Kara-tur and classes.
Had to really hold back on grumbling about classes from previous editions not being there to keep within the original parameters.
Source Key
DMG = Dungeon Master's GuidePHB = Player's Handbook
SCAG = Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide
TCoE = Tasha's Cauldron of Everything
XGtE = Xanathar's Guide to Everything
Note: In order to cut down on confusion, I will be using the term Ninja to refer to exclusively to monks and rogue subclasses. If it is a different class with a similar theme, I will use the term Shinobi instead.
XGtE = Xanathar's Guide to Everything
Note: In order to cut down on confusion, I will be using the term Ninja to refer to exclusively to monks and rogue subclasses. If it is a different class with a similar theme, I will use the term Shinobi instead.
Artificer (TCoE p. 9)
One of my favorite books from my past was GURPS China. It had a ton of automations that brought to my attention the sheer mechanism that occurred in this part of the world long before the European Renaissance. With the Kara-tur analogue of Shou and T'u lung representing this region, it’s not that much of a stretch to base this strange technology in these areas. Technology would spread across Kara-Tur based on need, but may be limited because of magic, cultural reasons, etc.
Alchemist (TCoE p. 14)
Alchemy is a common myth used to represent a quest for immortality, so it wouldn’t be that hard to have such a character chasing that elusive goal.
Artillerist (TCoE p. 17)
I was amused by the various black powder erruptors that were listed in the Gurps China. It wouldn’t be hard to reskin this last point as an Artillerist. Some examples from the book include erruptors (two handed tubes without stocks that sprayed not unlike a blunderbuss, also known as a fire lance), piston powered flamethrowers, claw rockets that drop poisoned gas from above.
including the following link for additional inspiration:
Battle Smith (TCoE p.18)
I could wax poetically of the automations available throughout chinese history, but will instead include a link that covers it better for inspiration.
barbarians abound along Kara-Tur's edges. From the horse clans of the west to the jungle tribes of the south, and the various islands leaves plenty of options.Path of the Ancestral Guardian (XGtE p.9)
Ancestor worship is common. This could be presented as "the good son" whose empowered by the spirits or a living vengeance of a dead family.
Path of the Berserker (PHB p.49/SCAG p.121)
The berserker is more common in anime than in historical precedence. I'd make them more of a shounen type character with a chip on their shoulder.
Path of the Storm Herald (XGtE p.10)
Imagine the living embodiment of the kamikaze, the divine wind. I'd make them relatively common in both Kozukura and Wa.
This also makes a great concept of a Tuigan whose a Teylas berserker.
Path of the Totem Warrior* (PHB p.50)
While animal warriors aren't as common, making them an avatar of Sun Wukong or Zhu Bajie is a distinct way to present such a character. This is also a way to show a Hengeyokai having an "ultimate form."
Path of the Zealot (XGtE p.11)
I'd do these as guardians. This seems more suitable towards NPCs then pcs, but the guardian of a special artifact that has to be transported could be a potential setup.
Ideas for bards: Antiquarium, Chinese Opera actor (works for either Shou Lung or Tu Lung), Entrepreneur, Geisha, Kabuki player (Kozakura and Wa), Mongolian throat singer (aka Tuigan), Scholar, and Sing Song Girl.
College of Eloquence (TCoE p.29)
You want to play a young magistrate that did really well in their exams, but keeps being sent off to deal with issues, this is a good way to do so.
Instead of the fey as a base, I'd reskin this as a magical courtier. They might be some low-level magistrate of the celestial bureaucracy who uses these powers of influence in pursuit of their goals.
This is also the subclass I would use for the shinobi consort (kunoichi)
College of Lore (PHB p.54)
While it's not a perfect fit, this subclass represents the magical scholar and since learning is very important in most places of enlightenment, it fits the role of the knowledgeable one.
There is this old anime series called read or die. That might also be a great inspiration. Just treat all spells as really good origami.
College of Swords (XGtE p.15)
There is the Chun Tsu. It's the concept of a philosopher martial artist who takes the dedication of the monk, a military study of the classics of military philosophy and the rigors training of the martial artist. It's basically a jack of all trades with a martial arts bent and it kinda fits the college of swords.
College of Valor (PHB p.55)
Never underestimate the need for a good chronicler of war and the person who holds the banner. I also like the idea of an Ōendan with a set of flags that cheer-leads the rest of the team to victory and this seems to fit here.
College of Whispers (XGtE p.16)
The scholar of secrets is suitable as either a crime family in the tradition of the tongs or yakuza or courtiers from clan scorpion of legend of the five rings.
How gods are treated in lands of enlightenment will determine how these are used.Order Domain (TCoE p. 31)
Since the worshipping of specific entities within the Celestial Bureaucracy doesn’t quite work, it makes more sense to simply know whom you need to petition. As a result, this my default priest. However, including them for purposes of tracking whom to petition:
Shou Long: The Celestial Empire
The Nine Immortals
The Lesser Immortals
Jade Ladies
Rice Spirits
Moon Women
Spirit Warriors
Ladies of Compassion
Lords of Karma
The Path of Enlightenment
The Way
The Faith of the Nine Travelers.
The Kuong Kingdom:
The Lords of Creation
Kozukera (and assuming Wa):
8 million gods
Shou Long: The Celestial Empire
The Nine Immortals
The Lesser Immortals
Jade Ladies
Rice Spirits
Moon Women
Spirit Warriors
Ladies of Compassion
Lords of Karma
The Path of Enlightenment
The Way
The Faith of the Nine Travelers.
The Kuong Kingdom:
The Lords of Creation
Kozukera (and assuming Wa):
8 million gods
Legends and Lore
The following is a list the closest gods in legends in lore 1st edition (Chinese, Indian and Japanese mythos) to match the associated domains.Still not happy with this so open to suggestions and I apologize in advance to anybody offended.:
Arcana Domain (SCAG p.125): Tou Mi
Death Domain (DMG p.96): Kali, Lu Yeuh, Rurdra, Yang-Wang-Yeh, Yama
Forge Domain (XGtE p.18): Ama-Tsu-Mara
Knowledge Domain (PHB p.59): Ebisu, Tvashri, Tsukiyomi
Life Domain (PHB p.60): Chung Kuel (actually Chung K'uei), Kuan Yin, Vishnu
Light Domain (PHB p.60): Agni, Ameratsu Omikami, Surya, Ushra
Nature Domain (PHB p.61): Chih Sung-Tzu, Shan Hai Cheng
Tempest Domain (PHB p.62): Indra, Lei Kung, Raiden, Susanowo
Trickery Domain (PHB p.62): Daikoko, Lakshmi, No Cha, KishiJoeten, Ratri
War Domain (PHB p.63): Chao Kung Ming, Hachiman, Huan-Ti, Karttekya, Varuna
Kara-Tur Religious beliefs and religious figures:
Western gods
The following western Gods have influence in Kara-tur:Akadi: The Goddess of the Air is known as Teylas by the Tuigan and other horseclans and is known as the goddess of heaven. These tempest clerics have become quite prominent as of late.
Bhaal: The god of assassins has had a resurgence as of late. Returning from the dead, a lot of death cults have been reignited. Sometimes known as Niynjushigampo in the east.
Cyric: The god of lies and chaos made a ton of headway during the time of troubles and while somewhat on the wane, it's hard to identify if this is just another lie. An Alternative name is Sirhivatizangpo.
Grumbar: Known as Etugen, this god plays the role of Earth Mother to the Tuigan.
Other Ideas:
The 1st edition shugenja is probably closest to either the Life Domain or Nature Domain.Grave Domain (XGtE p.19) - not that hard to reskin this as a tender of the dead.
A Cleric with the trickster domain would make a great Shinobi support class for a clan of ninjas. Just say you're calling on the spirits to assist.
If you don't want to deal with deities, but still need a healer, I'd reskin a Life domain Cleric and make the caster instead has a big bag of Weep/Senzu Beans. :D
I would use druids to fulfill the shaman's role in Kara-Tur. These are shamans that enter the spirit world and have a connection to the spirit folk.With that in mind as a base, this means this class is used to simulate the Japanese Kannushi or the Korean Mu.
The religion of the Eight Million Gods is the Kara-tur fictional equivalent of Shinto.
The religion of the Eight Million Gods is the Kara-tur fictional equivalent of Shinto.
Another way of thinking of it is using the Druid as a Daoist alchemist. The elemental ways of moving (Five Walk) are: Fire (up), Water (down), Tree (expanding) (≈ Air), Metal (contracting) (≈ Earth). Soil (motionless) (≈ Ether) which gives the class an elemental feel.
Circle of Dreams (XGtE p.22)
Circle of Dreams (XGtE p.22)
It could be used as a connection to the Snow Elves as well as a connection to strange magic from outside cultures (ex. the Ainu of Japan).
Circle of the Land (PHB p.68)
I see this as any local animist shamans more then any other, as well as Spirit Folk who are exploring their full heritage.
Circle of the Moon (PHB p.69)
The shapeshifting aspect reminds me of many a myth of a character that died before their time and then was returned to terrorize the living. Since this will most likely be a PC, they have learned to live with their situation, but might have a hit list of those that killed them.
Circle of Spores (TCoE p. 36)
This druid could be used to simulate a tender of a corrupted land. probably Kozukura, but also being a Druid in Tu Lung.
Circle of Stars (TCoE p. 39)
“The study of the movements and relative positions of celestial bodies interpreted as having an influence on human affairs and the natural world” is a common emphasis in Kara-Tur. It is particularly popular in Shou Lung and T'u Lung.
Circle of the Shepherd (XGtE p.23)
This really has an animist feel in calling spirits.
Circle of Wildfire (TCoE p. 40)
This really reminds me of the Tuigan in it's methodology and effects and the idea of burning everything down to allow renewal.
Arcane Archer (XGtE p.28)The mystic archer is a common myth in Japanese culture, which translates to Kozukura and Wa.
Battle Master (PHB p.73) / Champion (PHB p.72)
Both of these represents a member of one of the massive militaries of Shou and Tu Lung who has "retired for one reason or another." The alternative is they can also represent the "bushe" from the original oriental adventures: aka a low born fighter.
This is also a decent stock character for a caravan guard, especially going into horseclan territory.
In TCoE, they introduce the idea of Battle Master Builds and some of the concepts translate well:
- Archer could represent Kyūdō, that martial art with those lopsided bows.
- Duelist could be a solid base for a character specializing in Samurai duels.
- Gladiator could represent a tournament fighter in the tradition of Street Fighter or King of Fighters. In fact the repackaging of Lanthoan in part 1 was inspired by both.
- Outrider is a really good base for the Tuigan horsepeople.
- Strategist. Since the Warlord never made the cut to 5e, this is a good substitute. Your character has read the Kara-tur equivelent of the art of war and are willing to use what you learned to get a tactical advantage.
Cavalier (XGtE p.30)
This class is closest to the 4th edition fighter and mechanically acts as a blocker for other characters to strut their stuff. Until TCoE was released, this is also the closest I've found to the horse archers or lancers of the Tuigan.
Eldritch Knight (PHB p.74)
While the blending of magic and martial is common, I'd probably use this to represent an artifact bearer. A fighter that has an item that casts the spells rather than the user (such as the anime Ushio and Tora).
Psychic Warrior (TCoE p. 42)
This has a real hong kong action cinema feel with the ability to hop around and throw objects with the power of your mind.
Rune Knight (TCoE p. 44)
I've seen many an anime (as well as a 90's wrestler named Hakushi) where the character powers up using Kanji directly painted/tattoo on their skin and this fits the concept quite well.
Samurai (XGtE p.31)
I'd use this to represent the samurai of Kozakura and Wa, or the Hwang of Koryo.
Do I even need to explain this one? <eyes a certain Jackie Chan movie>.
Way of the Four Elements (PHB p.80)
The elements of Kara-tur are five, not four, but it should fit well enough if you want a mystic monk with more flair. These may also represent the elemental tribes of the Jungle Kingdoms.
Way of the Kensei (XGtE p.34)
This is the hermit that dedicates his craft to a single item. This is almost the inverse of the bard with the way of swords that considers weapon training as part of their education. If there is a master you need to train with to unlike a particular skill, they will likely be this.
Way of the Long Death (SCAG p.130)
Imagine a cult of ancestor worshipers that takes it a little too far.
I'd use this to represent the samurai of Kozakura and Wa, or the Hwang of Koryo.
Martial arts in Kara-Tur:
The following are martial arts that have been referenced in Kara-Tur and are included mainly to give color text to your fighting style:
Dragon Claw, The Iron Hand School (Shou Lung), The Five Stars School (Shou Lung), Monkey style, The Northern First School (Shou Lung), the Southern Star School (Shou Lung), Tae Kwon Do (Koryo), Xiang Do (Hordelands), Mongolian (Tuigan) Wrestling (Hordelands), Strong Claw (Shou Lung), The Order of Silence (Shou Lung), Order of the Nimble Hunter (Shou Lung), White Crane Temple (Shou Lung), Order of the Dragon Monastery (Shou Lung),Water breaking Rock style (Hordelands)
Way of the Drunken Master (XGtE p.33)The following are martial arts that have been referenced in Kara-Tur and are included mainly to give color text to your fighting style:
Dragon Claw, The Iron Hand School (Shou Lung), The Five Stars School (Shou Lung), Monkey style, The Northern First School (Shou Lung), the Southern Star School (Shou Lung), Tae Kwon Do (Koryo), Xiang Do (Hordelands), Mongolian (Tuigan) Wrestling (Hordelands), Strong Claw (Shou Lung), The Order of Silence (Shou Lung), Order of the Nimble Hunter (Shou Lung), White Crane Temple (Shou Lung), Order of the Dragon Monastery (Shou Lung),Water breaking Rock style (Hordelands)
Do I even need to explain this one? <eyes a certain Jackie Chan movie>.
Way of the Four Elements (PHB p.80)
The elements of Kara-tur are five, not four, but it should fit well enough if you want a mystic monk with more flair. These may also represent the elemental tribes of the Jungle Kingdoms.
Way of the Kensei (XGtE p.34)
This is the hermit that dedicates his craft to a single item. This is almost the inverse of the bard with the way of swords that considers weapon training as part of their education. If there is a master you need to train with to unlike a particular skill, they will likely be this.
Way of the Long Death (SCAG p.130)
Imagine a cult of ancestor worshipers that takes it a little too far.
Way of Mercy (TCoG p. 49)
This can be used to simulate Qi Kong in a fantasy setting.
Way of the Open Hand (PHB p.79)
This is the subclass that represents the karateka, and the more martial kung fu styles.
Way of Shadow (PHB p.80)
This is how you do an interpretation of the Ninja. It also works as a representation of the Sulsa of Korean myth as well.
Way of the Sun Soul (SCAG p.131, XGtE p.35)
In many animes, it is the monk that needs to stop the great forces of evil with certain chants and slips of paper.
The Sohei is probably the closest to the Paladin conceptually. I'd give it the Oath of Devotion (PHB p.85)
I can see an Oath of the Ancients (PHB p.86) as an ancestral paladin though
I can see an Oath of Conquest (XGtE p.37) as one of Wo Mai's minions.
While most of Kara-tur is very civilized, rangers are common on in more hostile areas.
The most common are Beast Master (PHB p.93), Hunter (PHB p.93) or Monster Slayer (XGtE p.43)
Rangers of all types are excellent ways of emulating Tuigan and other people of the horseclans.
The Piao Shih (dart master and bandit hunter) is an example of an hunter.
In Wa, there is this tale of the Peachling girl, whom was innately magical and preferred to hang out with her 3 pets: a dog, a monkey and a parrot. This sounds distinctly like the Beast Master (PHB p.93).
There is also the Yaqubi These brave inhabitants of Khopet-dag, are a generation of Giant Spider Hunters. This allows them to understand their target and plunder the spider silk for their own goods.
Arcane Trickster (PHB p.97)
This would be how I emulate the 2e ninja spirit warrior.
Assassin (PHB p.97)
This is the default Non-magical Ninja.
Inquisitive (XGtE p.45)
While dated and racist, this is the subclass for Charlie Chan.
Mastermind (SCAG p.135, XGtE p.46)
While dated and racist, this is the subclass for Fu Manchu.
Way of the Open Hand (PHB p.79)
This is the subclass that represents the karateka, and the more martial kung fu styles.
Way of Shadow (PHB p.80)
This is how you do an interpretation of the Ninja. It also works as a representation of the Sulsa of Korean myth as well.
Way of the Sun Soul (SCAG p.131, XGtE p.35)
In many animes, it is the monk that needs to stop the great forces of evil with certain chants and slips of paper.
I'd make them fairly rare. I can see Oath of the Crown (SCAG p.132) as a military man, but those that fall would end up in Oath of Vengeance (PHB p.87) or Oathbreaker (DMG p.97). possibly followed by Oath of Redemption (XGtE p.38)The Sohei is probably the closest to the Paladin conceptually. I'd give it the Oath of Devotion (PHB p.85)
I can see an Oath of the Ancients (PHB p.86) as an ancestral paladin though
I can see an Oath of Conquest (XGtE p.37) as one of Wo Mai's minions.
While most of Kara-tur is very civilized, rangers are common on in more hostile areas.
The most common are Beast Master (PHB p.93), Hunter (PHB p.93) or Monster Slayer (XGtE p.43)
Rangers of all types are excellent ways of emulating Tuigan and other people of the horseclans.
The Piao Shih (dart master and bandit hunter) is an example of an hunter.
In Wa, there is this tale of the Peachling girl, whom was innately magical and preferred to hang out with her 3 pets: a dog, a monkey and a parrot. This sounds distinctly like the Beast Master (PHB p.93).
There is also the Yaqubi These brave inhabitants of Khopet-dag, are a generation of Giant Spider Hunters. This allows them to understand their target and plunder the spider silk for their own goods.
Swarmkeeper (TCoE p. 59)
There is this anime known as Ninja Scroll where one of the opponents had a beehive on its back.
Whether they are bandits, tongs, yakuza or wako (pirates), they really fit the same role which is been a sneaky person in a society where it's kinda frowned on.Arcane Trickster (PHB p.97)
This would be how I emulate the 2e ninja spirit warrior.
Assassin (PHB p.97)
This is the default Non-magical Ninja.
Inquisitive (XGtE p.45)
While dated and racist, this is the subclass for Charlie Chan.
Mastermind (SCAG p.135, XGtE p.46)
While dated and racist, this is the subclass for Fu Manchu.
Phantom (TCoE p. 62)
What if you are an ancestor that has returned to the lands of the living because your not really impressed with your successors? Your level is not so much getting experience as it is reatuning to the world.
Scout (XGtE p.47)
This is how I would emulate the 2e ninja pathfinder
Scout (XGtE p.47)
This is how I would emulate the 2e ninja pathfinder
Swashbuckler (SCAG p.135, XGtE p.47)
From Waco swinging from ships to a simple man having a "bad day", this emulates this well.
Since lungs work much differently then western dragons, doing a breakdown in the race section.Aberrant Mind (TCoE p.66)
Ra-Khati is sending people out into the world under the radar of their neighbors. you could be one of these people.
Divine Soul* (XGtE p.50)
You are the child of an immortal and have gotten a bit of that special power as part of the bargain.
Draconic Bloodline (PHB p.102)
The following western dragons apply.
Gold Dragon
Purple Dragon
I'd also use the Draconic bloodlines to simulate the elemental casters of Parang.
Shadow Magic† (XGtE p.50)
Wo Mai has had a long life and may have entire bloodlines that have a piece of his dark powers.
Storm Sorcery‡ (SCAG p.137, XGtE p.51)
Born with a fragment of the nature spirits, whether kamikaze or eastern dragons, is how they got their powers.
Alternatively, they could be Tuigan that have been "touched by Teylas."
Wild Magic (PHB p.103)
This could emulate that one lucky guy whom would be home at such casinos as Macau, at least until they get kicked out.
*Renamed from Favored Soul
†Renamed from Shadow
‡Renamed from Storm
The Celestial* (XGtE p.54)
You were sold by your family to serve the celestial bureaucracy. While it is a great privilege, it also comes with serious strings attached.
The Fiend (PHB p.109)
I'd make this an acolyte of Wu Mai, or a character with a connection with the land of 1000 oni. This can also be used to represent corruption by dark spirits by being in oni territory for too long.
The Great Old One (PHB p.109)
In many animes, there is an outworld that is beyond what we know. Honestly, I see this more as one of the few enemies where the even kara-tur politics might unite against, but it's certainly possible that a person has been promised to one of these dark powers. Ra-Khati might be the beachhead of such powers.
The Hexblade (XGtE p.55)
This is Wo Mai's special operatives. Trained and sent out to cause mischief on behalf of their Lord.
Alternatively, this could be a more magical Shinobi assassin, touched by an outside power that no longer has a name.
The Undying (SCAG p.139)
In Chinese myth, one of the all-consuming goals is immortality. This can be used to represent one of the many false paths, especially yin immortals and the living dead immortals.
*Renamed from The Undying Light
It can also be used to simulate special abilities of more magical beings, if sorcerer or warlock would not work.
School of Divination (PHB p.116)
This is the school of feng shui and geomancy.
School of Enchantment (PHB p.117)
A fox hengeyokai wizard/enchanter would be a great way to do a pc version of the fox of nine tails.
School of Illusion (PHB p.118)
This is definitely the shinobi wizard and support class, providing illusions and other images for his fellow shinobi and ninja to perform their job.
School of Necromancy (PHB p.118)
School of Transmutation (PHB p.119)
I'd use this wizard class to represent those mad alchemists of Chinese myth.
War Magic (XGtE p.59)
Both Shou Lung and Tu Lung would have military colleges based on the mystical art of war. I would assume the equivalent of Sun Tzu would be a spellcaster and his teachings are reflected in this subclass.
Divine Soul* (XGtE p.50)
You are the child of an immortal and have gotten a bit of that special power as part of the bargain.
Draconic Bloodline (PHB p.102)
The following western dragons apply.
Gold Dragon
Purple Dragon
I'd also use the Draconic bloodlines to simulate the elemental casters of Parang.
Shadow Magic† (XGtE p.50)
Wo Mai has had a long life and may have entire bloodlines that have a piece of his dark powers.
Storm Sorcery‡ (SCAG p.137, XGtE p.51)
Born with a fragment of the nature spirits, whether kamikaze or eastern dragons, is how they got their powers.
Alternatively, they could be Tuigan that have been "touched by Teylas."
Wild Magic (PHB p.103)
This could emulate that one lucky guy whom would be home at such casinos as Macau, at least until they get kicked out.
*Renamed from Favored Soul
†Renamed from Shadow
‡Renamed from Storm
The Celestial* (XGtE p.54)
You were sold by your family to serve the celestial bureaucracy. While it is a great privilege, it also comes with serious strings attached.
The Fiend (PHB p.109)
I'd make this an acolyte of Wu Mai, or a character with a connection with the land of 1000 oni. This can also be used to represent corruption by dark spirits by being in oni territory for too long.
The Great Old One (PHB p.109)
In many animes, there is an outworld that is beyond what we know. Honestly, I see this more as one of the few enemies where the even kara-tur politics might unite against, but it's certainly possible that a person has been promised to one of these dark powers. Ra-Khati might be the beachhead of such powers.
The Hexblade (XGtE p.55)
This is Wo Mai's special operatives. Trained and sent out to cause mischief on behalf of their Lord.
Alternatively, this could be a more magical Shinobi assassin, touched by an outside power that no longer has a name.
The Undying (SCAG p.139)
In Chinese myth, one of the all-consuming goals is immortality. This can be used to represent one of the many false paths, especially yin immortals and the living dead immortals.
*Renamed from The Undying Light
There are two types of wizards. Magic is common in Shou Lung and is the backbone of the economy. However, many are wanderers or hermits seeking out magic power and aren't all that different than their more traditional counterparts.It can also be used to simulate special abilities of more magical beings, if sorcerer or warlock would not work.
School of Divination (PHB p.116)
This is the school of feng shui and geomancy.
School of Enchantment (PHB p.117)
A fox hengeyokai wizard/enchanter would be a great way to do a pc version of the fox of nine tails.
School of Illusion (PHB p.118)
This is definitely the shinobi wizard and support class, providing illusions and other images for his fellow shinobi and ninja to perform their job.
School of Necromancy (PHB p.118)
The Fang-Hsiang Shih or the "master of recipes" are powerful necromancers that roam the hills and forests of T'u.
School of Transmutation (PHB p.119)
I'd use this wizard class to represent those mad alchemists of Chinese myth.
War Magic (XGtE p.59)
Both Shou Lung and Tu Lung would have military colleges based on the mystical art of war. I would assume the equivalent of Sun Tzu would be a spellcaster and his teachings are reflected in this subclass.