Friday, June 21, 2024

Leagues of Votann - A Reimagining - Part 7 - Chaos Kin

Chaos Kin: The Corrupted Votann


The Chaos Kin are Votann who have succumbed to the corrupting influence of Chaos, particularly Tzeentch. These twisted Kin have turned their advanced technology and resilience against their former brethren, becoming a significant threat within the galactic core. The logical and orderly nature of the Votann is in stark contrast to the chaotic and unpredictable nature of their corrupted kin, creating a dangerous and volatile situation.

Corruption of the Votann Way of Life

  1. Warp-Infused Technology: Chaos Kin have integrated warp-tainted technology into their systems, causing their once reliable and predictable machinery to become unstable but incredibly powerful.
  2. Mystical Influence: The rational and scientific mindset of the Votann is twisted by Tzeentchian sorcery. Logic and reason are replaced with madness and arcane rituals, leading to bizarre and unpredictable behavior.
  3. Internal Division: The presence of Chaos Kin creates paranoia and distrust among the Votann. They constantly fear infiltration and corruption, leading to witch hunts and internal strife.
  4. Spiritual Corruption: The near-worship of the Ancestor Cores is perverted into dark rituals and sacrifices to Chaos gods, undermining the spiritual foundation of Votann society.

Chaos Kin Units

1. Warped Hearthguard

  • Description: Elite Votann warriors corrupted by Chaos, wielding warp-infused weapons and adorned with chaotic sigils.
  • Abilities:
    • Warp-Fueled Strikes: Their weapons channel chaotic energy, causing unpredictable and devastating damage.
    • Frenzied Resilience: Enhanced by dark rituals, they have increased toughness and resistance to damage.

2. Tzeentchian Engineers

  • Description: Former Votann engineers who have embraced the chaotic power of Tzeentch, using it to create twisted and powerful machines.
  • Abilities:
    • Warp-Tech Manipulation: Can sabotage enemy machinery and enhance their own with chaotic energy.
    • Sorcerous Constructs: Summon and control mechanical constructs powered by warp energy.

3. Chaos Kin Sorcerers

  • Description: Votann who have become powerful sorcerers under the tutelage of Tzeentch, wielding devastating warp magic.
  • Abilities:
    • Arcane Mastery: Cast potent spells that can warp reality, disrupt technology, and summon daemons.
    • Mind Warping: Use psychic powers to confuse and control enemies, turning them against their own.

4. Daemonic Machines

  • Description: Votann technology corrupted and inhabited by daemonic entities, becoming unpredictable and deadly war machines.
  • Abilities:
    • Possessed Machinery: Gains strength and resilience from the daemonic entity within, but is highly unpredictable.
    • Warp Surge: Can unleash bursts of chaotic energy, damaging everything nearby indiscriminately.

Tactical Scenarios

  1. Infiltration and Sabotage
    • Chaos Kin use their knowledge of Votann technology to infiltrate and sabotage critical systems, causing widespread chaos and disruption.
    • Tactical Example: Chaos Kin Engineers plant warp bombs within a Votann megastructure, causing catastrophic failures.
  2. Ritualistic Raids
    • Chaos Kin launch raids to capture Votann and perform dark rituals, aiming to summon greater daemonic forces.
    • Tactical Example: Chaos Kin Sorcerers lead a raid to capture a Votann settlement, using the inhabitants in a ritual to summon a Tzeentchian Greater Daemon.
  3. Corruption and Subversion
    • Using their knowledge of Votann culture, Chaos Kin attempt to corrupt and subvert key leaders and Ancestor Cores, turning them against their own.
    • Tactical Example: Chaos Kin use psychic influence and dark rituals to corrupt an Ancestor Core, causing it to issue false commands and disrupt Votann defenses.

Chaos Kin Units Stat Blocks

Warped Hearthguard

  • Type: Elite Infantry
  • Weapons: Warp-Fueled Axes, Chaotic Bolters
  • Abilities:
    • Warp-Fueled Strikes: Unpredictable damage (2D6 damage, rolls of 1 and 6 cause additional effects).
    • Frenzied Resilience: +2 Toughness, 5+ Invulnerable Save.

Tzeentchian Engineers

  • Type: Support Infantry
  • Weapons: Plasma Tools, Sorcerous Constructs
  • Abilities:
    • Warp-Tech Manipulation: Can disable enemy vehicles on a 4+.
    • Sorcerous Constructs: Summon one daemonic construct per turn (stat block varies).

Chaos Kin Sorcerers

  • Type: Psyker Infantry
  • Weapons: Warp Staff, Bolt Pistol
  • Abilities:
    • Arcane Mastery: Cast up to 3 psychic powers per turn.
    • Mind Warping: Confuse and control enemy units within 12" (Leadership test, fail results in temporary control).

Daemonic Machines

  • Type: Heavy Support
  • Weapons: Warp Cannons, Possessed Claws
  • Abilities:
    • Possessed Machinery: +3 Strength, +2 Toughness, 4+ Invulnerable Save.
    • Warp Surge: 12" radius, 3D6 damage to all units (friend and foe), once per battle.

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The Elderberry Tales - Part 5 - Adventuring options in the Elderberry Tales.


Pilgrimages, Quests and trials are all narrative structures commonly used in Dungeons and Dragons campaigns, each serving a distinct purpose in the story. Here's how they differ, along with examples of quest types that you can incorporate into your adventures:


Pilgrimages are spiritual journeys or quests undertaken by characters for divine or cultural reasons, often involving travel to sacred sites, shrines, or locations of significance. Pilgrimages focus on characters' personal growth, spiritual development, or exploration of deep moral and philosophical themes.

Five Room Pilgrimage Frame work


  1. Prologue (Room One):
    • Location: Characters meet at the starting point of the pilgrimage, perhaps an inn or a town square.
    • Encounter: Introduce the main PCs and NPCs who will be joining the pilgrimage. Each NPC should represent a different character archetype or class, much like the diverse group in "The Canterbury Tales."
  2. Test of Faith (Room Two):
    • Location: Characters begin their journey on the road, heading towards the first checkpoint.
    • Challenge: Along the way, they encounter obstacles that test their skills and teamwork. This could be a combat encounter with bandits, a navigation challenge through a dense forest, or a social encounter with a group of travelers who offer a different perspective on the pilgrimage.
  3. Test of Virtue (Room Three):
    • Location: Characters arrive at the first major checkpoint, a sacred site or a shrine dedicated to a deity.
    • Challenge: The characters face a significant challenge that tests their resolve and their commitment to the pilgrimage. This could involve a combat encounter with monsters guarding the site or a roleplaying challenge where they must negotiate with devotees of the deity.
  4. Revelation (Room Four):
    • Location: Characters continue their journey towards the next checkpoint, delving deeper into the world's lore and history.
    • Revelation: Characters uncover a hidden secret or piece of information related to the pilgrimage's purpose. This revelation could change their perspective on the journey and provide new motivation for completing it.
  5. Final Trial (Room Five):
    • Location: Characters reach the destination of the pilgrimage, a grand cathedral or a sacred grove.
    • Climactic Encounter: The characters face a final challenge that tests their faith, resolve, or character development. This could involve a confrontation with a powerful deity, a moral dilemma that requires a difficult choice, or a showdown with a rival group seeking the same goal.

Specific Examples

The following is a model of how it breakdown by cleric domain using the saint’s of the Elderberry Tales.

Arcana Domain (SCAG) - St. Catherine of Alexandria

  1. Prologue (Room One) - The Call to Adventure:
    • Location: The characters gather at the starting point, a town square, where they receive a divine calling to embark on the pilgrimage.
    • Encounter: Introduce main PCs and NPCs, each representing an aspect of the Arcana Domain. Reference St. Catherine's wisdom and intellect as inspiration for the party's journey.
  2. Test of Faith (Room Two) - The Veil of Doubt:
    • Location: As the party sets out, they encounter a magical barrier that tests their faith in the arcane.
    • Challenge: Engage in a puzzle involving deciphering ancient runes or combating illusions that challenge their beliefs.
  3. Test of Virtue (Room Three) - Shrine of Knowledge:
    • Location: Arriving at a sacred site dedicated to an ancient mystical order, reminiscent of St. Catherine's dedication to learning.
    • Challenge: Characters face a trial that tests their virtue, such as resisting the temptation of forbidden knowledge or defending the sanctity of the shrine against a corrupted presence.
  4. Revelation (Room Four) - The Path of Illumination:
    • Location: Continuing the journey, the party uncovers hidden arcane secrets, guided by visions inspired by St. Catherine's divine wisdom.
    • Revelation: Characters discover a lost tome or artifact that reveals insights into the pilgrimage's purpose, unlocking new abilities or attunements based on their level.
  5. Final Trial (Room Five) - The Sanctum of Arcane Ascendance:
    • Location: Reaching the pilgrimage's end at a mystical cathedral aligned with the stars, symbolizing St. Catherine's celestial patronage.
    • Climactic Encounter: The characters face their ultimate trial, presented with a choice that challenges their faith and dedication to the Arcana Domain, unlocking their full potential based on their level.

By tailoring the pilgrimage adventure to the Arcana Domain and weaving in elements of St. Catherine of Alexandria, you can create a narrative rich in lore, character development, and thematic resonance. Adjusting challenges and rewards based on the party's level ensures a dynamic and engaging experience that evolves with their progression throughout the campaign.


Death Domain (DMG)- St. Etheldreda (St. Audrey) and St. Seaxburh

  1. Prologue (Room One) - The Dark Calling:
    • Location: The characters convene at a shadowy chapel dedicated to the goddess of death, honoring St. Etheldreda and St. Seaxburh.
    • Encounter: Characters receive a grim prophecy or vision beckoning them to undertake a pilgrimage to prove their devotion to the Death Domain.
  2. Test of Faith (Room Two) - Passage Through the Graveyard:
    • Location: The party navigates through a haunted cemetery, where restless spirits test their resolve.
    • Challenge: Characters must make offerings to appease vengeful ghosts or face a combat encounter with undead guardians, showcasing their commitment to the Death Domain.
  3. Test of Virtue (Room Three) - Shrine of Shadows:
    • Location: Arriving at a desolate shrine veiled in eternal twilight, paying homage to St. Audrey and St. Seaxburh's legacies of piety and sacrifice.
    • Challenge: Characters confront moral dilemmas reflecting the cycle of life and death, such as aiding tormented souls or resisting the allure of necromantic power.
  4. Revelation (Room Four) - The Veil of Transcendence:
    • Location: Progressing deeper into the pilgrimage, the party uncovers ancient crypts holding secrets of mortality and beyond.
    • Revelation: Characters unearth hidden knowledge about death's mysteries, granting them insights or abilities that align with the Death Domain's teachings, adapting to their level.
  5. Final Trial (Room Five) - The Tomb of Ascension:
    • Location: Reaching the pilgrimage's culmination at a foreboding sepulcher dedicated to St. Etheldreda and St. Seaxburh's eternal vigil.
    • Climactic Encounter: Characters face a transformative trial where they must make a profound choice embodying the darkness and inevitability of death, shaping their destiny and unlocking their full potential based on their level.

By intertwining the Death Domain, St. Etheldreda, and St. Seaxburh's themes into a pilgrimage adventure, you can create a narrative that delves into the mysteries of mortality, sacrifice, and transcendence. Adapting challenges and rewards to the party's level ensures a compelling and immersive journey that challenges their beliefs and forges a profound connection to the Death Domain's enigmatic powers.


Forge Domain (XGtE)- St. Dunstan

  1. Prologue (Room One) - The Anvil's Call:
    • Location: The characters gather at the entrance of a renowned forge, dedicated to St. Dunstan, the patron saint of blacksmiths.
    • Encounter: Introduce the main PCs amidst the ringing of hammers and the glow of molten metal, setting the tone for their pilgrimage to prove their dedication to the Forge Domain.
  2. Test of Faith (Room Two) - The Trial of the Flame:
    • Location: The party embarks on their journey through a rugged mountain pass, marked by volcanic activity and searing heat.
    • Challenge: Characters must harness their creativity and resourcefulness to overcome environmental hazards or forge makeshift tools to progress, embodying the resilience and adaptability of the Forge Domain.
  3. Test of Virtue (Room Three) - The Foundry of Trials:
    • Location: Reaching a grand foundry dedicated to St. Dunstan's legacy of craftsmanship and ingenuity.
    • Challenge: Characters face trials of skill and precision, such as solving intricate puzzles or crafting intricate items under pressure, demonstrating their devotion to the Forge Domain's principles of creation and industry.
  4. Revelation (Room Four) - The Crucible of Revelation:
    • Location: Delving deeper into the pilgrimage, the party uncovers a hidden chamber containing ancient relics and divine blueprints.
    • Revelation: Characters unlock the secrets of divine craftsmanship, gaining insights or abilities that enhance their forging capabilities and align with the Forge Domain's teachings, scaling with their level.
  5. Final Trial (Room Five) - The Cathedral of St. Dunstan:
    • Location: Arriving at the climax of their pilgrimage at a magnificent cathedral honoring St. Dunstan's divine artistry.
    • Climactic Encounter: Characters confront a final trial that tests their mastery of the forge, tasked with creating a masterpiece that embodies their growth and dedication to the Forge Domain, unlocking their full potential based on their level.

Grave Domain (XGtE) - St. Boniface and St. Dismas

By intertwining the Forge Domain, St. Dunstan's patronage, and themes of craftsmanship and creation into a pilgrimage adventure, you can immerse your players in a narrative rich in artisanal lore, divine inspiration, and creative challenges. Adapting encounters and rewards based on the party's level ensures a dynamic and engaging journey that celebrates the power of forging and shaping one's destiny.

  1. Prologue (Room One) - The Call to Reflection:
    • Location: The characters assemble at a somber mausoleum or sacred graveyard, paying homage to St. Boniface, the patron of burial, and St. Dismas, the penitent thief.
    • Encounter: Characters are drawn together by a shared sense of reverence for those who have passed, setting the stage for their pilgrimage to explore themes of repentance, mortality, and the afterlife.
  2. Test of Faith (Room Two) - The Shadowed Path:
    • Location: The party embarks on a journey through a fog-shrouded necropolis, haunted by echoes of regrets and unfinished business.
    • Challenge: Characters face trials that test their resolve and empathy, encountering lost souls seeking closure or confronting specters of their past, emphasizing the Grave Domain's connection to the boundary between life and death.
  3. Test of Virtue (Room Three) - The Sanctum of Souls:
    • Location: Arriving at a crypt dedicated to St. Boniface and St. Dismas, symbolizing the duality of salvation and judgment.
    • Challenge: Characters are presented with moral dilemmas that explore themes of redemption and forgiveness, engaging in roleplaying encounters that reflect the sanctity of life and the inevitability of death.
  4. Revelation (Room Four) - The Veil of Remembrance:
    • Location: Venturing further into the pilgrimage, the party uncovers hidden catacombs containing forgotten truths and echoes of bygone eras.
    • Revelation: Characters unearth revelations about the interconnectedness of life and death, gaining insights or abilities that deepen their understanding of the Grave Domain's mysteries, evolving with their level.
  5. Final Trial (Room Five) - The Threshold of Transcendence:
    • Location: Reaching the pilgrimage's culmination at a sacred sepulcher where St. Boniface and St. Dismas are venerated.
    • Climactic Encounter: Characters are faced with a final trial that challenges their perception of mortality and the afterlife, requiring them to make a profound choice that reflects their journey of repentance, unlocking their full potential based on their level.

By meshing the Grave Domain, St. Boniface, and St. Dismas' influences into a pilgrimage adventure, you can craft a narrative rich in contemplation, redemption, and spiritual growth. Adapting challenges and revelations to suit the party's level ensures a transformative and poignant journey that delves into the complexities of life, death, and the beyond, offering a profound and memorable experience for your players.


Knowledge Domain (PHB) - St. Isidore of Seville

  1. Prologue (Room One) - The Library of Beginnings:
    • Location: The characters convene at a grand library adorned with tomes and scrolls, paying homage to St. Isidore's scholarly pursuits.
    • Encounter: Introduce main PCs in a setting of academia and erudition, setting the stage for their pilgrimage to seek enlightenment and divine wisdom.
  2. Test of Faith (Room Two) - The Labyrinthine Archive:
    • Location: The party embarks on a journey through a labyrinthine archive, filled with esoteric texts and hidden knowledge.
    • Challenge: Characters encounter puzzles and riddles that test their intellect and analytical skills, reflecting the pursuit of knowledge inherent in the Knowledge Domain.
  3. Test of Virtue (Room Three) - The Hall of Epiphanies:
    • Location: Arriving at a sanctum dedicated to St. Isidore's teachings and insights, embodying the pursuit of truth and enlightenment.
    • Challenge: Characters engage in debates and discussions with scholars or face moral quandaries that challenge their understanding of knowledge and its ethical implications, reflecting the virtues upheld by the Knowledge Domain.
  4. Revelation (Room Four) - The Chronicle of Insights:
    • Location: Progressing deeper into the pilgrimage, the party uncovers a hidden chamber containing lost chronicles and prophetic scrolls.
    • Revelation: Characters unearth profound truths and esoteric secrets, gaining knowledge or abilities that heighten their intellectual acumen and align with the Knowledge Domain's principles, adapting to their level.
  5. Final Trial (Room Five) - The Observatory of Illumination:
    • Location: Reaching the pilgrimage's zenith at an otherworldly observatory honoring St. Isidore's quest for enlightenment.
    • Climactic Encounter: Characters face a final trial that challenges their understanding of the cosmos and the mysteries of the universe, tasked with unlocking a celestial revelation that transcends mortal comprehension, unlocking their full potential based on their level.

By weaving the Knowledge Domain, St. Isidore of Seville's teachings, and themes of intellectual pursuit and enlightenment into a pilgrimage adventure, you can immerse your players in a narrative rich in scholarly intrigue, philosophical contemplation, and spiritual growth. Adapting challenges and revelations based on the party's level ensures a compelling and insightful journey that celebrates the power of knowledge and the quest for wisdom and understanding.


Life Domain (PHB) - St. Brigid of Kildare and St. Anastasia

  1. Prologue (Room One) - The Sanctuary of Beginnings:
    • Location: The characters gather at a serene healing sanctuary, dedicated to St. Brigid of Kildare and St. Anastasia, known for their healing miracles.
    • Encounter: Introduce the main PCs in an atmosphere of tranquility and compassion, setting the stage for their pilgrimage to bring light and restoration to the world.
  2. Test of Faith (Room Two) - The Path of Renewal:
    • Location: The party embarks on a journey through a lush forest teeming with life, where nature's vitality is a testament to the Life Domain.
    • Challenge: Characters encounter trials that test their nurturing instincts, such as healing injured animals, restoring blighted lands, or mediating conflicts in the natural world, showcasing their commitment to life and vitality.
  3. Test of Virtue (Room Three) - The Hearth of Hope:
    • Location: Arriving at a hospice or healing center inspired by St. Brigid and St. Anastasia's legacies of compassion and care.
    • Challenge: Characters face moral dilemmas that explore themes of mercy and forgiveness, aiding the sick and downtrodden, or resolving conflicts with empathy and understanding, demonstrating their dedication to the Life Domain's ethos of healing and renewal.
  4. Revelation (Room Four) - The Fountain of Revitalization:
    • Location: Venturing further into the pilgrimage, the party uncovers a sacred spring or sanctified pool imbued with rejuvenating energies.
    • Revelation: Characters receive divine insights or blessings that amplify their healing abilities and spiritual connection to life, granting them new powers or enhancements scaling with their level.
  5. Final Trial (Room Five) - The Garden of Reclamation:
    • Location: Reaching the pilgrimage's culmination at a sacred garden blooming with life and vitality, reflecting St. Brigid and St. Anastasia's legacy of renewal.
    • Climactic Encounter: Characters confront a final trial that challenges their devotion to life and restoration, tasked with restoring balance to a sacred grove or healing a grievous wound in the land, unlocking their full potential based on their level.

Light Domain (PHB)  - St. David

  1. Prologue (Room One) - The Shrine of Radiance:
    • Location: The characters gather at a radiant temple dedicated to St. David, a beacon of light and spiritual enlightenment.
    • Encounter: Introduce the main PCs in a setting bathed in celestial radiance, symbolizing their call to embark on a pilgrimage to spread illumination and hope.
  2. Test of Faith (Room Two) - The Path of Clarity:
    • Location: The party begins their journey through a sun-dappled forest or luminous glade, where shadows are dispelled by divine light.
    • Challenge: Characters face trials that test their resolve and clarity, such as dispelling illusions, revealing hidden truths, or guiding lost souls towards the path of enlightenment, embodying the principles of the Light Domain.
  3. Test of Virtue (Room Three) - The Beacon of Guidance:
    • Location: Arriving at a lighthouse or sacred tower symbolizing St. David's teachings of illumination and spiritual guidance.
    • Challenge: Characters encounter moral dilemmas that reflect themes of purity and righteousness, such as defending the light against encroaching darkness, offering solace to the lost, or championing virtues of compassion and forgiveness, demonstrating their commitment to the Light Domain's ideals.
  4. Revelation (Room Four) - The Prism of Revelation:
    • Location: Journeying deeper into the pilgrimage, the party discovers a crystalline chamber resonating with divine light.
    • Revelation: Characters experience epiphanies or receive gifts of insight that deepen their connection to the Light Domain, bestowing them with radiant abilities or revelations that enhance their powers and understanding, scaling with their level.
  5. Final Trial (Room Five) - The Celestial Summit:
    • Location: Reaching the pilgrimage's apex at a mountain peak bathed in celestial light, a tribute to St. David's enlightenment.
    • Climactic Encounter: Characters face a final trial that tests their dedication to spreading light and dispelling darkness, challenging them to confront their inner shadows or champion the cause of illumination, unlocking their full potential based on their level.

By intertwining the Light Domain, St. David's luminous legacy, and themes of enlightenment and purity into a pilgrimage adventure, you can immerse your players in a narrative rich in spiritual awakening, divine radiance, and transcendent growth. Adapting challenges and revelations based on the party's level ensures a transformative and enlightening journey that illuminates the path to greater understanding, hope, and celestial grace.


Nature Domain (PHB) - St. Columba and St. Piran

1.    Prologue (Room One) - The Grove of Beginnings:

o   Location: The characters convene in a tranquil grove or sacred glen, honoring St. Columba and St. Piran as patrons of nature.

o   Encounter: Introduce the main PCs amidst the rustling of leaves and the songs of birds, setting the tone for their pilgrimage to explore the mysteries and wonders of the natural world.

2.    Test of Faith (Room Two) - The Enchanted Woods:

o   Location: The party sets out on a journey through an enchanted forest, where the spirits of nature test their bond with the land.

o   Challenge: Characters encounter trials that test their attunement to nature, such as navigating through dense foliage, communing with forest creatures, or protecting the woodland from threats, showcasing their dedication to the Nature Domain.

3.    Test of Virtue (Room Three) - The Shrine of Balance:

o   Location: Arriving at a sacred grove or stone circle symbolizing the equilibrium of nature, inspired by St. Columba and St. Piran's teachings of interconnectedness.

o   Challenge: Characters face moral dilemmas that explore themes of preservation and stewardship, such as mediating between feuding natural spirits, restoring a blighted ecosystem, or safeguarding endangered wildlife, demonstrating their commitment to the Nature Domain's ethos of balance and harmony.

4.    Revelation (Room Four) - The Heart of the Wild:

o   Location: Venturing deeper into the pilgrimage, the party discovers a hidden glade pulsating with primal energies and ancient wisdom.

o   Revelation: Characters receive insights or gifts from the spirits of nature, deepening their connection to the Natural Domain and granting them abilities or knowledge that amplify their bond with the natural world, scaling with their level.

5.    Final Trial (Room Five) - The Summit of Serenity:

o   Location: Reaching the pilgrimage's apex at a sacred mountaintop shrouded in mist, a testament to peace and balance in nature.

o   Climactic Encounter: Characters face a final trial that challenges their commitment to preserving nature's harmony, tasked with confronting threats to the balance of the land or harmonizing discordant forces in the environment, unlocking their full potential based on their level.

By intertwining the Nature Domain, St. Columba, St. Piran's reverence for nature, and themes of balance and harmony into a pilgrimage adventure, you can immerse your players in a narrative that celebrates the interconnectedness of all living things, the sanctity of the natural world, and the profound wisdom found in nature's embrace. Adapting challenges and revelations based on the party's level ensures a transformative and enlightening journey that deepens their appreciation for the beauty and complexity of the world around them.

Order Domain (GGtR / TCoE) - St. Alban

  1. Prologue (Room One) - The Hall of Command:
    • Location: The characters convene at a bastion of order and authority, honoring St. Alban as a patron of structure and governance.
    • Encounter: Introduce the main PCs in a setting of hierarchy and discipline, symbolizing their call to embark on a pilgrimage to uphold justice and maintain order in the world.
  2. Test of Faith (Room Two) - The Trial of Tribunal:
    • Location: The party sets out on a journey through a city governed by strict laws and regulations, where order is both upheld and challenged.
    • Challenge: Characters face trials that test their adherence to law and order, such as resolving disputes, enforcing justice, or navigating intricate political intrigues, reflecting the principles of the Order Domain.
  3. Test of Virtue (Room Three) - The Chambers of Balance:
    • Location: Arriving at a grand courthouse or council chamber symbolizing St. Alban's ideals of fairness and equity.
    • Challenge: Characters confront moral dilemmas that explore themes of justice and integrity, such as presiding over legal trials, uncovering corruption, or mediating conflicts to ensure a just resolution, embodying their commitment to the Order Domain's ethos of balance and righteousness.
  4. Revelation (Room Four) - The Scroll of Edicts:
    • Location: Venturing deeper into the pilgrimage, the party uncovers a chamber filled with ancient scrolls and codices detailing the laws and codes of conduct.
    • Revelation: Characters gain insights or blessings that deepen their understanding of order and governance, granting them new abilities or powers that enhance their ability to uphold justice and maintain order, scaling with their level.
  5. Final Trial (Room Five) - The Citadel of Harmony:
    • Location: Reaching the pilgrimage's climax at a bastion of law and order, a testament to St. Alban's legacy of justice.
    • Climactic Encounter: Characters face a final trial that challenges their devotion to maintaining order and upholding justice, tasked with preserving harmony amid chaos or restoring balance in the face of upheaval, unlocking their full potential based on their level.

By intertwining the Order Domain, St. Alban's influence, and themes of structure and justice into a pilgrimage adventure, you can immerse your players in a narrative that celebrates the virtues of organization, discipline, and moral integrity. Adapting challenges and revelations based on the party's level ensures a transformative and enlightening journey that deepens their understanding of the principles of order and the importance of upholding justice.


Peace Domain (TCoE) - St. Hilda of Whitby

  1. Prologue (Room One) - The Abbey of Tranquility:
    • Location: The characters gather at a serene abbey or monastery dedicated to St. Hilda, known for her advocacy of peace and mediation.
    • Encounter: Introduce the main PCs in a setting of serenity and contemplation, symbolizing their call to embark on a pilgrimage to foster harmony and understanding in the world.
  2. Test of Faith (Room Two) - The Path of Serenity:
    • Location: The party begins their journey through a tranquil meadow or peaceful village, where the essence of peace permeates the surroundings.
    • Challenge: Characters face trials that test their composure and conflict resolution skills, such as negotiating disputes, calming agitated spirits, or resolving tensions between feuding factions, embodying the principles of the Peace Domain.
  3. Test of Virtue (Room Three) - The Hall of Mediation:
    • Location: Arriving at a solemn hall dedicated to St. Hilda's legacy of peace and understanding.
    • Challenge: Characters encounter moral dilemmas that explore themes of reconciliation and empathy, such as bridging cultural divides, fostering diplomatic relations, or promoting mutual respect among conflicting parties, demonstrating their dedication to the Peace Domain's ethos of unity and concord.
  4. Revelation (Room Four) - The Pool of Reflection:
    • Location: Delving deeper into the pilgrimage, the party discovers a tranquil pool reflecting the essence of inner peace and harmony.
    • Revelation: Characters receive insights or gifts that deepen their understanding of fostering tranquility and unity, granting them new abilities or blessings that enhance their diplomatic skills and promote peace, scaling with their level.
  5. Final Trial (Room Five) - The Sanctuary of Unity:
    • Location: Reaching the pilgrimage's zenith at a sanctuary of peace and harmony, embodying St. Hilda's vision of a world united in tranquility.
    • Climactic Encounter: Characters face a final trial that tests their commitment to fostering peace and unity, tasked with preventing conflict or healing deep-rooted divisions to create a lasting sense of serenity and understanding, unlocking their full potential based on their level.

By intertwining the Peace Domain, St. Hilda of Whitby's influence, and themes of reconciliation and tranquility in a pilgrimage adventure, you can immerse your players in a narrative that celebrates the virtues of peace, diplomacy, and inner harmony. Adapting challenges and revelations based on the party's level ensures a transformative and enlightening journey that deepens their appreciation for the power of unity and the importance of fostering peace in a world marked by discord and division.

Tempest Domain (PHB) - St. Patrick and St. Brendan

  1. Prologue (Room One) - The Storm's Prelude:
    • Location: The characters convene at a cliffside chapel overlooking tumultuous seas, honoring St. Patrick and St. Brendan as patrons of tempests and voyages.
    • Encounter: Introduce the main PCs amidst crashing waves and howling winds, foretelling their pilgrimage through storms and uncharted waters in pursuit of divine revelation.
  2. Test of Faith (Room Two) - The Tempest's Embrace:
    • Location: The party sets sail on a tumultuous sea, where fierce storms and raging tempests test their mettle and resolve.
    • Challenge: Characters face trials of survival and resilience as they navigate treacherous waters, endure shipwrecks, or battle against elemental forces, embodying the chaos and power of the Tempest Domain.
  3. Test of Virtue (Room Three) - The Isle of Redemption:
    • Location: Arriving at a windswept isle or rocky sanctuary symbolizing St. Patrick's penitence and St. Brendan's endurance.
    • Challenge: Characters confront moral dilemmas that explore themes of resilience and faith, such as aiding stranded sailors, taming wrathful spirits, or choosing mercy over vengeance in the face of destruction, showcasing their dedication to the Tempest Domain's ethos of strength and temerity.
  4. Revelation (Room Four) - The Gale's Enigma:
    • Location: Venturing deeper into the pilgrimage, the party discovers a secluded cove battered by relentless storms with hidden secrets within.
    • Revelation: Characters receive insights or blessings that deepen their connection to the Tempest Domain, granting them new abilities or powers tied to storms and the natural forces they encountered, scaling with their level.
  5. Final Trial (Room Five) - The Breach of Enlightenment:
    • Location: Reaching the pilgrimage's apex at the legendary Breach of Enlightenment where sky and sea converge in a tempestuous display.
    • Climactic Encounter: Characters face a final trial that challenges their resolve and control over tempestuous power, tasked with harnessing divine wrath, quelling the storm's fury, or navigating through the maelstrom to reveal hidden truths, unlocking their full potential based on their level.

By intertwining the Tempest Domain, St. Patrick, St. Brendan's legacy, and themes of storms and exploration, you can immerse your players in a narrative steeped in elemental power, divine intervention, and the tumultuous journey of faith and discovery. Adapting challenges and revelations based on the party's level ensures a dynamic and immersive pilgrimage that tests their courage, endurance, and ability to weather the storms of fate and emergence enlightened on the other side.


Trickery Domain (PHB) - St. Faith

  1. Prologue (Room One) - The Hall of Illusions:
    • Location: The characters gather at a mysterious and whimsical hall dedicated to St. Faith, known for her cleverness and trickery.
    • Encounter: Introduce the main PCs in an environment shrouded in illusions and riddles, setting the stage for their pilgrimage through deception and intrigue.
  2. Test of Faith (Room Two) - The Maze of Shadows:
    • Location: The party navigates through a labyrinthine maze filled with illusions and shifting paths, testing their perception and cunning.
    • Challenge: Characters encounter devious puzzles and traps that challenge their wit and ability to unravel the mysteries hidden within the shadows, embodying the essence of the Trickery Domain.
  3. Test of Virtue (Room Three) - The Garden of Mirrors:
    • Location: Arriving at a garden of shimmering reflections and distorted images, reflecting St. Faith's enigmatic nature.
    • Challenge: Characters confront moral dilemmas that blur the lines between truth and falsehood, such as navigating through a hall of mirrors that distort reality or deciphering cryptic messages that challenge their beliefs, showcasing their dedication to the Trickery Domain's ethos of cleverness and adaptability.
  4. Revelation (Room Four) - The Veil of Secrets:
    • Location: Venturing deeper into the pilgrimage, the party uncovers a hidden chamber filled with hidden compartments and concealed truths.
    • Revelation: Characters unlock enigmatic insights or receive trickster blessings that deepen their connection to the Trickery Domain, granting them new abilities or illusions that enhance their cunning and subterfuge, adapting to their level.
  5. Final Trial (Room Five) - The Hall of Revelations:
    • Location: Reaching the pilgrimage's culmination at a grand hall of illusions and revelations, embodying St. Faith's legacy of tricky riddles and unexpected truths.
    • Climactic Encounter: Characters face a final trial that challenges their perception and cunning, tasked with solving the ultimate riddle or unraveling a grand illusion to reveal hidden truths, unlocking their full potential based on their level.

By intertwining the Trickery Domain, St. Faith's influence, and themes of cunning and deception into a pilgrimage adventure, you can immerse your players in a narrative filled with mystery, subterfuge, and unexpected twists. Adapting challenges and revelations based on the party's level ensures a dynamic and engaging journey that tests their abilities to outwit and outmaneuver the challenges before them, providing a unique and memorable experience that celebrates the art of illusion and cleverness.


Twilight Domain (TCoE) - St. Tatiana of Rome

  1. Prologue (Room One) - The Temple of Twilight:
    • Location: The characters gather at a sanctified temple that stands on the edge of light and darkness, dedicated to St. Tatiana as a patron of balance and transition.
    • Encounter: Introduce the main PCs in an atmosphere where shadows and light converge, hinting at the pilgrimage that will explore the harmony between opposing forces.
  2. Test of Faith (Room Two) - The Twilight Path:
    • Location: The party embarks on a journey through a forest shrouded in twilight, where the boundary between day and night is blurred.
    • Challenge: Characters face trials that test their adaptability and understanding of duality, such as navigating shifting environments, harmonizing opposing elements, or mediating conflicts between polarized factions, embodying the essence of the Twilight Domain.
  3. Test of Virtue (Room Three) - The Equilibrium Grove:
    • Location: Arriving at a tranquil grove where night and day coexist in harmonious balance, reflecting St. Tatiana's teachings of unity and acceptance.
    • Challenge: Characters confront moral dilemmas that explore themes of reconciliation and acceptance, such as embracing the shadow within, resolving conflicts between opposing forces, or fostering cooperation among estranged factions, showcasing their dedication to the Twilight Domain's ethos of harmony and unity.
  4. Revelation (Room Four) - The Stillness of Dawn:
    • Location: Venturing deeper into the pilgrimage, the party discovers a serene glade where day breaks upon the horizon, illuminating the world with a gentle light.
    • Revelation: Characters receive insights or blessings that deepen their understanding of balance and transition, granting them new abilities or powers that enhance their connection to the liminal space between light and darkness, scaling with their level.
  5. Final Trial (Room Five) - The Horizon's Convergence:
    • Location: Reaching the pilgrimage's zenith at a sacred altar where shadows and light intermingle, a symbol of St. Tatiana's divine presence.
    • Climactic Encounter: Characters face a final trial that challenges their ability to embrace both light and darkness, tasked with navigating the twilight realm and unlocking the secrets of balance, unlocking their full potential based on their level.

By intertwining the Twilight Domain, St. Tatiana's influence, and themes of duality and balance in a pilgrimage adventure, you can immerse your players in a narrative that delves into the beauty and complexity of transitions, harmony, and coexistence. Adapting challenges and revelations based on the party's level ensures a transformative and enlightening journey that explores the liminal space between opposing forces, providing a unique and reflective experience that celebrates the unity found in twilight's embrace.

War Domain (PHB) - St. Genevieve

  1. Prologue (Room One) - The Garrison of Courage:
    • Location: The characters gather at a fortified garrison dedicated to St. Genevieve, a symbol of strength and protection.
    • Encounter: Introduce the main PCs in a setting of martial valor and determination, foreshadowing the pilgrimage that will test their bravery and combat prowess.
  2. Test of Faith (Room Two) - The Path of Heroism:
    • Location: The party embarks on a journey through a war-torn region, where conflicts test their mettle and dedication to the cause.
    • Challenge: Characters face trials of bravery and resilience as they engage in battles, defend the weak, or protect the innocent, embodying the principles of the War Domain in combat situations.
  3. Test of Virtue (Room Three) - The Citadel of Honor:
    • Location: Arriving at a sturdy citadel dedicated to St. Genevieve's legacy of protection and valor.
    • Challenge: Characters confront moral dilemmas that explore themes of sacrifice and duty, such as defending the defenseless, upholding oaths of loyalty, or making tough decisions in the heat of battle, showcasing their dedication to the War Domain's ethos of courage and righteousness.
  4. Revelation (Room Four) - The Armory of Resolve:
    • Location: Venturing deeper into the pilgrimage, the party uncovers a hidden armory filled with ancient weapons and artifacts of war.
    • Revelation: Characters gain insights or blessings that deepen their connection to the War Domain, granting them new abilities or martial skills that enhance their combat prowess and leadership qualities, adapting to their level.
  5. Final Trial (Room Five) - The Summit of Triumph:
    • Location: Reaching the pilgrimage's climax at a high peak overlooking the battlefield, a testament to St. Genevieve's victories.
    • Climactic Encounter: Characters face a final trial that tests their courage and strategic acumen, tasked with leading their allies to victory, defending against overwhelming odds, or making a stand against a formidable foe, unlocking their full potential based on their level.

By intertwining the War Domain, St. Genevieve's influence, and themes of valor and protection in a pilgrimage adventure, you can immerse your players in a narrative steeped in battlefield prowess, strategic leadership, and the noble virtues of honor and courage. Adapting challenges and revelations based on the party's level ensures a dynamic and engaging journey that hones their combat skills, tests their resolve, and celebrates the strength found in unity and bravery.



Quests are tasks or missions assigned to characters that typically involve a specific goal or objective, such as retrieving an item, defeating a powerful enemy, or unraveling a mystery. Quests drive the main storyline of the campaign and offer opportunities for characters to progress, grow, and interact with the world.

1.     Rescue the Captives: A nearby village has been raided, and several villagers have been taken captive by bandits or a rival noble. The heroes must rescue them.

2.     Defend the Harvest: Protect the village's harvest from raiders, wild animals, or supernatural creatures threatening to destroy the crops.

3.     Retrieve the Stolen Relic: A sacred relic has been stolen from the village church. Track down the thieves and bring it back.

4.     Investigate the Haunting: A local manor is haunted by restless spirits. Discover the cause of the haunting and put the spirits to rest.

5.     Stop the Saboteur: Someone is sabotaging the village's efforts to build a new mill. Find out who is responsible and stop them.

6.     Heal the Plague: A mysterious plague has struck the village. Gather the ingredients for a cure or find a healer who can help.

7.     Explore the Forgotten Ruins: Uncover the secrets of ancient ruins hidden in the forest, which may hold valuable artifacts or dangerous traps.

8.     Escort the Merchant Caravan: Protect a merchant caravan traveling through dangerous territory to trade goods with a neighboring village.

9.     Resolve the Feud: Two rival families in the village are on the brink of violence. Mediate the dispute and find a peaceful resolution.

10.  Hunt the Beast: A dangerous beast is terrorizing the countryside. Track it down and eliminate the threat.

11.  Recover the Lost Treasure: A map to a buried treasure has been discovered. Follow the clues and recover the treasure.

12.  Save the Kidnapped Heir: The heir to a noble house has been kidnapped. Rescue them before a ransom can be demanded.

13.  Find the Missing Scouts: Scouts sent to explore a nearby forest have gone missing. Discover their fate and bring back any survivors.

14.  Protect the Festival: A village festival is threatened by saboteurs or supernatural forces. Ensure the event goes off without a hitch.

15.  Investigate the Strange Phenomena: Mysterious lights and sounds are coming from an abandoned tower. Discover the source and deal with any threats.

16.  Deliver the Urgent Message: Carry a vital message to a distant ally, facing dangers along the way to ensure it is delivered safely.

17.  Reclaim the Outpost: A border outpost has been overrun by enemies. Retake it and secure the area.

18.  Aid the Refugees: Help a group of refugees fleeing from war or disaster find safety and a new home.

19.  Find the Hidden Cache: Rumors of a hidden cache of supplies or weapons have surfaced. Locate it before others do.

20.  Stop the Dark Ritual: A cult is planning a dark ritual that could bring disaster. Disrupt their plans and prevent the ritual from being completed.


Trials in Dungeons and Dragons can provide a compelling narrative device that challenges characters to overcome obstacles, prove their worth, or navigate moral quandaries. Two classic trial types, trial by combat and trial by ordeal, are often used, but there are other intriguing trial methods that can add depth and variety to your adventures. Here are some trial types that could be fun to incorporate mechanically in a divine legal system setting in D&D:

1.    Trial by Combat: Characters must engage in physical combat or a duel to prove their innocence or worth. This trial tests their martial prowess, combat tactics, and ability to overcome opponents in a battle of skill and might.

  1. Trial by Devotion: Characters must complete tasks or undertake quests that demonstrate their dedication to a deity, cause, or ideal. This trial focuses on faith, commitment, and the willingness to sacrifice for a greater purpose.
  2. Trial by Diplomacy: Characters engage in negotiations, persuasion, or bargaining to resolve conflicts or sway the opinions of judges. This trial emphasizes social skills, charisma, and the ability to navigate intricate political landscapes.
  3. Trial by Endurance: Characters face physical challenges, endure harsh conditions, or undergo grueling tasks to showcase their stamina, resilience, and determination. This trial tests characters' ability to withstand hardship and push themselves beyond their limits.
  4. Trial by Knowledge: Characters must prove their expertise in a particular field or solve complex puzzles to demonstrate their intelligence and wisdom. This trial could involve riddles, challenges of memory, or tests of lore and history.

6.    Trial by Ordeal: Characters undergo a challenging or dangerous ritual to determine their guilt or innocence. This could involve tasks like walking through fire, enduring poison, or facing supernatural tests that showcase their resilience and determination.

  1. Trial by Stealth: Characters must complete stealthy missions, infiltrate secure locations, or evade detection to prove their prowess in subterfuge and deception. This trial challenges characters' abilities in stealth, sleight of hand, and deception.

Setting up these different types of trials can vary the gameplay experience and provide opportunities for different character strengths to shine. When incorporating trials into your campaign, consider the following:

  • Diverse Challenges: Include a mix of challenges that cater to different character abilities and playstyles to ensure each party member has a chance to contribute.
  • Narrative Significance: Tie the trials into the overarching story or main quest to make them feel integral to the campaign's progression.
  • Reward Structure: Determine rewards for successfully completing trials, such as divine blessings, unique items, or enhanced reputation.
  • Consequences of Failure: Establish consequences for failure that are meaningful but don't derail the campaign, such as setbacks in the main quest or loss of resources.

By incorporating a variety of trial types into your divine legal system setting, you can add depth and complexity to your adventures, providing exciting challenges that test characters' skills, virtues, and resolve in unique and engaging ways within the framework of Dungeons and Dragons.

By incorporating a mix of quests, pilgrimages, and trials into your Dungeons and Dragons campaign, you can create a diverse and engaging storyline that offers a variety of challenges and opportunities for character growth and development. Each narrative structure contributes to the overall depth and richness of the campaign, providing players with unique experiences and memorable adventures in the world you've created.


Other adventuring notes

The Bastard – Tiers of Play

The main framing device of the Elderberry Tales is how the Bastard has disrupted the divine covenant and the party’s need to oppose them.  The following is a framework to best use this during gameplay.

  • Tier 1 (Levels 1-4) - The Prophecy Unveiled:
    • The characters uncover ancient prophecies foretelling the rise of a tyrant known as "The Bastard," threatening to disrupt the balance of power and defy divine will.
    • Quests may involve investigating unusual occurrences, thwarting minor agents of "The Bastard," and seeking allies who share a vested interest in preventing his ascent.
  • Tier 2 (Levels 5-10) - Gathering Allies and Secrets:
    • With "The Bastard" consolidating power and instigating chaos, the characters must rally allies and unlock hidden knowledge to stand against the impending threat.
    • Adventures could include forging alliances with factions opposed to "The Bastard," delving into ancient ruins to uncover lost artifacts, and unraveling the mysterious origins of their adversary.
  • Tier 3 (Levels 11-16) - Confronting the Legions of Darkness:
    • As "The Bastard" amasses his forces and enacts devastating plans, the characters face pivotal battles and moral dilemmas that test their resolve and principles.
    • Adventures might involve leading armies in epic clashes against "The Bastard's" legions, navigating treacherous political intrigues, and making decisions that determine the fate of kingdoms and civilizations.
  • Tier 4 (Levels 17-20) - The Final Showdown:
    • The characters prepare for a climactic showdown with "The Bastard," as their destinies intertwine in a battle that will determine the course of history.
    • Epic quests may include delving into forbidden realms to uncover ancient artifacts of power, marshaling divine forces to challenge "The Bastard's" hold on reality, and ultimately confronting the tyrant in a final battle of wills and divine intervention.

By structuring your adventures across different tiers of gameplay progression, you can guide your players through a dynamic and escalating narrative that culminates in a high-stakes conflict with "The Bastard," offering challenges, revelations, and opportunities for heroism at each stage of their journey. As the characters progress and engage with the world around them, they will uncover the truth behind the rise of the tyrant and their role in opposing this threat to divine will in your Elderberry Tales campaign.

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