Friday, January 26, 2024

Cyndi "Neon Vortex" Drake - or ever wonder what happened to the third vampire in Monster Squad?


In the small town close to Los Angeles, Cyndi was just an ordinary movie worker, responsible for behind-the-scenes tasks in the local film industry. Her uneventful life took an unexpected turn in 1987 when she became the third bride of Dracula. Unlike her ill-fated counterparts, Cyndi managed to escape the chaos that ensued and found herself in an arcade, her life forever changed.


Caught off guard by the Creature of the Black Lagoon during a routine movie job, Cyndi fought her way out, displaying an unusual awareness that set her apart from other vampire brides. Witnessing her supernatural companions fall in battle, she made a daring escape, ultimately hiding in an '80s-themed arcade. It was in this dark and neon-filled sanctuary that she encountered an old arcade machine named "Yokai Dochuki."


Cyndi "Neon Vortex" Drake, the enigmatic vampire with a flair for the '80s, embodies a unique presence in the world of Monster Squad. Picture her with long, flowing dark hair cascading over her shoulders, juxtaposed against her piercing neon-colored eyes that seem to reflect both the bitterness of her past and the unsettling charisma of her vampiric nature.

Wearing attire that seamlessly combines the outdated neon fashion with a touch of gothic elegance, she stands out as a figure that could easily belong to a bygone era. Her wardrobe is a blend of retro punk, adorned with neon accessories that illuminate her in the darkness, creating an otherworldly aura.

Cyndi's face, eternally frozen in a sarcastic smirk, reflects her sharp wit and resilience. Her fangs, subtly visible when she speaks, remind observers of her vampiric nature. The bitterness in her eyes, however, hints at a complex past that drives her actions in either heroic redemption or villainous revenge.

In terms of demeanor, Cyndi carries herself with a confident and almost rebellious air, embodying the spirit of the '80s. Whether she is a hero or a villain, her sarcastic remarks cut through the tension like a double-edged sword, making her a captivating and unpredictable character. Her voice, reminiscent of Ash from Evil Dead, adds a touch of humor even in the direst situations, making her a memorable and enigmatic presence in the ongoing battle against the supernatural. The outdated neon lights that accompany her wherever she goes serve as a visual reminder of her unique style and the era she left behind.

Aspect: Neon Vortex's Edge

Equal Capacity as Hero or Villain:

The Bitter 80's Survivor:

Heroic Angle: Cyndi, bitter about being turned into a vampire, strives to protect innocent lives from supernatural threats. Her resentment toward Dracula fuels her determination to make amends for the misdeeds she might have committed as a vampire.

Villainous Angle: The bitterness drives her to seek revenge against Dracula and anyone associated with him, potentially leading her down a darker path of using her vampiric abilities without restraint.

Sarcastic Wit:

Heroic Angle: Cyndi's sarcastic humor becomes a valuable asset when dealing with monsters and supernatural threats. Her ability to lighten tense situations can be instrumental in team dynamics.

Villainous Angle: Her sarcasm takes a darker turn, making her a formidable opponent in psychological warfare. She uses her wit to manipulate and taunt others, adding an extra layer of menace to her vampiric presence.

Touch of Ash's Resilience:

Heroic Angle: Cyndi's resilience and determination mirror Ash from Evil Dead, making her an unyielding force against the forces of darkness. Her ability to endure and strategize in dire situations becomes a beacon of hope for those around her.

Villainous Angle: Her resilience turns into a ruthless pursuit of her goals, regardless of the consequences. She becomes a cunning adversary, adapting to any situation to achieve her vampiric objectives.

Outdated Neon Style:

Heroic Angle: Cyndi's use of neon becomes a nostalgic homage to the '80s, symbolizing her connection to the past. It can be a source of inspiration for those who fight alongside her.

Villainous Angle: Her neon aesthetic takes on a menacing tone, blending with her vampiric powers to create an ominous presence. The outdated neon style becomes an iconic and fear-inducing symbol.

In the world of monsters, Cyndi "Neon Vortex" Drake stands at the crossroads, her choices determining whether she becomes a beacon of hope or a force of darkness in the ongoing battle against the supernatural.

#vampire #monster #monstersquad

Saturday, January 13, 2024

Battletrain Blitz: Neon Rail Reckoning

 Welcome to a parallel universe where the 1980s vision of the future meets the relentless power of battle trains. Picture a world fractured into kingdoms in North America, each bound by a fragile treaty to minimize conflict but ignited by the pursuit of rail dominance. Armored trains, neon-lit cities, and magnetic levitation technologies define this landscape. Navigate the Quantum Springs Terminal's serene beauty or challenge adversaries in Electron City Junction's high-tech battleground. Will you defend the Steelheart Citadel Depot or explore the mysteries of the Mirage City Abandoned Yard? In this model railway adventure, you're not just a conductor; you're a strategist, navigating epic train battles in a world where the tracks are the new battlegrounds.


Neon-Infused Train Designs: Infuse the design of battle trains with a vibrant and futuristic 1980s aesthetic. Picture sleek, neon-lit trains with bold colors and dynamic patterns, resembling the flashy designs of the '80s.

Synthwave Soundtrack: Set the mood with a synthwave soundtrack reminiscent of the '80s. The pulsating beats and retro-futuristic melodies can enhance the overall atmosphere of the game, adding a nostalgic touch to the railway battles.

Retro Tech Upgrades: Implement upgrades and modifications for battle trains that reflect a retro-futuristic technology vibe. Think of computer consoles, digital displays, and other high-tech components that capture the imagination of the 1980s vision of the future.

Fashion and Style: Character designs and attire could be influenced by '80s fashion trends. Picture characters with bold hairstyles, shoulder pads, leather jackets, and other iconic elements from the era, giving the world a distinct '80s flair.

Arcade-Style Challenges: Incorporate arcade-style challenges and mini-games within the game world. These could include racing segments, target shooting competitions, or other activities that evoke the spirit of classic '80s arcade games.

Rise of Mega-Corporations: Imagine powerful mega-corporations controlling the railway landscape, each with its unique style and branding. These corporations could reflect the corporate culture and excess of the 1980s, competing for dominance in the battle train industry.

Pop Culture References: Sprinkle pop culture references from the 1980s throughout the game world. This could include nods to iconic movies, music, and events, creating a sense of familiarity for players who appreciate the era.

Cyberpunk Cityscapes Along the Rails: Envision cyberpunk-inspired cityscapes that have developed along major railway routes. Skyscrapers adorned with neon lights, bustling marketplaces, and a mix of futuristic and retro architecture can define these urban hubs.

Retro Advertisements and Billboards: Populate the game world with retro-style advertisements and billboards. These can add to the immersion, portraying fictional products and services that reflect the commercialized culture of the 1980s.

The Cold War of Rails: Draw inspiration from the geopolitical tensions of the 1980s and apply it to the world of railway warfare. Factions could mirror the ideological struggles of the Cold War, adding political intrigue and espionage to the overarching narrative.

How do the Rails Rail?

Creating parallel train railways for epic battles adds a dynamic and strategic element to your alternate history world. Here are several ways you could design and implement parallel train railways to facilitate intense and exciting train battles:

Dual-Track Systems:

Establish railway systems with dual tracks running parallel to each other. This could be a standard design for major routes or a feature implemented in strategic regions to facilitate both efficient transportation and potential conflicts.

Parallel Diverting Lines:

Design railway networks with diverging and converging lines that run parallel to each other for certain stretches. This allows for parallel routes that can be used for both transportation and warfare.

Elevated and Subterranean Tracks:

Create elevated or subterranean railway tracks running parallel to the surface-level tracks. This multi-layered approach not only adds complexity to the battlefield but also allows for strategic advantages in battles.

Bifurcated Railway Stations:

Develop railway stations with multiple platforms and tracks that bifurcate into parallel routes. This design facilitates the seamless movement of trains while providing opportunities for strategic confrontations.

Strategic Rail Splitting:

Introduce sections of the railway where tracks split into parallel routes before merging again. This could be implemented in regions of high tension or near contested territories.

Bifurcation Points at Junctions:

Place bifurcation points at crucial railway junctions, allowing trains to choose parallel routes based on their destination or tactical considerations. This setup increases the potential for clashes at these strategic points.

Warrior Trains Designed for Parallel Tracks:

Design specific warrior trains that excel in battles along parallel tracks. These trains might have rotating turrets, lateral weaponry, or modular components that are effective when engaging in side-by-side combat.

Adaptive Rail Technology:

Invent a technology that allows the railway tracks to adapt, splitting or merging dynamically based on the approaching trains' needs. This could be a sophisticated system that enhances the strategic possibilities during battles.

Dynamic Switching Stations:

Incorporate dynamic switching stations that can rearrange tracks to create parallel routes on-demand. This technology could be controlled by factions or utilized strategically during conflicts.

Parallel Rail Races:

Organize high-stakes races or competitions on parallel tracks, attracting attention and making these routes prime locations for battles. This could be part of a larger entertainment or diplomatic initiative.

By implementing one or a combination of these design elements, you can create a diverse and strategically rich environment for epic train battles along parallel railways in your alternate history world. The goal is to offer players a variety of tactical choices and challenges as they navigate the complex and dynamic railway landscape.

Train Weapons

Rail Cannons:

High-powered electromagnetic railguns mounted on train cars. These cannons use magnetic fields to launch projectiles at tremendous speeds, offering long-range precision and firepower.

Missile Launchers:

Surface-to-surface missile launchers positioned on specialized train cars. These missiles can be equipped with various warheads, making them versatile for different combat scenarios.

Tesla Turrets:

Directed-energy weapons inspired by Nikola Tesla's concepts. These turrets emit powerful beams of energy to disable or destroy enemy targets, providing a futuristic and electrifying weapon option.

Gatling Gun Cars:

Train cars equipped with Gatling guns for rapid-fire, sustained firepower. These weapons can be effective for suppressing enemy defenses or engaging multiple targets.

Sonic Disruptors:

Sonic weapons that emit powerful sound waves to disrupt enemy communication, disorient personnel, or even damage structures. Sonic disruptors could be mounted on train cars for area denial.

EMP Generators:

Electromagnetic pulse (EMP) generators designed to disable electronic systems. These devices can be strategically used to neutralize enemy train electronics or disrupt communication networks.

Smoke Screen Projectors:

Train cars equipped with smoke screen projectors to create a defensive curtain. This obscures vision and provides cover for the train, allowing it to evade or reposition during battles.

Plasma Cannons:

Advanced plasma weaponry mounted on train turrets. Plasma cannons offer a powerful and visually striking alternative to traditional ballistic weapons.

Magnetic Mines:

Magnetic mines attached to the underside of train cars. These mines can be deployed to adhere to enemy trains, creating explosive or disabling effects upon detonation.

Particle Beam Emitters:

Particle beam emitters capable of firing concentrated energy beams. These high-tech weapons provide precise and devastating attacks, making them valuable assets in battles.

Flamethrower Cars:

Train cars equipped with flamethrowers for close-quarters combat. Flamethrowers can be used to clear obstacles, disable enemy systems, or create a fiery barrier against adversaries.

Kinetic Impactors:

Massive, high-velocity projectiles designed to impact and disable enemy trains. Kinetic impactors use sheer kinetic force to cause damage, offering a straightforward and powerful option.

Stealth Cloak Generator:

Advanced stealth technology that renders the train nearly invisible to enemy sensors. This allows for strategic surprise attacks and covert maneuvers.

Biological Agents Dispensers:

Train cars equipped with dispensers for releasing non-lethal or incapacitating biological agents. These agents could affect enemy personnel or disable electronic systems.

Laser Turrets:

Train-mounted laser turrets for precision targeting. These lasers can be used for long-range attacks, cutting through enemy armor or disabling critical systems.

The Factions

In this alternate history, where North America is fragmented into kingdoms that have signed a treaty to minimize conflict, the major players would likely emerge based on various factors such as resources, strategic locations, and historical influence. Here are some regions in Canada, the United States, and Mexico that could become major players in the world of train wars:

Cascadia Dominion (Pacific Northwest):

Capital: Electron City
Strategic Importance: Rich in natural resources, including timber and minerals. Access to key ports for trade with Pacific nations.

Rockland Realm (Mountain West):

Capital: Summit Citadel
Strategic Importance: Control over mountain passes and resource-rich territories. Known for formidable mountain trains.

Great Lakes Coalition (Upper Midwest):

Capital: Aquilo Harbor
Strategic Importance: Dominance over the Great Lakes trade routes. Key player in resource transportation and manufacturing.

Steelheart Dominion (Industrial Midwest):

Capital: Forge City
Strategic Importance: Industrial powerhouse with advanced train manufacturing capabilities. Strategic location for trade between east and west.

Iron Confederacy (South Central):

Capital: Foundry Haven
Strategic Importance: Rich in iron and coal resources, making it a primary hub for the production of steel and steam engines.

Dixie Dominion (Southeast):

Capital: Magnolia City
Strategic Importance: Agricultural and industrial strength, controlling vital railway junctions in the southeastern corridor.

Atlantic Republic (Mid-Atlantic):

Capital: Beacon Harbor
Strategic Importance: Coastal access for trade and naval warfare. A hub for political and economic diplomacy.

New England Union (Northeast):

Capital: Liberty Haven
Strategic Importance: Key player in diplomacy and education. Rich in technological advancements and trade partnerships.

Californium Collective (California):

Capital: Radiant City
Strategic Importance: Technologically advanced with access to cutting-edge train technologies. A hub for innovation and commerce.

Aztec Dominion (Mexico):

Capital: Quetzalcoatl Citadel
Strategic Importance: Resource-rich territories and control over southern trade routes. A major player in cross-continental diplomacy.

Tequila Desert Republic (Northern Mexico):

Capital: Mirage City
Strategic Importance: Dominance over desert routes and valuable resource extraction. Known for resilient desert trains.

These fictional regions draw on the geographical and historical characteristics of North America while reimagining them in the context of a fractured continent governed by kingdoms and fueled by the conflicts over railway dominance. The treaty among these kingdoms adds a layer of political tension, setting the stage for intense train wars and strategic maneuvering along the tracks.

Adventuring Options

Mobile Forge Cities: Imagine the creation of specialized mobile forge cities that move along the railway lines, equipped with advanced workshops and foundries. These cities are dedicated to the rapid construction, repair, and modification of battle trains. They follow strategic routes, providing on-the-go support to factions engaged in railway warfare.

Resource Nodes and Strategic Points: The rapid construction of battle trains is made possible by identifying and securing key resource nodes along the railway lines. These nodes contain essential materials like high-quality steel, coal, and rare minerals. Controlling these nodes becomes crucial for factions to build and maintain their formidable trains.

Adventurers as Mercenaries: In this world, adventurers could be mercenaries sought after for their unique skills in scouting, sabotage, and combat. Factions might hire adventurers to secure resource nodes, protect vital trade routes, or conduct reconnaissance on enemy movements. The dangerous and unpredictable nature of railway warfare makes adventurers invaluable assets.

Battlefield Salvage and Upgrades: Adventurers could explore the aftermath of epic railway battles, scavenging for salvageable components and advanced technologies from disabled or destroyed trains. These salvaged parts could be used for upgrading existing trains or sold for profit, creating a lucrative market for adventurers.

Legendary Train Engineers: Skilled train engineers and mechanics become legendary figures in this world. Adventurers might seek out these experts for guidance, training, or to acquire special modifications for their trains. The lore and reputation of these engineers could attract adventurers looking to align themselves with the best in the field.

Forgotten Rail Yards and Ghost Towns: Abandoned rail yards and ghost towns, once thriving with railway activity, could now be mysterious and dangerous places. Adventurers might explore these locations for forgotten technologies, hidden caches of resources, or to unravel the secrets of the past.

Epic Quests for Rare Components: Certain legendary or mythical components essential for building advanced battle trains are scattered across the world. Adventurers could embark on epic quests to retrieve these components, facing challenges, puzzles, and battles in their quest for the ultimate train upgrades.

Nomadic Tribes on the Rails: Nomadic tribes with a unique understanding of railway living could offer their services to adventurers. These tribes, moving on specially adapted trains, might act as guides, traders, or even trainers for adventurers seeking to navigate the perilous railway landscapes.

Bounty Hunts for Rogue Trains: Some battle trains, having gone rogue or fallen into the hands of outlaws, could become high-value targets. Factions might place bounties on these rogue trains, attracting adventurers willing to risk their lives for the rewards offered.

Railway Tournaments and Arenas: Establish railway tournaments and arenas where factions and adventurers compete for fame and fortune. These events could feature gladiator-style battles between trains, with spectators and sponsors adding to the excitement. Winning tournaments could lead to valuable rewards and recognition.

Classic Character - Sister E. Fire

I played this character in a recent game where we fought a demonic version of Bon Jovi and wanted to easily reference it.

Sister Elvira J. Fire, once a devoted servant of the church, was inadvertently exposed to dark forces during a forbidden ritual within the confines of a cabin in the wood. She went to the convent to put it behind her, but old habits die hard. Possessed by a "Saint", she now wields holy powers, terrorizing those who come into her path. With a tattered habit, glowing red eyes, and a thirst for chaos, she serves as a formidable Protagonist (but most people think she is the bad guy).


The kids of the covent recite this rhyme which she hates.

""In the dead of night, beware her fearsome glow,
The wicked nun with eyes that burn like St. Elmo!
She creeps through shadows, her laughter filled with glee,
A ghostly wraith in the convent, as dark as can be."

St. Elmo's fire, a harbinger of dread,
Guides her cursed footsteps, filling hearts with dread.
She preys on those who dare to venture near,
With powers dark and sinister, there's much to fear!

So children, heed the warning, stay far away,
From the nun of St. Elmo, who lurks in the night and day.
For once she sets her sights, there's no escape to find,
In her unholy presence, she'll haunt your troubled mind."


Saturday, January 6, 2024

Lego Space Elevator Script


In the vastness of the LEGO universe, a cosmic adventure unfolds as diverse space factions, each with its unique history and technology, come together to face a common intergalactic threat. The mysterious "Nebula Nexus" is destabilizing the balance of the universe, threatening the very fabric of LEGO space-time. Our unlikely heroes, drawn from different LEGO space eras, must unite to unravel the secrets of the Nexus and save the galaxy.

Main Characters:

  1. Commander Nova (Classic Space):

    • The experienced and charismatic leader from the Classic Space era, determined to bring unity among the factions.

  1. Blacktron Ace (Blacktron):

    • A reformed Blacktron pilot seeking redemption and a chance to prove that not all Blacktron members are villains.

  1. Galaxy Explorer Gail (Galaxy Squad):

    • A brilliant scientist and engineer from the Galaxy Squad, bringing advanced technology and insectoid allies to the team.

  2. Captain Frost (Ice Planet 2002):

    • An adventurous explorer from the frozen regions of LEGO space, skilled in navigating icy terrains.

  3. Spyrius Stealth Operative (Spyrius):

    • A master spy with a knack for stealth and infiltration, providing crucial intel for the team. It is also a robot.

  4. Benny the Spaceman (Classic Space - "The LEGO Movie"):

    • The lovable and enthusiastic astronaut who embodies the spirit of exploration and creativity. Benny brings a sense of wonder and a knack for building unique contraptions from spare parts.

Key LEGO Space Sets as Base:

  1. Classic Space Command Center (set inspired by Classic Space):

    • A central hub where Commander Nova plans missions and coordinates the team.

  2. Nebula Nexus Outpost (original set):

    • A mysterious structure at the heart of the conflict, where the heroes must confront the unknown.

  3. Galactic Explorer Ship (inspired by Galaxy Squad):

    • The team's main spacecraft, equipped with advanced technology and modular components.

  4. Frozen Frontier Base (set inspired by Ice Planet 2002):

    • A research station on an ice-covered planet, where Captain Frost conducts experiments to counter the Nebula Nexus's effects.

  1. Stealth Infiltrator (inspired by Spyrius):

    • A sleek and covert spaceship used for stealth missions and gathering intelligence.

  1. Benny's Cosmic Cruiser (Modernized Classic Space set):

    • A revamped version of the classic blue and white spacecraft, equipped with the latest technology and retro-futuristic charm. Benny's ship is not just a vessel but a symbol of unity, bridging the gap between LEGO space eras.

Tagline: "Join Benny and the cosmic alliance as they embark on a 'Galactic Odyssey,' where the bricks of the past, present, and future come together to shape the destiny of LEGO space!"

Thursday, January 4, 2024

Rifts 76 Campaign Overview

 One of these days, I'm going to run Savage Rifts (as a recovering Rifts player).

However, I'm going to use the fallout 76 map as the sandbox (the map is amazing).


  • Sandbox Map: Fallout 76 map from
  • Campaign Name: Rifts 76.

Major Factions and Locations

  1. ARCHIE Territory (Watoga)

    • Automated city repurposed by the toaster.
  2. CS Expeditionary Outpost (Whitespring)

    • Controlled by the CS, not the Enclave.
  3. Shifter Colony (Point Pleasant)

    • Mothman worshipers.
  4. Military Installation (Fort Defiance)

    • Redone by an order of Cyberknights.
  5. Spellcasters Order (Riverside Manor)

    • Secretive order dropped off by Lazlo.
  6. Dragons and Shadow Dragons

    • Dragons making life miserable, sending shadow dragons as tests. Replacing the Scorchbeasts

Major D-Bee Communities

  • Grackletooth (Super Mutant Analogue)
  • Psi Stalker (Ghoul Analogue)
  • Simvan (Raider Analogue)
  • ?? (Mole Miner Analogue)
  • ?? (Scorched Analogue)
  • Centaur
  • Sasquatch

Gangs and Analogues

  • Juicers (Blood Eagles)
  • Splugorth Slave Barges (Replacing Zetans)
  • Vronwor (Rahu Man Analogue?)
  • Brodkil (Super Mutant Analogue)

Other Analogues

  • Psi Cola Factory (Nuka Cola Analogue)
  • Shemmarian (Crater or Sons of Dane)
  • Lyn-syrial (At the Top of the World)

Additional Ideas

  1. Temple of the Winding Path

    • Federation of Magic exiles led by Rahu-Men. They are calm,nice and insightful, but have a tendency to eat heretics whom cheese them off.
  2. Cactus People

    • Gas jockeys of the world.
  3. Southern Belle Hotel

    • Run by a hospitality-obsessed crazy.
  4. Spruce Knob

    • Multicultural Merc town and job hub.
  5. Hornwright Dwarven Clan

    • Controls the Ash Heap using techno-wizardry.
    • While they married into the other dwavern clan, the Callahans, there is an underlying tension between the two clans that could easily be ignited

Wishlist Locations

  • Tyler County Fairgrounds, Philip Battlefield Cemetery, Toxic Larry's Meat and Go, Wavy Willard's Waterpark, Big Fred's Barbecue Shack, Freddy Fears House of Scares, Pumpkin House.

Unassigned Elements

  • Areas you want to use but haven't assigned yet.

Feel free to customize this structure based on your preferences and the flow of your ideas. It should serve as a good starting point for organizing your thoughts and creating a comprehensive campaign guide.

Links of note