Friday, June 7, 2024

The Elderberry Tales - Part 3 - Classes and Backgrounds

To cast arcane spells, you need to doodle on yourself. – circles and strange glyphs are required.


In the Elderberry Tales, artificers blend mystical and technological prowess through two distinct methods: angel hacking and the use of soul power. This synthesis of divine and necromantic elements creates a unique approach to technomancy, fitting the medieval fantasy setting of the Elderberry Tales. Here's how the different artificer subclasses can be interpreted within this framework:

1. Angel Hacking

Angel hacking involves manipulating the divine machinery of angels to create powerful artifacts. This method requires knowledge of celestial mechanics and the ability to corrupt or repurpose divine components.


  • Explanation: Artillerists create and control powerful weapons by hacking into the divine technology of angels. Their Eldritch Cannons are constructed from angelic components, turning divine energy into devastating firepower.
  • Mechanics: Eldritch Cannons are powered by corrupted angelic essence, allowing them to unleash blasts of radiant or force energy. The Arcane Firearm is a repurposed piece of an angel's weaponry, channeling divine energy into powerful spells.

Battle Smith:

  • Explanation: Battle Smiths craft constructs and armor using angelic technology. Their Steel Defender is an angelic automaton, repurposed to serve its creator.
  • Mechanics: The Steel Defender is powered by an angelic core, granting it enhanced resilience and combat abilities. Infusions and magical weaponry are derived from divine machinery, enhancing their durability and effectiveness.

2. Soul Power

Using souls as a power source involves trapping the essence of the deceased in soul batteries (often skulls) to fuel magical devices and constructs. This method is darker, relying on necromantic principles.


  • Explanation: Alchemists in this setting harness the power of souls to enhance their concoctions. Potions and elixirs are infused with soul energy, providing potent effects.
  • Mechanics: Experimental Elixirs contain the essence of souls, giving them enhanced magical properties. Healing Draughts and other potions are more effective due to the infusion of soul energy, potentially providing additional benefits like temporary hit points or resistance to damage.


  • Explanation: Armorers create powered armor suits using soul-infused components. The armor is animated by the trapped souls, granting it extraordinary capabilities.
  • Mechanics: The Arcane Armor is powered by a soul battery, granting the wearer enhanced strength and resilience. The armor's features, such as the Lightning Launcher or Thunder Gauntlets, are fueled by necromantic energy, dealing additional necrotic damage.


  • Explanation: Artillerists can also use soul power to fuel their weaponry. Cannons and other devices are powered by the trapped souls, providing a darker source of energy.
  • Mechanics: Eldritch Cannons powered by soul batteries deal necrotic damage in addition to their standard effects. The Arcane Firearm channels the energy of trapped souls to enhance spell damage and effectiveness.

Battle Smith:

  • Explanation: Battle Smiths may create constructs animated by souls. These constructs are more autonomous and possess a semblance of the souls' original personalities.
  • Mechanics: The Steel Defender is animated by a soul battery, granting it enhanced intelligence and combat abilities. Magical weapons and armor crafted by Battle Smiths are imbued with the essence of souls, providing additional effects like necrotic damage or life drain.

Combining Methods

Some artificers might blend both angel hacking and soul power, creating hybrid devices that draw from both divine and necromantic sources. This approach would result in even more powerful and versatile creations, though it might come with greater risks and ethical dilemmas.

Overall Explanation

In the Elderberry Tales, artificers are seen as both revered and feared figures. Their ability to manipulate divine machinery and harness the power of souls sets them apart as powerful technomancers. They walk a fine line between the divine and the necromantic, often facing moral and ethical challenges as they balance the power they wield. Whether using angelic components or soul energy, artificers contribute significantly to the defense and advancement of their communities, blending ancient wisdom with cutting-edge technomancy.


Barbarians in Adamar are not just wild warriors but embodiments of the land's raw, untamed fury. They are often touched by ancient spirits of anger or represent the primal force of nature fighting back against the corruption of The Bastard. Those transformed into orcs harness their rage to protect their communities with unmatched ferocity.

Path of the Ancestral Guardian (XGtE)

Barbarians who follow this path are guided by the spirits of their ancestors. In the context of "The Elderberry Tales," these ancestors are revered figures from the past, offering wisdom, protection, and guidance. This subclass would fit well thematically with the world's focus on ancestors, legends, and divine influence.

Path of the Beast (TCoE):

The Path of the Beast allows barbarians to manifest animalistic traits, symbolizing the transformation into a more primal, powerful form, akin to the change from human to orc.

Path of the Storm Herald (XGtE)

Barbarians who walk this path are imbued with the power of the elements. In a world where the elements are revered and feared, these barbarians are seen as living embodiments of nature's fury, able to call upon storms, earthquakes, or other natural phenomena in battle.

Path of the Totem Warrior (PHB):

Barbarians who choose this path are deeply connected to nature and often adopt animal totems.  These barbarians draw power from totems representing different aspects of nature or legendary creatures, such as the legendary Lion King.

Path of Wild Magic (TCoE)

While not a traditional barbarian path, the chaotic and unpredictable nature of wild magic could be a fascinating addition to "The Elderberry Tales." Barbarians who tap into this magic might be seen as touched by the gods or cursed by dark forces, adding an element of mystery and danger to their character.

Path of the Zealot (XGtE):

Zealots draw power from their faith. The bones or ashes of saints serve as their relics, enhancing their rage with divine fury and necromantic power.  These barbarians could be chosen by gods or saints to carry out holy missions, adding a religious aspect to their rage and combat prowess.

Example Backgrounds:

·       Outlander: Raised in the wilds, you are at home in the forests and mountains of Adamar, drawing strength from the land itself.

·       Hermit: Isolated from society, you have communed with ancient spirits that have awakened a primal power within you.


Bards are the lore keepers and entertainers, traveling from village to village, spreading news, tales, and music. They serve as the memory of the people, preserving stories of heroism and woe, and inspiring resistance against the tyranny of The Bastard.

College of Eloquence (MOoT / TCoE)

Eloquence Bards are master orators who use their persuasive skills to unify and inspire the peasant masses. They can sway opinions and build consensus among disparate groups.These bards could be charismatic leaders, skilled diplomats, or influential speakers who rally the people with their words. Their abilities focus on persuasive speaking and enhancing communication, making them central figures in coordinating the rebellion.

College of Glamour (XGtE):

Bards of this college draw on the fey for their powers, which can reflect a transformation into the mystical and charismatic nature of elves.  These bards might be fey-touched individuals, traveling performers, or charismatic leaders. Their abilities focus on charming and inspiring large groups, making them influential figures in gaining widespread support for the rebellion.

College of Lore (PHB):

Lore Bards are keepers of knowledge and history. They use their vast information and wit to expose the corrupt deeds of the nobility and inspire the common folk with tales of heroism and justice.These bards might be village storytellers, historians, or scholars who have taken up the cause. Their abilities focus on cutting words and versatile spellcasting, making them adaptable and influential figures in the rebellion.

College of Spirits (VRGtR):

Bards of this college communicate with the dead and channel their power. Relics could be phylacteries containing the essence of saints, which they use to tell powerful tales and perform ghostly deeds.  These bards might also be individuals who have learned to commune with spirits. Their abilities focus on summoning spiritual allies and gaining insights from the dead, making them mystical advisors and powerful supporters of the rebellion.

College of Swords (XGtE):

Swords Bards are skilled in both blade and spell, using their combat prowess and acrobatic skills to fight the oppressors directly. They are the daring duelists and frontline fighters of the rebellion.  These bards could be skilled fencers, acrobatic performers, or mercenaries who have joined the cause. Their abilities focus on combat agility and offensive capabilities, making them effective combatants and inspirational figures.

College of Valor (PHB):

These bards are warriors and inspire courage in their allies. A relic could be a legendary instrument or weapon that enhances their combat prowess and ability to inspire others.  These bards could be former soldiers, charismatic leaders, or village champions who inspire courage through their deeds and music. Their abilities focus on enhancing combat capabilities and providing battlefield support.

College of Whispers (XGtE):

Whispers Bards specialize in espionage and subterfuge, using their dark, manipulative powers to gather information and spread fear among the nobility. They are the spies and secret agents of the rebellion. These bards might be former spies, infiltrators, or individuals skilled in deceit. Their abilities focus on psychological manipulation and stealth, making them perfect for gathering intelligence and undermining enemy morale.

Example Backgrounds:

·       Entertainer: Your skills as a performer have made you a beloved figure, bringing joy and hope to those who hear your songs.

·       Folk Hero: Known for your deeds in standing up to oppression, you inspire others with your tales of defiance and bravery.


In Elderberry Tales, clerics draw their divine power from saints who embody various domains, serving as intermediaries between the divine creator and the people. Each saint is revered for their unique contributions to the faith, and their followers wield powers that reflect their saint's legacy and miracles. Here’s how each cleric domain can be tied to specific saints in the setting:

Domains and Saints

Arcana Domain (SCAG) - St. Catherine of Alexandria

Catherine is celebrated for her profound wisdom and intellect, having out-argued 50 pagan philosophers in a disputation. Followers of St. Catherine are scholars and defenders of magical knowledge, using their understanding of the arcane to guide and protect their communities.St. Catherine's clerics are often found in abbeys and monasteries, preserving ancient texts and teaching the ways of the arcane. They are known for their logical reasoning and are called upon to settle disputes and provide counsel.Death - St Etheldreda, or Audrey, whose body was uncorrupted 16 years after she died, and her sister St Seaxburh, who personally oversaw her reburial

Death Domain (DMG)- St. Etheldreda (St. Audrey) and St. Seaxburh

St. Etheldreda, whose body remained uncorrupted 16 years after her death, and her sister St. Seaxburh, who oversaw her reburial, are venerated for their connection to the mysteries of life and death. Clerics of these saints assist with the passage of souls and protect the sanctity of death. These clerics are often seen in cemeteries and burial sites, performing rites and safeguarding the dead. They are known for their ability to commune with spirits and ensure that souls find peace.

Forge Domain (XGtE)- St. Dunstan

St. Dunstan, known for defeating various daemonsl by grabbing his nose with blacksmith's tongs, represents the domain of creation and craftsmanship. His clerics are skilled artisans and protectors, using their abilities to forge and repair both mundane and magical items. Clerics of St. Dunstan are found in forges and workshops, creating tools and weapons for the rebellion. They are revered for their ability to imbue objects with divine power, making them invaluable allies in times of conflict.

Grave Domain (XGtE) - St. Boniface and St. Dismas

St. Boniface, who defended himself with a gospel book and whose tomb became a pilgrimage site, and St. Dismas, the Penitent Thief, who is the patron of undertakers, oversee the domain of the grave. Their clerics protect the dead and the living from the perils of undeath.  These clerics are guardians of tombs and catacombs, ensuring that the dead rest undisturbed. They are also called upon to banish restless spirits and undead threats that plague the land.

Knowledge Domain (PHB) - St. Isidore of Seville

St. Isidore, who compiled a great encyclopedia of the ancient world, embodies the domain of knowledge. His clerics are seekers of wisdom and preservers of lore, guiding their communities with the light of understanding.  Clerics of St. Isidore are often found in libraries and schools, educating the masses and preserving historical texts. They are sought after for their counsel and insight into the mysteries of the world.

Life Domain (PHB) - St. Brigid of Kildare and St. Anastasia

St. Brigid, associated with miracles of healing, and St. Anastasia, the Potion-Deliverer, represent the domain of life. Their clerics are healers and nurturers, dedicated to preserving and enhancing life.  These clerics are found in hospitals and healing sanctuaries, providing care and miraculous healing to the sick and injured. They are revered for their compassion and ability to bring hope and vitality to their communities.

Light Domain (PHB)  - St. David

St. David, whose death was heralded by a host of angels, embodies the domain of light. His clerics bring the light of the divine into the darkest places, dispelling evil and bringing hope. Clerics of St. David are often found leading rituals and ceremonies, invoking the light to protect and inspire the faithful. They are known for their radiant auras and ability to banish darkness.

Nature Domain (PHB) - St. Columba and St. Piran

St. Columba, who lived on the remote island of Iona and saw the Highland Monster, and St. Piran, whose first disciples were animals, oversee the domain of nature. Their clerics are stewards of the natural world, protecting it from harm.  These clerics are found in forests and wildlands, communing with nature and its creatures. They are revered for their ability to control the elements and communicate with animals, ensuring the balance of the natural world.

Order Domain (GGtR / TCoE) - St. Alban

St. Alban, the protomartyr of Britain and a Roman soldier, represents the domain of order. His clerics uphold the law and ensure justice is served, maintaining order in times of chaos.  Clerics of St. Alban are often seen as judges and arbiters, ensuring that the laws are followed and justice is upheld. They are known for their unwavering dedication to order and fairness.\

Peace Domain (TCoE) - St. Hilda of Whitby

St. Hilda, who convened the first church synod in Britain, embodies the domain of peace. Her clerics are diplomats and mediators, working to resolve conflicts and promote harmony.  These clerics are often found in councils and gatherings, using their skills to bring about peace and reconciliation. They are revered for their wisdom and ability to calm tensions.

Tempest Domain (PHB) - St. Patrick and St. Brendan

St. Patrick, whose 'Breastplate' prayer invokes the power of the storm, and St. Brendan, the Navigator, oversee the domain of the tempest. Their clerics wield the power of the storm and the sea, commanding the elements.  Clerics of these saints are often found in coastal regions and on ships, invoking the power of the storm to protect their people. They are known for their ability to control the weather and call upon the fury of the sea.

Trickery Domain (PHB) - St. Faith

St. Faith, whose miracles were known as 'jokes,' represents the domain of trickery. Her clerics use deception and cunning to outwit their enemies and protect their allies. These clerics are often found in roles requiring subterfuge and misdirection, using their skills to achieve their goals. They are revered for their cleverness and ability to turn the tide of events with their tricks.

Twilight Domain (TCoE) - St. Tatiana of Rome

St. Tatiana, whose prayers destroyed the temple of the sun god, embodies the domain of twilight. Her clerics operate in the twilight hours, bridging the gap between day and night, life and death.  Clerics of St. Tatiana are often found in twilight ceremonies and vigils, using their powers to guide souls and protect against the creatures of the night. They are known for their ability to blend light and dark in their magic.

War Domain (PHB) - St. Genevieve

St. Genevieve, whose prayers protected Paris from both the Huns and the Franks, represents the domain of war. Her clerics are warriors and defenders, using their martial prowess to protect the innocent and lead their people in battle. These clerics are often found on the front lines, leading their people in defense of their homes and lands. They are revered for their bravery and ability to inspire and lead in times of conflict.Example Backgrounds:

·       Acolyte: Raised in the church, you have devoted your life to serving the Creator and the Saints.

·       Sage: Your deep knowledge of theology and the divine compact helps you interpret the will of the Saints and the Creator.


Druids are mediators between the natural world and civilization, deeply connected to the fey and the mysteries of the earth. They seek to restore the balance disrupted by The Bastard’s actions, using their powers to heal the land and protect its inhabitants.

Circle of Dreams (XGtE)

Guardians of the fey world, the druids of the Circle of Dreams are mediators between the fey and mortal realms. They draw their power from the land’s natural magic and the dreams of its inhabitants, using it to heal and protect.  These druids are often found in enchanted groves or near ley lines, places where the veil between worlds is thin. They are called upon to resolve conflicts between fey and humans and to protect the dreams of the people from corruption.

Circle of the Land (PHB)

Druids of the Circle of the Land are the traditional keepers of the natural world. They are deeply connected to the different terrains of Adamar, whether forests, mountains, plains, or swamps. These druids are scattered across the land, each adapted to their specific environment. They act as stewards of their territories, ensuring that the natural balance is maintained and that the land remains fertile and vibrant.

Circle of the Moon (PHB)

Shapeshifters and fierce protectors, the Circle of the Moon druids harness the raw power of nature to transform into powerful beasts. They are the frontline defenders of the natural world.  These druids often live in remote areas where they can freely change into their animal forms. They are known to lead the charge in defending against threats to nature, whether from monstrous creatures or human encroachment.

Circle of the Shepherd (XGtE)

Druids of the Circle of the Shepherd are the caretakers of animals and nature spirits. They have a deep bond with the fauna of Adamar and can summon and command nature spirits to aid them.  These druids are found wherever animals are in need of protection. They often serve as advisors to villages on matters of livestock and wildlife, and they can call upon powerful nature spirits to help defend the land.

Circle of Stars (TCoE)

Druids of this circle harness the power of decay and rebirth. Saintly relics serve as focal points for their necrotic and restorative magic. They see death as a natural part of life and use fungal growths and spores to control the balance of nature.  These druids are often found in areas rich with decay and regeneration, such as forests and swamps. They are both feared and respected for their ability to harness the power of death to bring about new life.

Circle of Wildfire (TCoE)

Masters of both destruction and renewal, the Circle of Wildfire druids harness the primal force of fire. They use it to cleanse and rejuvenate the land, balancing the destructive and life-giving aspects of fire.  These druids are both feared and revered for their control over fire. They often dwell in areas prone to wildfires or volcanic activity, using their powers to control and direct the flames for the benefit of the land.

Example Backgrounds:

·       Hermit: Living in seclusion, you have gained profound insights into the natural world and its connection to the fey.

·       Outlander: Your life in the wilds has attuned you to the rhythms of nature, making you a guardian of the land.


Fighters in Adamar are practical warriors, often peasants wielding tools like axes and shovels as weapons. They represent the common folk’s determination to defend their homes and reclaim their rights, standing as a bulwark against tyranny.

Arcane Archer (XGtE):

The Arcane Archer uses enchanted arrows and long-range attacks to support the rebellion. They are the silent hunters and protectors, using their magic-infused archery to strike from the shadows.  These fighters could be foresters, hunters, or rangers who have tapped into ancient fey magic. Their precision and magical arrows disrupt enemy formations and take down key targets from afar, making them invaluable to the rebel cause.

Battle Master (PHB):

The Battle Master is the tactician of the rebellion, using cunning and strategy to outmaneuver the better-equipped noble forces. They teach their comrades the art of war and lead them in coordinated attacks.  Often former soldiers or mercenaries who have joined the rebellion, Battle Masters train the peasants in various combat techniques and organize them into effective fighting units. They use their knowledge to turn the tide of battle in favor of the commoners.

Cavalier (XGtE):

It takes a special person to turn their back on the prestige and power of their noble birth and those often end up as the leaders of the rebellion.  These fighters might be former stable hands, minor nobility who have sided with the peasants, or skilled riders who have trained their mounts for war. They lead charges against the enemy and protect the vulnerable with their superior mounted combat skills.

Champion (PHB):

The Champion represents the quintessential hero of the peasant rebellion, embodying the ideals of raw physical prowess and indomitable spirit. They are the common folk who have risen to become legendary figures, inspiring others with their exceptional combat skills and heroism.  These fighters are often blacksmiths, farmers, or local militia who have trained themselves to exceptional levels. They rally their fellow peasants with their feats of strength and bravery, becoming symbols of hope and resilience.

Echo Knight (EGtW):

Echo Knights manipulate time and space, which can symbolize the disciplined, warlike nature of hobgoblins, representing a transformation into a more militant and regimented species.  These fighters might have delved into forgotten magic or experienced strange temporal anomalies. Their ability to summon echoes makes them versatile and unpredictable warriors, turning the tide of battle with their temporal duplications.

Eldritch Knight (PHB):

These fighters blend martial prowess with arcane magic. Relics could be saintly weapons or armor that grant them additional necrotic or divine abilities.  These fighters might also have been village shamans, hedge wizards. Their combination of sword and sorcery makes them formidable opponents on the battlefield, adding a mystical edge to the rebellion.

Rune Knight (TCoE):

The Rune Knight draws upon ancient runes and giant magic, symbolizing those who have connected with the land's primal forces and the dwavern trial masters. They use rune magic to bolster their strength and protect their fellow rebels. These fighters could be blacksmiths, rune-carvers, or individuals who have discovered old giant relics. Their rune-empowered abilities allow them to grow, strength, and durability, becoming living embodiments of the land's ancient power.

Example Backgrounds:

·       Soldier: Trained in the ways of war, you have fought in battles and understand the discipline of a warrior.

·       Folk Hero: A defender of the common people, you have risen to prominence through acts of valor and leadership.


In the world of Elderberry Tales, monks are spiritual warriors, scholars, and guardians of ancient traditions. They draw their power from rigorous training, meditation, and a deep connection to both the physical and metaphysical worlds. Each monk subclass can find a unique role within this setting, reflecting

Way of the Astral Self (TCoE)

These monks could be likened to the Carthusian Order, known for their solitary and contemplative lifestyle. Their deep meditation and focus on spiritual enlightenment reflect the introspective and mystical nature of the Astral Self.  These monks are usually solitary practitioners who meditate deeply on their spiritual nature. They are known for their wisdom and strength, often serving as guides or protectors in times of great need.  They often consider the darkness infecting the land to be normal often making them heretics to both the bastard’s forces and the rebellion.

Way of the Drunken Master (XGtE)

These monks can be likened to the Brethren of the Free Spirit, a somewhat unorthodox and mystical group that emphasized personal freedom and a direct connection to the divine. Their seemingly chaotic behavior can be seen as a form of divine inspiration and unconventional wisdom.  These monks often disguise themselves as wandering vagrants or entertainers. They use their seemingly erratic behavior to catch enemies off guard, making them effective in both combat and undercover operations.

Way of the Four Elements (PHB)

These monks might resemble the Cistercian Order, who were known for their deep connection to the land and their skill in transforming natural landscapes through their labor. They are guardians of nature and balance, mirroring the elemental powers of the subclass.   These monks are usually found near powerful natural formations or ley lines where the elemental forces are strong. They are respected as protectors of the environment and can be called upon to deal with natural disasters or elemental disturbances.

Way of the Kensei (XGtE)

Interpretation: These monks would be like the Knights Templar, who were both monks and warriors. They combine spiritual discipline with martial prowess, dedicating their lives to protecting the faithful and upholding justice.  These monks are typically found in martial schools or as wandering swordsmen. They serve as both warriors and philosophers, seeking to perfect their art and protect those who cannot defend themselves.  They also are obsessed with commerce, which seems almost heretical  to most monks.

Way of the Long Death (SCAG)

Monks of this path have a deep understanding of life and death, aligning with the setting’s focus on the divine creator, the undead, and the cycle of life.  Relics could be saintly remains that grant them power over death and enhance their martial arts.  These monks might be like the Order of Hospitallers, who provided care for the sick and dying. Their close relationship with death and the afterlife makes them natural caretakers of those on the brink of death.  These monks are usually found in crypts or near ancient burial sites, studying the boundary between life and death. They use their knowledge to instill fear in their enemies and protect the sanctity of life.

Way of the Open Hand (PHB)

These monks would be akin to members of the Benedictine Order, known for their dedication to prayer, manual labor, and teaching. They are disciplined and focus on physical and spiritual training to maintain balance and harmony.  These monks are often found in secluded monasteries where they train in physical and spiritual disciplines. They are known for their ability to bring peace and justice through non-lethal means, making them respected mediators and defenders of the weak.

Way of Mercy (TCoE)

These monks act as both healers and bringers of death, balancing the setting’s themes of divine intervention and the harsh realities of the world.  These monks would align with the Order of Saint John, who were dedicated to hospital work and caring for the sick. Their healing abilities and dedication to mercy reflect the compassionate mission of this order. hese monks are often found traveling from village to village, offering their healing skills to the needy. They are revered as benevolent figures who bring relief in times of pain and suffering.

Way of Shadow (PHB)

These monks could be compared to Franciscan Friars who often worked among the poor and downtrodden, sometimes in secretive or dangerous circumstances. Their ability to move unseen and their dedication to helping the marginalized aligns well with the shadowy nature of this subclass.  These monks often serve as spies and scouts for those resisting the Bastard's rule. They are trained in hidden monasteries or secret societies, using their abilities to gather intelligence and strike from the shadows when needed.

Example Backgrounds:

·       Acolyte: Your upbringing in a monastic community has given you deep spiritual insights and discipline.

·       Sage: As a scholar, you have devoted your life to studying the mysteries of the universe and the teachings of the Creator.


In Elderberry Tales, Paladins can be depicted as champions of the peasant rebellion, drawing strength from their oaths and divine connection to fight against the corrupt nobility. Each Paladin subclass can reflect different facets of the rebellion, from protectors and healers to avengers and crusaders. Here’s how each subclass can fit into this setting:

Oath of the Ancients (PHB)

The Oath of the Ancients paladin is connected to the natural world, drawing power from ancient and primal sources. They represent the enduring spirit of the land and its people.  These paladins might be druids who have taken up arms, forest guardians, or individuals blessed by the fey. Their abilities emphasize healing, protection, and the power of nature, making them invaluable allies in the fight for freedom.

Oath of Conquest (XGtE)

The Oath of Conquest paladin seeks to dominate and subjugate their enemies, representing the iron will and martial prowess of the rebellion’s most aggressive fighters. These paladins could be former mercenaries, warlords, or individuals hardened by the struggle against the nobles. Their abilities focus on fear, control, and relentless pursuit of victory, making them intimidating leaders in battle.

Oath of the Crown (SCAG)

The Oath of the Crown paladin is dedicated to upholding law and order, but in the context of the rebellion, they fight for the establishment of a just and fair rule for the people. These paladins might be former royal guards who have defected, community leaders advocating for a new order, or idealists striving for a better society. Their abilities emphasize leadership, protection, and inspiring their allies.

Oath of Devotion (PHB)

The Oath of Devotion paladin embodies the ideals of honor, justice, and self-sacrifice. They are the noble protectors of the common folk, dedicated to a pure and righteous cause.  These paladins could be former knights who have turned against the corrupt nobles, village leaders who have taken up the mantle of defender, or individuals inspired by the teachings of saintly figures. Their abilities focus on protecting their allies and smiting evil.

Oath of Glory (MOoT / TCoE)

The Oath of Glory paladin seeks to achieve greatness and inspire others through heroic deeds. They are the champions and paragons of the rebellion, leading by example.  These paladins might be legendary heroes, local champions, or individuals inspired by ancient tales of heroism. Their abilities focus on enhancing their own physical capabilities and inspiring those around them, making them shining beacons of hope.

Oath of Redemption (XGtE)

The Oath of Redemption paladin seeks to bring peace and forgiveness, even in the midst of conflict. They are the healers and peacemakers, striving to resolve conflicts with minimal bloodshed. These paladins might be healers, mediators, or individuals seeking to atone for past violence. Their abilities focus on healing, protection, and non-lethal solutions, making them the moral compass of the rebellion.

Oath of Vengeance (PHB)

The Oath of Vengeance paladin is driven by a desire to punish the wicked and avenge the wrongs done to the common folk. They are relentless avengers, striking fear into the hearts of their enemies.These paladins could be survivors of noble atrocities, former soldiers seeking justice, or individuals fueled by personal loss. Their abilities focus on pursuing and destroying their foes, making them fearsome combatants in the rebellion.


Rangers are former foresters and hunters, now turned outlaws or defenders of the wilderness. They use their skills to survive and protect the land, often operating from the shadows to avoid the Bastard’s forces.

Beast Master (PHB):

The Beast Master forms a bond with an animal companion, using their skills and teamwork to protect and fight for the rebellion. They represent the deep connection between the common folk and the natural world.  These rangers could be shepherds, hunters, or animal handlers who have forged a deep bond with their animal companions. Their animal allies assist in scouting, combat, and guarding the rebel encampments, making them invaluable assets.

Fey Wanderer (TCoE):

The Fey Wanderer has a connection to the Feywild, using their enchanting abilities and fey magic to aid the rebellion. They represent the whimsical and unpredictable nature of the fey, bringing a touch of enchantment to the fight.  They are most likely from Freyton or the Highlands.  These rangers might be fey-touched individuals, storytellers, or those who have made pacts with fey beings. Their ability to charm, confuse, and manipulate their enemies adds a mystical element to the rebellion's tactics.

Hunter (PHB):

The Hunter specializes in tracking and taking down specific targets, representing the elite marksmen and trackers of the rebellion. They excel in various forms of combat, adapting their tactics to the needs of the battlefield.  These rangers might be village hunters, trackers, or former soldiers who use their skills to hunt down key targets and protect their allies. Their versatility in combat allows them to face different threats and support the rebellion in numerous ways.

Monster Slayer (XGtE):

The Monster Slayer focuses on hunting down supernatural threats, representing those who protect the rebellion from monstrous creatures and dark magic. They are the bane of the nobility’s twisted experiments and dark allies.  These rangers could be former monster hunters, scholars of the occult, or villagers who have taken up arms against the creatures terrorizing their homes. Their specialized knowledge and combat abilities make them essential for dealing with the nobles' unnatural creations.

Swarmkeeper (TCoE):

The Swarmkeeper commands a swarm of creatures, using them to harass and overwhelm their enemies. They represent the unity and strength in numbers that the peasant rebellion embodies.  These rangers could be beekeepers, rat catchers, or individuals who have formed a bond with a swarm of creatures. Their swarms provide both offensive and defensive capabilities, allowing them to protect their allies and disrupt their enemies.  Goblins are particularly common in this role.

Example Backgrounds:

·       Outlander: Your life in the wilderness has made you a master of survival and tracking.

·       Folk Hero: Known for your efforts to protect the land and its people, you are a symbol of resistance.


Rogues in Adamar are cunning and resourceful, often turning to banditry or subterfuge to survive. Whether as local black sheep or skilled tradespeople with a shadowy past, they use their talents to navigate the dangerous landscape.  

Arcane Trickster (PHB)

These rogues would be akin to alchemists or hedge wizards who have learned to blend stealth with magic. They might operate in the shadows, using their arcane talents to support rebellions and undermine the Bastard's forces.  Humans who dabble in arcane secrets and fey magic might transform into sylphs, gaining an ethereal and magical presence that enhances their trickery and spellcasting.

Assassin (PHB)

These rogues could be compared to professional killers or spies who were employed by nobles and rulers. In the context of the rebellion, they might be elite agents targeting key figures in the Bastard's regime.  Humans driven by vengeance and intense training in lethal arts might transform into orcs, gaining physical strength and ferocity to enhance their assassination capabilities.

Inquisitive (XGtE)

These rogues resemble medieval detectives or inquisitors who seek out truth and uncover hidden threats. They might serve as investigators within the rebellion, unearthing plots and exposing traitors. Humans who delve deeply into the mysteries of their world and the workings of the rebellion might transform into hobgoblins, gaining discipline and strategic insight.

Mastermind (SCAG / XGtE)

These rogues are akin to spymasters or political advisors who manipulate events from behind the scenes. They use their intellect and charisma to gather information and orchestrate the rebellion's plans.  Humans who become deeply entrenched in political intrigue and manipulation might transform into goblins, gaining cunning and agility to further their schemes.

Phantom (TCoE)

These rogues are like mediums or necromancers who communicate with the dead. In the rebellion, they might harness the power of spirits to gain information or bolster their combat abilities. Humans who delve into the mysteries of death and the spirit world might only start these studies after they die and are transformed into living reliquaries, animated by the souls of the dead and gaining ghostly powers.

Scout (XGtE)

These rogues are akin to rangers or scouts who operate on the fringes of society, gathering intelligence and acting as the eyes and ears of the rebellion. They excel in wilderness survival and guerrilla tactics.  Humans who live close to nature and develop a deep connection to the wilderness might transform into elves, gaining heightened senses and agility.  These transformed elves often rub the fallen elves the wrong way.

Soulknife (TCoE)

These rogues might be seen as mystics or warriors who have honed their mental powers to create psionic weapons. In the rebellion, they serve as elite operatives using their unique abilities to strike at the heart of the Bastard's forces.  Humans who channel their inner psionic energy might transform into undines, gaining fluidity and psionic prowess that enhances their stealth and combat skills.

Swashbuckler (SCAG / XGtE)

These rogues resemble daring adventurers or privateers who combine combat prowess with charm. They lead from the front, inspiring others, and striking fear into their enemies with their audacity. Humans who embrace a life of adventure and bravery might transform into halflings, gaining nimbleness and luck that enhances their swashbuckling style.

Thief (PHB)

These rogues are akin to common thieves or outlaws who survive through cunning and stealth. They might use their skills to steal from the Bastard's coffers and supply the rebellion with necessary resources. Humans who live a life of thievery and cunning might transform into goblins, gaining agility and craftiness that enhances their larcenous talents.

Example Backgrounds:

·       Criminal: Your life of crime has honed your skills in stealth and deception.

·       Charlatan: A master of disguise and trickery, you navigate society’s fringes with ease.


Sorcerers arrrive under unique cosmic circumstances, such as a lucky moon or the seventh child of a seventh child. These individuals possess innate magical abilities, often setting them apart as wise women or eccentric figures within their communities.

Divine Soul (XGtE)

The Saint-Touched have been blessed by one of the great Saints or by the divine creator, these sorcerers carry a piece of divine magic within them.  Seen as messengers or champions of the divine, they are often involved in holy quests or battles against the Bastard's corruption.  The divine influence could cause them to transform into sylphs, reflecting their celestial or divine nature. Sylphs are air elementals with a connection to the heavens, embodying the ethereal and otherworldly aspects of their divine heritage.

Draconic Bloodline (PHB)

The Dragon-Blessed are sorcerers are descendants of ancient dragons who once roamed Adamar. They carry the blood and power of these majestic creatures.  Often revered or feared, they might be sought after for their knowledge of dragons or hunted by those who see them as a threat.  The draconic influence could cause them to transform into salamanders, reflecting their connection to elemental fire. Salamanders are born from flames, embodying the fiery and destructive nature of their draconic bloodline.

Shadow Magic (XGtE)

The Shadowborn draw their power from the shadows and darkness that encroach upon the land, perhaps from the influence of the Bastard's dark magic.Feared and misunderstood, they might act as spies, assassins, or guardians of dark secrets.  The dark magic could cause them to transform into orcs, reflecting their connection to the shadows and the darker aspects of the world. Orcs in this setting are peasants transformed to defend against noble betrayal, embodying strength and resilience born from darkness.

Storm Sorcery (SCAG)

The Stormbringers arrived during a dark and stormy night, these sorcerers wield the power of the weather.Revered in coastal regions or among those who depend on the weather for their livelihood, they can be both protectors and harbingers of doom.  The elemental influence could cause them to transform into undines, reflecting their connection to water and the storm. Undines are water spirits, embodying the fluid and tempestuous nature of their elemental powers.

Wild Magic (PHB)

The Chaos-Touched have been touched by the raw, untamed magic of the feywild or the chaotic energies unleashed by the Bastard's reign.  Unpredictable and often shunned, they can be both a blessing and a curse to those around them.  The chaotic nature of their magic could cause them to transform into goblins, reflecting their unpredictable and mischievous nature. Goblins in this setting are townsfolk transformed to fight using treachery and magic, embodying the chaotic and capricious aspects of wild magic.

Example Backgrounds:

·       Hermit: Your isolation has allowed you to explore your magical talents without interference.

·       Noble: Born into a family with a history of magical prowess, your powers are seen as a blessing and a responsibility.


Warlocks make pacts with entities beyond the divine creation, such as fey or daemons. These pacts grant them powerful abilities, but also tie them to otherworldly forces that influence their fate.

The Archfey (PHB): 

The Ancient Sylvan Lords:These are ancient, powerful fey lords and ladies who once roamed the world freely but now reside in hidden glades and enchanted forests. They embody the wild, untamed essence of nature and magic.  Warlocks with an Archfey patron could transform into fey creatures like sylphs or elves. This transformation could imbue them with fey-like grace and magical abilities, reflecting the nature of their patron.

The Celestial (XGtE): 

These are revered saints and holy figures who act as intermediaries between the divine creator and the mortal realm. They offer pacts to those who pledge to spread their divine message or fight against the Bastard's corruption.  Warlocks with a Celestial patron might transform into celestial beings like living reliquaries. This transformation could grant them radiant powers and a sense of divine purpose.

The Fiend (PHB): 

Instead of descending into the hell and abyss, these are ambassidors of the Monstrum Daemons.  These wandering and secluded demons are always looking for leverage.  hey offer power in exchange for the warlock's soul and service. They are most likely to be transformed into hobgoblins or goblins.

The Genie (TCoE):

These represent the Elemental Sovereigns. These are ancient elemental beings that embody the pure essence of their respective elements—fire, water, earth, and air.  They are most likely to be transformed into the associated elemental being as part of the deal.

The Hexblade (XGtE):

These are soldiers imbued with soul energy weapons from the court of the bastard.  However, some heroes acquire such weapons to fight against such tyranny.  These are most turned into goblins or living reliquaries when they die, as their agreement rarely ends upon death.

The Undying (SCAG)

Those who make pacts with undying beings might find themselves resistant to death and aging, becoming more like revenants or liches, with a semblance of immortality and a connection to the realm of the dead.Warlocks of the Undying seek to defy death, fitting the transformation into an undead form like Living Reliquaries, who continue their existence beyond death. 

Example Backgrounds:

·       Charlatan: Your persuasive skills have helped you negotiate a powerful pact.

·       Hermit: In your seclusion, you encountered a powerful being that offered you a dark bargain.


Wizards are scholars of magic, often learning their craft from local mages. They serve practical roles in their communities, using their knowledge to solve everyday problems and provide mystical services.

Abjuration (PHB):

Wizards specializing in protective magic are highly valued in a world where dangers, both natural and supernatural, abound. They are sought after for creating wards, protective barriers, and magical defenses for villages and important individuals.

Divination (PHB):

Divination wizards play a crucial role in helping communities prepare for the future. They foresee crop yields, predict weather patterns, and warn of impending dangers, aiding in the survival and prosperity of villages.

Enchantment (PHB):

Enchantment wizards use their magic to maintain order and peace within communities. They could pacify conflicts, inspire loyalty, and foster cooperation among villagers, ensuring harmonious living.

Evocation (PHB):

Evocation wizards would be essential for defense and hunting. They create blasts of magical energy to fend off threats or assist in hunting for food, providing a practical application of their magical abilities.

Transmutation (PHB):

Transmutation wizards are valued for their ability to manipulate the elements and transform materials. They could help with agriculture by improving soil quality or creating tools from common materials, contributing to the advancement of society.

Example Backgrounds:

·       Sage: Your thirst for knowledge led you to study the arcane arts extensively.

·       Acolyte: Raised in a religious institution, you learned the ways of magic alongside your spiritual training.

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