

Preparation Time:
Applying the dung and salt mixture takes 10 minutes and consumes 1 pound of dung and 1 pound of salt. The mixture dries out and loses its potency after 24 hours, requiring reapplication.

Moral and Social Consequences:
Using such a weapon can cause social and moral repercussions. Characters known to use these weapons might suffer a -2 penalty on Charisma-based skill checks in civilized areas, as they are seen as dishonorable or barbaric.

Limited Use:
Because of the unsanitary nature, some creatures (especially those with immunity to poison or disease) are unaffected by the additional effects of dung and salt-riddled weapons. This includes constructs, undead, and certain fiends.

Example Dung and Salt-Riddled Weapon:

Dung and Salt-Riddled Longsword:

  • Damage: 1d8 slashing
  • Infectious Strike: On hit, DC 12 Constitution saving throw or take 1d4 poison damage at the start of each turn for 1 minute.
  • Festering Wounds: Critical hits cause the saving throw to be made with disadvantage; ongoing poison damage increases to 2d4 on failure.
  • Weakening Strike: Once per long rest, DC 14 Constitution saving throw or have disadvantage on Strength-based checks and saves for 1 minute.
  • Fearsome Reputation: Advantage on Intimidation checks while brandishing the weapon.

These benefits and costs make dung and salt-riddled weapons a fearsome and pragmatic choice in "The Elderberry Tales," reflecting the harsh realities and resourcefulness of the setting's inhabitants.

Elemental Amulets:

In "The Elderberry Tales" are rare and potent magical items crafted by individuals attuned to the elemental forces. These amulets are not only valuable but also intrinsically connected to the four elemental lands of the setting. Each amulet provides protection against a specific element and enhances the wearer's abilities related to that element.

Elemental Amulets

Rarity: Rare

Attunement: Required

Cost: Typically 1,500 to 3,000 gold pieces, depending on the specific elemental attunement and the region's economy.

Amulet of Flame (Connected to the Land of Fire)

Fire Resistance:

  • The wearer gains resistance to fire damage.

Flame Enhancement:

  • The wearer can cast the produce flame cantrip at will.
  • Once per long rest, the wearer can cast fireball (DC 15) without using a spell slot.

Flaming Weapons:

  • Once per short rest, the wearer can imbue a weapon they hold with fire for 1 minute. The weapon deals an additional 1d6 fire damage on a hit.

Amulet of Tides (Connected to the Land of Water)

Water Breathing:
  • The wearer can breathe underwater.
Water Resistance:
  • The wearer gains resistance to cold damage.
Tidal Enhancement:
  • The wearer can cast the shape water cantrip at will.
  • Once per long rest, the wearer can cast tidal wave (DC 15) without using a spell slot
Aquatic Movement:
  • The wearer gains a swimming speed equal to their walking speed.

Amulet of Gales (Connected to the Land of Air)

Feather Fall:
  • The wearer can cast feather fall once per long rest without using a spell slot.
Air Resistance:
  • The wearer gains resistance to lightning damage.
Gale Enhancement:
  • The wearer can cast the gust cantrip at will.
  • Once per long rest, the wearer can cast call lightning (DC 15) without using a spell slot.
Wind's Grace:
  • The wearer gains advantage on Dexterity (Acrobatics) checks.

Amulet of Stone (Connected to the Land of Earth)

Earth Resistance:
  • The wearer gains resistance to acid damage.
Stone Enhancement:
  • The wearer can cast the mold earth cantrip at will.
  • Once per long rest, the wearer can cast stone shape without using a spell slot.
Earthen Armor:
  • The wearer can activate an earthen shield once per short rest, providing a +2 bonus to AC for 1 minute.
  • The wearer gains tremorsense out to 10 feet while wearing the amulet.

Costs and Crafting

Crafting these amulets requires a combination of rare materials and magical components specific to each element. The process is time-consuming and can only be performed by skilled artisans or mages attuned to the respective elemental forces.

Example Costs:

  • Amulet of Flame: Requires a shard of a fire elemental, 500 gold pieces worth of ruby dust, and the essence of a volcanic eruption.
  • Amulet of Tides: Requires a vial of water from a sacred spring, 500 gold pieces worth of sapphire dust, and a scale from a water elemental.
  • Amulet of Gales: Requires a feather from an air elemental, 500 gold pieces worth of topaz dust, and the breath of a storm giant.
  • Amulet of Stone: Requires a chunk of stone from a sacred mountain, 500 gold pieces worth of emerald dust, and the heart of an earth elemental.

Connection to the Elemental Lands

These amulets are revered in the respective elemental lands and are often seen as symbols of power and authority. They are typically bestowed upon individuals who have proven their worthiness through great deeds or as rewards for defending the lands from threats. In some cases, they might be found in ancient ruins or guarded by powerful elemental beings.

Herbal Poultices and Elixirs:

In "The Elderberry Tales," the local healers and wise women are revered for their knowledge of herbs and natural remedies. These skilled practitioners can craft a variety of poultices and elixirs, essential for treating injuries and illnesses. Many of these remedies are enhanced with minor magical properties, making them potent aids in the harsh world of Adamar.


Herbal poultices and elixirs are an integral part of life in Adamar, used by peasants and nobles alike. They range from simple healing salves to powerful brews that can mend broken bones, cure diseases, and even enhance physical and mental abilities. These remedies are typically made from ingredients found in the wild, combined with the magical energies that flow through the land.

In game terms, these are Magic Potions from the srd.  The most common such potions are Potions of healing, potions of greater healing, potion of poison, potion of vitality, potions of resistance and potion of heroism.

Crafting and Ingredients

Crafting these poultices and elixirs requires knowledge of herbalism and access to specific ingredients. The process is time-consuming and requires a skilled healer or wise woman. Ingredients are often found in the wild, such as in forests, fields, and mountains, and include:

  • Healing Herbs: Such as yarrow, comfrey, and woundwort.
  • Magical Roots: Such as mandrake, ginseng, and dragonroot.
  • Rare Flowers: Such as nightshade, belladonna, and moonflower.
  • Elemental Essences: Extracted from elemental creatures or sacred sites.

Role in Society

Herbal poultices and elixirs are indispensable in the daily life of Adamar's inhabitants. Local healers and wise women are respected members of their communities, often called upon in times of need. Their remedies are used to treat injuries sustained from hard labor, illnesses brought on by harsh living conditions, and the many dangers that lurk in the world.

Relic Body Parts:

Relic Body Parts are sacred and revered items in "The Elderberry Tales." These body parts, taken from saints, heroes, and other notable individuals, contain potent magical energy. They can be used to craft powerful magical items or perform potent rituals, providing a wide range of benefits depending on the relic's power and origin.

Systematic Approach to Relic Body Parts

Classification of Relics

Relics can be classified based on their power and rarity, similar to the classification of magical items in Dungeons & Dragons. 
  • Minor Relics (Common to Uncommon)
  • Lesser Relics (Uncommon to Rare)
  • Greater Relics (Rare to Very Rare)
  • Major Relics (Very Rare to Legendary)
Each category represents an increasing level of power and rarity, with corresponding costs and benefits.

Mechanical Benefits

Minor Relics (Common to Uncommon)

Cost: 100-500 gp

Example Relic: Finger Bone of St. Brigid
  • Enhanced Healing: When used in crafting, the item grants an additional 1d4 hit points when healing spells are cast.
  • Blessing of Health: The relic can be used in a ritual to grant a creature advantage on saving throws against disease for 24 hours.
  • Light Source: Glows with a soft light, providing illumination in a 10-foot radius.

Lesser Relics (Uncommon to Rare)
Cost: 500-2,000 gp

Example Relic: Rib of St. Alban
  • Protection from Evil: When used in crafting, the item grants the wearer a +1 bonus to AC against undead and fiends.
  • Cure Wounds: The relic can be used in a ritual to cast Cure Wounds at 2nd level once per day.
  • Sanctuary: Creates a 20-foot radius zone of sanctuary once per day, where creatures have disadvantage on attack rolls against those inside.
Greater Relics (Rare to Very Rare)
Cost: 2,000-10,000 gp

Example Relic: Heart of St. Genevieve
  • Aura of Courage: When used in crafting, the item grants the wearer immunity to fear.
  • Revitalizing Touch: The relic can be used in a ritual to cast Lesser Restoration twice per day.
  • Divine Protection: Grants a +2 bonus to saving throws against necrotic damage.
Major Relics (Very Rare to Legendary)
Cost: 10,000+ gp

Example Relic: Skull of St. Catherine
  • Holy Aura: When used in crafting, the item grants a +2 bonus to AC and saving throws, and any creature that hits the wearer with a melee attack takes 1d6 radiant damage.
  • Resurrection: The relic can be used in a ritual to cast Resurrection once per month.
  • Divine Intervention: Grants the ability to call upon divine intervention once per week, mimicking the Cleric's Divine Intervention feature.
Crafting and Ritual Use
Crafting with Relics
When crafting magical items with relics, the relic acts as an additional material component, granting the item specific magical properties based on the relic's classification. The DM determines the exact nature of the properties, but they should be thematically appropriate and in line with the relic's power level.

Ritual Use
Relics can also be used in powerful rituals. These rituals require time, resources, and a successful ability check (typically Wisdom or Intelligence-based) to harness the relic's power. The effects of these rituals can range from healing and protection to more significant magical effects like resurrection or divine intervention.

Transforming Remains into Relics
If a character dies heroically or at a high level, their remains may become relics. This transformation is a significant event and should be handled narratively by the DM. The newly formed relics would carry the character's legacy and can be used in future crafting or rituals.

Example: A high-level paladin sacrifices themselves to save their party from a powerful fiend. After their death, their heart becomes a Greater Relic, imbued with their bravery and divine power, granting benefits like an Aura of Courage and Divine Protection.

Relic Body Parts offer a rich and thematic way to incorporate powerful magical items into "The Elderberry Tales." By classifying relics based on their power and rarity, and providing specific mechanical benefits for each category, you can create a systematic approach that enhances gameplay and ties into the setting's lore. These relics serve as valuable tools and powerful symbols, reflecting the world's history and the heroic deeds of its inhabitants.

Tally Sticks:

These magical sticks track money owed or entitled to the bearer, eliminating the need to carry heavy coins for common transactions. They can track money stored in a hold, acting as a ledger and a form of secure currency.

Cost: 1-2 copper pieces

Weight: 1-2 ounces (28-57 grams)

Sacred Tomes and Scrolls:

Sacred Tomes are ancient, beautifully bound books containing prayers, spells, and divine knowledge. These tomes are often adorned with intricate designs and holy symbols, reflecting their divine significance.

Mechanisms and Benefits

Divine Favor (Attunement Required)

Benefit: When attuned, the wielder gains a bonus to spell attack rolls and saving throw DCs for spells they cast. The bonus is determined by the rarity of the tome:
  • Common: +1
  • Uncommon: +2
  • Rare: +3
Cost: These tomes are highly valuable and might cost between 100 gp (common) to 10,000 gp (rare).

Ritual Enhancement

Benefit: Using the tome in a ritual reduces the casting time by half and increases the spell's duration or effectiveness. For example, a healing ritual might restore additional hit points equal to the caster’s level.
Cost: The cost of materials for rituals is reduced by 25% when using a Sacred Tome.

Knowledge Repository

Benefit: Sacred Tomes contain spells and prayers that clerics and scholars can study to learn new spells. Each tome contains 1d4+1 spells of a specific level (determined by the DM), which can be added to the character’s known spells or spellbook.
Cost: Copying a spell from a Sacred Tome requires a ritual costing 50 gp per spell level.

Sacred Scrolls

Sacred Scrolls are single-use magical items inscribed with divine spells and prayers. They are often created by clerics or scholars and carry the power of the divine in written form.

Mechanisms and Benefits

Scroll of Divine Power

Benefit: The scroll contains a single spell that can be cast once without expending a spell slot. The spell's level and effect are determined by the scroll’s rarity:
  • Common: 1st or 2nd level spell
  • Uncommon: 3rd or 4th level spell
  • Rare: 5th or 6th level spell
Cost: The cost of a Sacred Scroll varies from 50 gp (common) to 5,000 gp (rare).

Blessing Scroll

Benefit: When read aloud, the scroll grants a temporary divine blessing, such as a +2 bonus to AC or saving throws for 1 hour.
Cost: These scrolls typically cost between 100 gp (uncommon) and 1,000 gp (rare).

Scroll of Summoning

Benefit: The scroll allows the user to summon a celestial being or divine servant to aid them for a short duration (determined by the spell).
Cost: The cost is proportional to the power of the summoned entity, ranging from 200 gp to 3,000 gp.

Integration into Elderberry Tales
In the world of Elderberry Tales, these Sacred Tomes and Scrolls can be seen as relics of ancient wisdom, used by clerics, scholars, and other religious figures. They fit the theme by providing tangible benefits to those who are devoted to the divine, reflecting the importance of faith and knowledge in this society. They also offer a connection to the divine, enhancing rituals and spells, and providing practical advantages in both everyday life and perilous adventures.

Soul Batteries:

Soul Batteries are the preserved skulls of notable individuals, imbued with the essence of their souls. The potency of a Soul Battery is directly proportional to the renown and magical prowess of the individual in life. These items are essential for powering various magical devices and performing rituals that require significant magical power.

Rarity and Potency
The rarity and potency of a Soul Battery depend on the individual's renown in life:
  • Common: Skulls of minor heroes or local notables.
  • Uncommon: Skulls of regional heroes or mid-ranking clergy.
  • Rare: Skulls of well-known heroes or high-ranking officials.
  • Very Rare: Skulls of legendary heroes or powerful mages.
  • Legendary: Skulls of mythic figures or saints.
Mechanical Benefits

Power Source for Magical Items
  • Common: Can power a magical device for up to 24 hours, providing a +1 bonus to any rolls associated with the device.
  • Uncommon: Can power a magical device for up to 48 hours, providing a +2 bonus to any rolls associated with the device.
  • Rare: Can power a magical device for up to a week, providing a +3 bonus to any rolls associated with the device.
  • Very Rare: Can power a magical device for up to a month, providing a +4 bonus to any rolls associated with the device.
  • Legendary: Can power a magical device for up to a year, providing a +5 bonus to any rolls associated with the device.
Ritual Component

Using a Soul Battery in a ritual can significantly enhance the ritual’s effect:
  • Common: Doubles the duration or range of the ritual’s effect.
  • Uncommon: Triples the duration or range and reduces the casting time by half.
  • Rare: Quintuples the duration or range, reduces the casting time by half, and adds a +2 bonus to any DCs involved.
  • Very Rare: Multiplies the duration or range by ten, reduces the casting time by half, and adds a +4 bonus to any DCs involved.
  • Legendary: Provides an indefinite duration (up to the DM's discretion), reduces the casting time to one-tenth, and adds a +6 bonus to any DCs involved.
Recharge Magical Items

Soul Batteries can be used to recharge magical items that have limited uses:
  • Common: Restores 1d4 charges to an item.
  • Uncommon: Restores 2d4 charges to an item.
  • Rare: Restores 3d4 charges to an item.
  • Very Rare: Restores 4d4 charges to an item.
  • Legendary: Fully recharges an item.
Empower Spells

Spellcasters can use a Soul Battery to enhance their spells:
  • Common: Adds +1 to spell attack rolls and DCs for a single spell.
  • Uncommon: Adds +2 to spell attack rolls and DCs for a single spell and allows the spell to be cast at one level higher.
  • Rare: Adds +3 to spell attack rolls and DCs for a single spell and allows the spell to be cast at two levels higher.
  • Very Rare: Adds +4 to spell attack rolls and DCs for a single spell, allows the spell to be cast at three levels higher, and doubles the spell's duration or range.
  • Legendary: Adds +5 to spell attack rolls and DCs for a single spell, allows the spell to be cast at four levels higher, and makes the spell’s effects permanent (up to the DM's discretion).
The cost of a Soul Battery varies depending on its rarity:

  • Common: 100-500 gp
  • Uncommon: 1,000-2,500 gp
  • Rare: 5,000-10,000 gp
  • Very Rare: 20,000-50,000 gp
  • Legendary: 100,000 gp and above
Integration into Elderberry Tales
In Elderberry Tales, Soul Batteries are coveted by mages, clerics, and artificers alike. They are often found in ancient tombs, battlefields, or the ruins of great civilizations. Crafting a Soul Battery requires the preservation of a notable individual's skull and a complex ritual to bind their soul to it, making it a rare and powerful item in the world.

These items can also serve as plot devices, driving quests to retrieve legendary Soul Batteries or protect them from falling into the wrong hands. The ethical implications of using such items can also provide rich narrative opportunities, reflecting the world’s themes of divine influence and the lingering power of notable individuals.

Sundials and Water Clocks:

While basic in nature, these time-keeping devices are essential in coordinating activities and rituals, especially those requiring precise timing.

Examples of Magic Items

The Blessed Sword of St. Genevieve:

The Blessed Sword of St. Genevieve is a rare and powerful weapon, imbued with the divine blessings of St. Genevieve herself. This sword is known for its extraordinary ability to protect its wielder and deliver righteous justice against evil foes. It is a symbol of hope and valor, wielded by those who seek to defend the innocent and uphold the light.

Mechanical Benefits

Weapon (longsword), legendary (requires attunement by a good-aligned character)

  1. Divine Strike:

    • The Blessed Sword of St. Genevieve grants a +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon.
    • When you hit a fiend or undead with this weapon, the target takes an extra 2d10 radiant damage.
  2. Protective Aura:

    • While attuned to the sword, the wielder is surrounded by a protective aura. The wielder gains a +2 bonus to AC and saving throws.
    • Allies within 10 feet of the wielder gain a +1 bonus to AC and saving throws.
  3. Holy Light:

    • The sword sheds bright light in a 20-foot radius and dim light for an additional 20 feet. The light is sunlight.
    • As an action, the wielder can intensify the light, causing all fiends and undead within 20 feet to make a DC 17 Constitution saving throw or be blinded for 1 minute. Blinded creatures can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of their turns, ending the effect on a success. This ability can be used once per day.
  4. Saint's Blessing:

    • The wielder can call upon the blessing of St. Genevieve to cast Greater Restoration or Heal once per day, using the sword as a focus. The spell's level is equal to the wielder's highest spell slot available.
  5. Unyielding Valor:

    • The sword grants the wielder advantage on saving throws against being frightened or charmed.


Due to its legendary status and powerful abilities, the Blessed Sword of St. Genevieve is priceless. It is a unique artifact, passed down through generations or found in the most sacred and well-guarded places. It is not something that can be purchased or crafted, but rather earned through great deeds and divine favor.


The Blessed Sword of St. Genevieve is more than just a weapon; it is a beacon of hope and a testament to the power of faith. Legends say that St. Genevieve herself blessed this sword during a time of great darkness, and those who wield it are chosen to carry out her divine will. It is said that the sword's light never fades, and its edge never dulls, always ready to strike down the forces of evil.

Integration into Elderberry Tales

In the world of Elderberry Tales, the Blessed Sword of St. Genevieve could be the centerpiece of a questline. Characters might need to prove their worth to wield such a weapon, facing trials and demonstrating their commitment to protecting the innocent. The sword could also serve as a powerful tool in the battle against the Bastard's forces, shining as a symbol of hope in the darkest times.

The Flask of St. Brigid:

Description: The Flask of St. Brigid is a sacred and enchanted item that symbolizes the divine miracles of St. Brigid. This flask never runs dry of holy water, providing endless healing and purification. It is a treasured relic, sought after by those who wish to bring solace and cleanse corruption.

Mechanical Benefits

Wondrous Item, rare (requires attunement)

  1. Endless Holy Water:

    • The Flask of St. Brigid can be used to produce holy water without limit. As an action, you can pour out a vial's worth (1 pint) of holy water.
  2. Healing Waters:

    • As an action, you can drink from the flask or administer its contents to another creature to restore 2d4+2 hit points. This effect can be used a number of times equal to your Wisdom modifier (minimum of once) per long rest.
  3. Purification:

    • You can use the holy water from the flask to purify food, drink, or other substances. By sprinkling a small amount of holy water on the target and spending an action, you cast Purify Food and Drink without expending a spell slot.
  4. Divine Cleansing:

    • Once per day, you can use the flask to cast Lesser Restoration. This effect removes one condition from a creature (blinded, deafened, paralyzed, or poisoned).
  5. Sacred Protection:

    • The flask grants the wielder resistance to necrotic damage and advantage on saving throws against being poisoned.


The Flask of St. Brigid is a rare and holy relic, its value transcending material wealth. While it might be found in ancient cathedrals, guarded by devout clerics, or awarded to those who perform significant deeds of healing and protection, it is not available for purchase.


The Flask of St. Brigid is said to have been blessed by St. Brigid herself, containing a fraction of her miraculous healing power. Legends tell of St. Brigid using this flask to heal the sick, purify the impure, and provide comfort to the weary. The flask's divine properties have made it a symbol of hope and renewal.

Integration into Elderberry Tales

In the world of Elderberry Tales, the Flask of St. Brigid can play a vital role in quests involving healing plagues, purifying corrupted lands, or aiding those suffering under the Bastard's rule. Characters may need to earn the right to wield such a powerful artifact, proving their dedication to healing and protection. The flask could also be central to a storyline where the characters must use its holy water to cleanse a sacred site or heal a grievous wound inflicted by dark magic.

The Cloak of St. Patrick:

Description: The Cloak of St. Patrick is a sacred and enchanted item that embodies the protective and resilient nature of St. Patrick's prayers. This cloak shields its wearer from the fury of storms and bolsters their endurance against various threats. It is a treasured relic, revered for its divine protective properties.

Mechanical Benefits

Wondrous Item, very rare (requires attunement)

  1. Storm Protection:

    • The Cloak of St. Patrick grants the wearer resistance to lightning and thunder damage. Additionally, the wearer has advantage on saving throws against effects that cause the stunned or paralyzed conditions.
  2. Divine Resilience:

    • While wearing the cloak, the wearer gains a +1 bonus to AC and saving throws.
  3. Breastplate of St. Patrick:

    • Once per long rest, the wearer can recite a prayer (taking 1 minute) to gain the effects of the Shield of Faith spell for 10 minutes, providing a +2 bonus to AC.
  4. Calm the Storm:

    • The wearer can cast Control Weather once per week without expending a spell slot. This effect allows the wearer to calm raging storms, clear dangerous fogs, or summon beneficial weather conditions.
  5. Ward Against Evil:

    • The cloak grants the wearer advantage on saving throws against being frightened, and creatures of the fey, fiend, and undead types have disadvantage on attack rolls against the wearer.


The Cloak of St. Patrick is a very rare and sacred relic, its value transcending material wealth. It is often found in ancient monasteries, guarded by devout monks, or awarded to those who perform significant deeds of protection and faith. It is not available for purchase and must be earned or discovered through divine providence.


The Cloak of St. Patrick is said to have been blessed by St. Patrick himself, imbued with the power of his prayers that calmed storms and protected the faithful. Legends tell of St. Patrick using this cloak to shield his followers from the wrath of nature and the attacks of evil creatures. The cloak's divine properties have made it a symbol of unwavering faith and resilience.

Integration into Elderberry Tales

In the world of Elderberry Tales, the Cloak of St. Patrick can be a key artifact in quests involving protection from natural disasters or defending against dark forces. Characters may need to earn the right to wear such a powerful artifact, proving their dedication to safeguarding the innocent and standing against the forces of chaos. The cloak could also be central to a storyline where the characters must use its protective powers to shield a village from a magical storm or to guard themselves against a relentless assault by malevolent creatures.

The Lantern of St. David:

The Lantern of St. David is a revered artifact that emits a holy light, capable of dispelling darkness and revealing hidden truths. This lantern is a symbol of divine guidance and enlightenment, often carried by those seeking to uncover the secrets of the world and illuminate the path of righteousness.

Mechanical Benefits

Wondrous Item, rare (requires attunement)

  1. Holy Light:

    • When lit, the Lantern of St. David emits bright light in a 30-foot radius and dim light for an additional 30 feet. This light is considered sunlight.
    • Any magical darkness within this light's radius is dispelled.
  2. Revealing Light:

    • While the lantern is lit, it reveals invisible creatures and objects within its bright light radius. Such creatures and objects are visible as long as they remain within the light.
  3. Truth Seeker:

    • The lantern has 3 charges. As an action, you can expend 1 charge to cast the spell Zone of Truth (save DC 15) centered on the lantern. The area of effect moves with the lantern, lasting for up to 10 minutes. The lantern regains 1d3 expended charges daily at dawn.
  4. Guiding Light:

    • Once per day, the bearer of the lantern can use it to cast Find the Path without expending a spell slot. This guidance lasts for up to 1 hour or until the destination is reached, whichever comes first.
  5. Holy Protection:

    • The lantern provides a +1 bonus to AC and saving throws against effects caused by undead and fiends while within the bright light radius.


The Lantern of St. David is a rare and sacred relic, valued not only for its magical properties but also for its symbolic significance. It is typically found in ancient cathedrals, monasteries, or in the possession of devout clerics and paladins. Like other divine artifacts, it is not typically available for purchase and is often obtained through quests or bestowed upon those who demonstrate great faith and dedication.


According to legend, St. David carried this lantern during his travels, using its light to guide the faithful and uncover the truth in times of darkness. Stories tell of the lantern revealing hidden dangers, uncovering treachery, and providing hope to those lost in both a literal and spiritual sense. The Lantern of St. David is a beacon of divine light, symbolizing truth and protection against the encroaching shadows.

Integration into Elderberry Tales

In the world of Elderberry Tales, the Lantern of St. David can be an essential artifact for adventures involving uncovering hidden secrets, combating darkness, or seeking divine guidance. Characters might be tasked with finding the lantern to dispel a powerful curse or to reveal the true nature of a sinister plot. The lantern could also serve as a pivotal tool in navigating treacherous terrain, illuminating hidden passages, or exposing invisible threats that lurk in the shadows. Its divine light can inspire and protect those who carry it, making it a treasured item for any adventurer dedicated to the forces of good.

The Gauntlets of St. Dunstan

Description: The Gauntlets of St. Dunstan are a pair of blacksmith’s gauntlets imbued with the blessings of St. Dunstan, known for his legendary battle with the Devil. These gauntlets enhance the wearer’s strength and provide protection from fire, making them invaluable to those who seek to wield great power and endure the fiercest of flames.

Mechanical Benefits

Wondrous Item, rare (requires attunement)

  1. Enhanced Strength:

    • While wearing the gauntlets, your Strength score increases by 2, up to a maximum of 20.
    • You have advantage on Strength (Athletics) checks and Strength saving throws.
  2. Fire Resistance:

    • The gauntlets grant you resistance to fire damage.
    • If you already have resistance to fire damage, you instead gain immunity to fire damage.
  3. Smith’s Might:

    • You can use the gauntlets to cast the spell Heat Metal (save DC 15) at will, without expending a spell slot. The spell’s target must be within 60 feet of you.
    • When you cast Heat Metal using these gauntlets, you can also choose to make a melee weapon attack as a bonus action against the creature wearing or holding the heated metal. On a hit, the target takes an additional 1d6 fire damage.
  4. Flame Forged:

    • Once per long rest, you can use an action to envelop your fists in magical fire for 1 minute. During this time, your unarmed strikes deal an additional 1d6 fire damage, and you are immune to fire damage.
    • While this feature is active, you have advantage on attack rolls made with unarmed strikes or melee weapons.
  5. Enduring Craft:

    • You can work with metal more efficiently. When crafting metal items, you can complete tasks in half the time and with half the resources required.


The Gauntlets of St. Dunstan are rare and potent relics, typically found in the possession of master blacksmiths, paladins, or heroes who have demonstrated exceptional strength and resilience. They are not typically available for purchase and are often obtained through quests, as rewards for great deeds, or bestowed by the church in recognition of exceptional valor and faith.


Legend speaks of St. Dunstan, a skilled blacksmith who once grabbed the Devil’s nose with a pair of tongs, driving him away. These gauntlets are said to be blessed by St. Dunstan himself, imbued with his strength and his mastery over fire. They are a symbol of the enduring power of faith and craftsmanship, capable of turning the tide in the face of overwhelming adversity.

Integration into Elderberry Tales

In the world of Elderberry Tales, the Gauntlets of St. Dunstan can serve as a powerful artifact for characters who seek to harness both physical strength and the elemental power of fire. They might be discovered in an ancient forge, awarded for a heroic deed, or found within the ruins of a cathedral dedicated to St. Dunstan. These gauntlets can provide significant advantages in combat and crafting, embodying the spirit of resilience and the divine blessing of a revered saint. Characters who wear these gauntlets might be seen as champions of strength and endurance, capable of facing the most formidable foes and enduring the harshest flames.

The Amulet of St. Columba:

Description: The Amulet of St. Columba is a revered relic imbued with the blessings of St. Columba, a saint known for his deep connection to nature and animals. This amulet grants the wearer the ability to communicate with animals and gain profound insights into the natural world, making it a treasured possession for those who live in harmony with nature.

Mechanical Benefits

Wondrous Item, rare (requires attunement)

  1. Speak with Animals:

    • While wearing the amulet, you can cast the spell Speak with Animals at will, without expending a spell slot.
  2. Beast Sense:

    • Once per short rest, you can use an action to touch a willing beast. For the next hour, you can see through the beast’s eyes and hear what it hears, continuing to do so until you use your action to return to your normal senses. While perceiving through the beast’s senses, you gain the benefits of any special senses possessed by that creature.
  3. Natural Insight:

    • You gain proficiency in the Animal Handling and Nature skills. If you already have proficiency in either skill, you gain expertise instead, allowing you to double your proficiency bonus for any check made with that skill.
  4. Calm Emotions:

    • As an action, you can cast the spell Calm Emotions (save DC 15) once per long rest. When you use this ability, it can affect both humanoids and beasts within range.
  5. Nature’s Blessing:

    • You have advantage on Wisdom (Animal Handling) checks and Intelligence (Nature) checks. Additionally, animals are predisposed to be friendly towards you unless they are threatened or provoked.


The Amulet of St. Columba is a rare and sacred artifact, typically not available for purchase. It is usually obtained through quests, as rewards for deeds that benefit nature, or bestowed by druidic circles or religious orders dedicated to St. Columba.


St. Columba, a saint who lived on the remote island of Iona, was known for his miraculous encounters with animals and his deep understanding of the natural world. Legends say that he once calmed the Loch Ness Monster and often conversed with birds and beasts. This amulet is believed to carry his blessings, allowing the wearer to share in his divine connection with nature.

Integration into Elderberry Tales

In the world of Elderberry Tales, the Amulet of St. Columba can serve as a powerful relic for druids, rangers, and other characters who revere nature. It might be found in a sacred grove, awarded by a druidic council, or discovered in the ruins of a monastery dedicated to St. Columba. This amulet enhances the wearer’s abilities to interact with and understand the natural world, making it an invaluable tool for those who protect and cherish the wilderness. Characters who wear this amulet might be seen as guardians of nature, capable of bridging the gap between humanity and the animal kingdom.

The Relic Shield of St. Alban:

The Relic Shield of St. Alban is a sacred artifact blessed by the power of St. Alban, the protomartyr of Britain and a symbol of unwavering protection. This shield provides extraordinary defense against both physical and magical attacks, making it a prized possession for any warrior dedicated to defending the innocent and upholding justice.

Mechanical Benefits

Shield, very rare (requires attunement)

  1. Enhanced Defense:

    • While holding this shield, you have a +3 bonus to your AC.
  2. Magic Resistance:

    • You have advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects.
  3. Holy Ward:

    • As a reaction when you are hit by an attack, you can activate the shield's holy ward. The attacker must make a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, the attacker is blinded until the end of their next turn. This ability can be used once per short or long rest.
  4. Divine Shield:

    • Once per long rest, you can cast the spell Shield of Faith on yourself or an ally within 30 feet without expending a spell slot. The spell lasts for 1 minute and does not require concentration when cast in this way.
  5. Aura of Protection:

    • While you are holding the shield, you and all allies within 10 feet of you have resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage from nonmagical attacks.


The Relic Shield of St. Alban is a highly revered and rare artifact, typically not available for purchase. It is usually acquired through quests, as rewards for heroic deeds, or bestowed by religious orders dedicated to St. Alban.


St. Alban, the first British Christian martyr, was known for his steadfast faith and courage in the face of persecution. According to legend, he shielded a persecuted Christian priest, taking his place and ultimately sacrificing his own life. The shield is believed to carry his divine blessing, offering unparalleled protection to those who carry it in the name of justice and faith.

Integration into Elderberry Tales

In the world of Elderberry Tales, the Relic Shield of St. Alban can serve as a powerful relic for paladins, clerics, and other characters who stand as protectors of the realm. It might be discovered in the ruins of an ancient abbey, awarded by a holy order, or found on a quest to protect the land from a great evil. This shield enhances the wielder’s defensive capabilities, allowing them to guard against the most formidable foes. Characters who wield this shield might be seen as champions of justice, drawing strength from the legacy of St. Alban to defend the weak and uphold the virtues of faith and bravery.

The Prayer Beads of St. Hilda:

The Prayer Beads of St. Hilda are a sacred string of beads blessed by St. Hilda of Whitby, known for her wisdom and ability to mediate conflicts and bring peace. These beads enhance the user's abilities to resolve disputes, soothe tempers, and foster harmony, making them a cherished tool for clerics, diplomats, and peacemakers.

Mechanical Benefits

Wondrous Item, rare (requires attunement)

  1. Aura of Calm:

    • While you are attuned to the Prayer Beads of St. Hilda, you exude an aura of calm. Any hostile creature within 30 feet of you must succeed on a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw at the start of its turn or be unable to take any aggressive action for that turn. This effect ends if the creature is attacked or harmed.
  2. Peaceful Resolution:

    • Once per long rest, you can cast the spell Calm Emotions without expending a spell slot.
  3. Divine Mediation:

    • The Prayer Beads grant you advantage on Charisma (Persuasion) checks made to mediate conflicts and negotiate peace.
  4. Sanctuary:

    • You can cast Sanctuary on yourself or another creature as a bonus action once per short rest.
  5. Healing Grace:

    • Once per long rest, you can cast Prayer of Healing at 2nd level without expending a spell slot.


The Prayer Beads of St. Hilda are rare and typically not available for purchase. They are often bestowed upon individuals who have shown exceptional dedication to peace and mediation or discovered as part of a holy quest.


St. Hilda of Whitby was renowned for her wisdom and ability to mediate disputes. She played a key role in the Synod of Whitby, bringing together different factions of the early Christian church in Britain. The prayer beads blessed by her are said to carry her divine influence, helping the bearer to bring peace and resolve conflicts.

Integration into Elderberry Tales

In the world of Elderberry Tales, the Prayer Beads of St. Hilda can serve as a powerful relic for clerics, bards, and other characters dedicated to fostering peace and harmony. They might be discovered in a sacred shrine, awarded by a holy order, or gifted by a grateful community for resolving a major conflict. Characters who wield these beads might be seen as emissaries of peace, using their enhanced abilities to mediate disputes and heal the wounds of strife.

The Horn of St. Brendan:

The Horn of St. Brendan is a sacred horn blessed by St. Brendan the Navigator, known for his legendary sea voyages and miraculous guidance through perilous waters. This horn, when blown, summons favorable winds and offers divine protection to travelers, ensuring safe passage through even the most treacherous seas.

Mechanical Benefits

Wondrous Item, very rare (requires attunement)

  1. Favorable Winds:

    • Once per long rest, you can blow the Horn of St. Brendan to summon favorable winds. For the next 8 hours, any sea vessel you are on gains a +10 bonus to its speed and has advantage on all checks made to navigate or control the vessel.
  2. Divine Guidance:

    • You can cast Augury (as an action) by blowing the horn, asking for divine guidance regarding a specific course of action related to travel or navigation. This can be used once per short rest.
  3. Safe Passage:

    • While attuned to the horn, you and your companions have advantage on all saving throws against effects that would impede travel, such as storms, rough seas, and natural hazards.
  4. Beacon of Hope:

    • Once per long rest, you can blow the horn to cast Beacon of Hope, providing a morale boost and enhancing the resolve of your companions. The spell lasts for 1 minute.
  5. Summon Sea Creatures:

    • Once per long rest, you can use the horn to summon friendly sea creatures to aid in travel or combat. This functions as the spell Conjure Animals (limited to aquatic creatures).


The Horn of St. Brendan is a very rare and valuable artifact, typically not available for purchase. It is often found as part of a legendary quest, guarded by powerful guardians, or awarded by divine beings for heroic deeds.


St. Brendan the Navigator was a legendary figure known for his epic sea voyages, during which he encountered miraculous events and divine interventions. The horn blessed by him is said to carry his divine favor, ensuring safe passage and guidance through the most treacherous of waters.

Integration into Elderberry Tales

In the world of Elderberry Tales, the Horn of St. Brendan can serve as a powerful relic for sailors, navigators, and adventurers who often travel by sea. It might be discovered in an ancient shipwreck, awarded by a coastal shrine, or gifted by a mysterious sea deity. Characters who wield this horn would be seen as favored by the divine, capable of ensuring safe passage and guiding their companions through dangerous journeys. The horn's abilities to summon favorable winds and sea creatures would make it an invaluable asset for any seafaring party.

The Ring of St. Faith:

The Ring of St. Faith is a whimsical yet powerful artifact blessed by St. Faith, known for her playful miracles and divine jest. This ring allows the wearer to perform minor miracles and subtle tricks, embodying the lighthearted and cunning nature of the saint's divine interventions.

Mechanical Benefits

Ring, rare (requires attunement)

  1. Minor Miracles:

    • The ring allows the wearer to cast the Thaumaturgy cantrip at will. This can be used to create minor supernatural effects, such as causing flames to flicker, harmless tremors, or whispers.
  2. Divine Trickery:

    • Once per long rest, you can use the ring to cast Minor Illusion as a bonus action, allowing you to create sounds or images of an object within a 30-foot range. The illusion lasts for 1 minute.
  3. Playful Escape:

    • The ring grants the wearer the ability to cast Misty Step once per short rest, allowing for a quick and playful escape from danger.
  4. Blessing of Faith:

    • The wearer can cast Bless once per long rest, providing a +1d4 bonus to attack rolls and saving throws for up to three creatures within range for 1 minute.
  5. Divine Protection:

    • The ring offers a +1 bonus to AC and saving throws while attuned to it.


The Ring of St. Faith is a rare item, usually obtained through quests or divine favor. It is not typically sold in markets and would be valued at around 500-1,000 gold pieces if it were.


St. Faith is celebrated for her playful and miraculous acts, often performing divine interventions that brought joy and wonder. The ring blessed by her carries this playful spirit, granting its wearer the ability to perform minor miracles and tricks that reflect her nature.

Integration into Elderberry Tales

In the Elderberry Tales, the Ring of St. Faith can be a cherished relic among those who value cunning, wit, and lightheartedness. It might be found in the possession of a village prankster, awarded by a small shrine dedicated to the saint, or discovered as part of a playful quest. Characters who wear this ring would be seen as blessed by the playful nature of St. Faith, able to perform minor miracles and tricks that could aid them in both combat and everyday life. The ring's abilities would make it a versatile tool for rogues, bards, and any character who enjoys a touch of divine whimsy.

These items, along with the other equipment detailed above, reflect the unique blend of divine influence and practical survival in Adamar, enhancing the lives of its inhabitants and providing powerful tools for adventurers.

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