Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Fallout 76 as a ttrpg. Some Thoughts

At the risk of gaining ire, I like Fallout 76.

I think the map is fantastic and there are some great stories that would be fun to interact with, but when you get there, they have already played out. 

It feels like the greatest stories are told before you start playing the game.

Some of their best stories still end with "and they all died" and you can't do anything about it.

Just by turning it into a trpg and playing it during an earlier time, makes it less frustrating overall.

I think it would be a much better world to set your game during the scorch ascendency era where your rag tag band of survivalists end up interacting with the various groups that are doomed, unless the PCs manage to get involved.

You can even use the original quest and the video game as a template, but this time, you're not doing an autopsy. You're saving civilization.

So let’s break it down

The Overview

Time: Late 2086, approximately a year before the official events of Fallout 76

Premise: As the various factions of Appalachia struggle to rebuild society and secure their own interests, a new and deadly threat begins to emerge—the Scorched Plague. This virulent infection, spread by the fearsome Scorchbeasts, transforms humans and other creatures into mindless, aggressive Scorched, who spread the plague further. The factions are largely unaware of the scale and danger of this new threat, focusing instead on their immediate conflicts and survival needs.

Your party would give your players a chance to try unifying the remaining survivors against the real threat: the scorched plague. Good luck with that.

The Factions

If you want to save the world, you need to know the factions and their pros and cons.

Ash Heap Miners - Various groups of miners and scavengers operating in the Ash Heap region.

·       Pros: Knowledge of mining and resource extraction, access to valuable minerals, and potential expertise in crafting.

·       Cons: Vulnerability to environmental hazards, potential conflicts over resources, and lack of unified leadership.

Brotherhood of Steel - A military organization dedicated to preserving technology and knowledge.

·       Pros: Advanced technology, combat training, and strong leadership.

·       Cons: Can be authoritarian, isolationist, and resource-intensive.

Disciples of the Mist (Disciples of Dane) - A group of survivors who follow the teachings of the mythical figure, the Wise Mothman, and believe in peaceful coexistence with nature.

·       Pros: Harmony with nature, spiritual guidance, and potential access to unique abilities.

·       Cons: Can be viewed as cultists, may lack advanced technology, and vulnerability to external threats.

Enclave - A secretive organization composed of government officials and elites.

·       Pros: Advanced technology, organizational structure, and resources.

·       Cons: Authoritarian, elitist, and often viewed as hostile by others.

Free States - A group of prepper survivalists who seceded from the United States.

·       Pros: Self-sufficiency, survival skills, and knowledge of the region.

·       Cons: Can be paranoid, distrustful of outsiders, and lack infrastructure.

Mothman Cultists - Followers of the Mothman, a mythical creature believed to be a harbinger of doom or guardian spirit.

·       Pros: Mystical abilities, potential protection from supernatural threats, and a sense of community.

·       Cons: Can be viewed as fanatical, reliance on superstition, and potential conflicts with other factions.

Order of Mysteries (Mistress of Mystery) - A secretive organization of women dedicated to fighting evil and protecting the innocent.

·       Pros: Stealth and espionage skills, access to advanced technology, and a noble cause.

·       Cons: Small numbers, secretive nature leading to distrust, and vulnerability to direct confrontations.

Raiders - Various groups of lawless individuals who survive by raiding and plundering.

·       Pros: Combat prowess, resourcefulness, and adaptability.

·       Cons: Lack of morality, can be unpredictable, and prone to infighting.

Responders - A volunteer emergency organization focused on helping Appalachia.

·       Pros: Strong sense of community, medical expertise, and access to supplies.

·       Cons: Lack of formal military training, resource limitations.

Common PC Concepts

·  Ash Heap Miner: A miner or scavenger from the Ash Heap region, skilled in mining and crafting, seeking to profit from the region's rich mineral deposits.

·  Brotherhood of Steel Scribe: A scribe of the Brotherhood of Steel tasked with documenting the technology and history of the region, seeking to preserve knowledge for future generations.

·  Disciples of the Mist Cultist: A follower of the Wise Mothman, believing in peaceful coexistence with nature and seeking spiritual enlightenment through communion with the Mothman.

·  Enclave Agent: A member of the secretive Enclave organization, trained in espionage and combat, working to secure valuable technology and resources for the Enclave's goals.

·  Free States Survivalist: A survivalist who was part of the Free States movement, adept at living off the land and navigating the dangers of the Appalachian wilderness.

·  Mothman Cultist Prophet: A charismatic leader of the Mothman Cultists, able to inspire and lead their followers in pursuit of the Mothman's will and vision for the world.

·  Order of Mysteries Initiate: A member of the Order of Mysteries, trained in stealth and combat, dedicated to fighting evil and protecting the innocent.

·  Raider Scavenger: A scavenger affiliated with one of the Raider gangs, skilled in looting and pillaging, willing to do whatever it takes to survive in the post-apocalyptic world.

·  Responder Medic: A former member of the Responders who specializes in providing medical aid to survivors and treating injuries caused by the Scorched Plague.

·  Scorched Survivor: A survivor who was infected by the Scorched Plague but managed to resist its control, now seeking a cure and redemption for their past actions.

Shared Goals and Motivations

You are going to need to work on the connective tissue, so here are some ideas on how to put the group together?

  1. Common Threat: The Scorched Plague presents an existential threat to all factions. Emphasize that survival hinges on cooperation, as no single group can withstand the Scorched alone.
  2. Personal Stakes: Each character has a personal reason to fight the Scorched or seek allies. For example, a character's family might be in danger, or they might seek a cure for a loved one infected by the Scorched Plague.

Incentives and Rewards

3.       Mutual Benefits: Show that collaboration offers tangible benefits. For example, the Brotherhood of Steel might share advanced technology, while the Responders offer medical aid and training.

  1. Quests and Objectives: Create quests that require diverse skills and backgrounds. A mission might need a Responder's medical expertise, a Brotherhood scribe's knowledge, and a Raider's combat skills.

Narrative Hooks

5.       Past Connections: Establish pre-existing relationships or shared history. Perhaps two characters knew each other before the war or have crossed paths during their travels.

  1. NPCs and Factions: Use influential NPCs to encourage cooperation. Leaders from various factions might urge the characters to work together or provide them with joint missions.
  2. Mysterious Benefactor: Introduce a mysterious figure or organization that brings the party together for a common cause, offering them resources and information in exchange for their cooperation.

Party Dynamics and Role-Playing

8.       Conflict and Resolution: Allow for initial mistrust and conflict but provide opportunities for characters to resolve their differences through role-playing and shared experiences.

  1. Character Development: Encourage players to explore their characters' growth. As they face dangers together, they learn to rely on each other's strengths and develop bonds.

Sample Party Composition and Backstories

  1. Ash Heap Miner: Seeking a safer place to work and live, they join the party to protect their interests and find new opportunities.
  2. Brotherhood of Steel Scribe: Tasked with documenting the Scorched and recovering technology, they require protection and local guides.
  3. Disciples of the Mist Cultist: Believes that the party's actions are part of a prophecy and joins them to fulfill their spiritual journey
  4. Enclave Agent: Operating undercover, they seek to gather intelligence and technology, using the party as a cover for their activities.
  5. Free States Survivalist: Skilled in survival, they are looking for information about the Scorched to protect their community.
  6. Order of Mysteries Initiate: On a secret mission to uncover the source of the Scorched Plague, they find the party useful for their goals.
  7. Responder Medic: Sent from Flatwoods to assess the Scorched threat, they need allies to navigate dangerous territories.
  8. Raider Scavenger: Initially in it for the loot, they realize that the Scorched threat endangers their way of life and begrudgingly join the effort.

Bringing It Together

To bring these characters together, you might start with a scenario where they are all forced to cooperate in a critical situation, such as defending a settlement from a Scorched attack. This immediate threat will push them to work together despite their differences. As they face more challenges, they will start to see the value in each other's skills and perspectives, gradually building trust and camaraderie.

Side Quests

While saving civilization is the goal, there is plenty you can can do with the currently alive factions:

1. Mistress of Mysteries vs. The Duchess

Quest Name: "Shadows and Steel"

Premise: The Mistress of Mysteries, leader of a secretive order, discovers that The Duchess, the proprietor of The Wayward, has obtained a powerful artifact that could tip the balance of power in Appalachia.


  1. Investigate the Artifact: The party is tasked by the Mistress of Mysteries to investigate rumors about The Duchess acquiring a rare pre-war artifact.
  2. Infiltrate The Wayward: Gain access to The Wayward, either by stealth, negotiation, or force, to locate the artifact.
  3. Confrontation: Decide whether to steal the artifact for the Mistress, destroy it to prevent its misuse, or broker a deal between the two factions.


  • Double Agents: There are spies from both sides trying to influence the party's decisions.
  • Moral Dilemma: The artifact has the potential to help or harm Appalachia, depending on who controls it.

Rewards: Unique equipment, favor with either the Mistress of Mysteries or The Duchess, and potential access to special quests or information.

2. Prevent the Flooding of Charleston

Quest Name: "Rising Waters"

Premise: Rising water levels threaten to flood Charleston, and the party must work with various factions to prevent the disaster.


  1. Assess the Threat: Investigate the cause of the rising waters, which could be due to malfunctioning dam systems, natural causes, or sabotage.
  2. Secure the Dam: Travel to the nearby dam to either repair it or fend off raiders/saboteurs.
  3. Evacuation Plan: Coordinate with the Responders to evacuate the most vulnerable areas while ensuring key assets are protected.


  • Limited Time: A race against the clock as water levels continue to rise.
  • Faction Disputes: Different factions have conflicting priorities, making coordination challenging.

Rewards: Improved reputation with the Responders and other local factions, resources from grateful survivors, and potential access to hidden caches revealed by the lowered water levels.

3. Repurpose Watoga

Quest Name: "City of Tomorrow"

Premise: Watoga, the automated city, holds immense potential. The party aims to take control of it and repurpose its resources for their own goals.


  1. Secure Watoga: Clear out hostile robots and other threats from the city.
  2. Reprogram the Systems: Hack into Watoga's mainframe to change its operating parameters and redirect its resources.
  3. Defend Your Claim: Protect the city from rival factions that want to seize it for themselves.


  • Malfunctioning AI: The city's AI resists reprogramming, presenting unique challenges.
  • Rival Factions: The Brotherhood of Steel, Raiders, and other groups may attempt to take Watoga by force.

Rewards: Control over a powerful resource hub, advanced technology, and the ability to influence regional politics.

4. The Free States’ Call

Quest Name: "Liberty or Death"

Premise: The Free States, a group of survivalists, need help fortifying their bunkers and ensuring their independence from other factions.


  1. Supply Run: Gather materials to reinforce their bunkers.
  2. Train Militia: Assist in training their members to better defend against threats.
  3. Diplomatic Mission: Negotiate with neighboring factions to recognize their autonomy and establish trade agreements.


  • Raiders' Threat: Raiders see the Free States as a soft target.
  • Internal Conflict: Disagreements within the Free States about the best course of action.

Rewards: Access to survivalist resources, unique training, and potential safe havens.

5. Brotherhood of Steel Artifact Hunt

Quest Name: "Relics of the Past"

Premise: The Brotherhood of Steel seeks pre-war technology scattered across Appalachia and enlists the party to help locate and retrieve these artifacts.


  1. Locate Artifacts: Follow clues to the locations of hidden caches.
  2. Secure and Retrieve: Fight off competitors and secure the artifacts.
  3. Deliver to the Brotherhood: Safely transport the artifacts back to the Brotherhood’s base.


  • Dangerous Relics: Some artifacts might be unstable or cursed.
  • Rival Seekers: Other factions are also searching for these powerful items.

Rewards: Access to advanced technology, favor with the Brotherhood, and potentially powerful new equipment.

6. The Mothman Prophecy

Quest Name: "Eyes of the Mothman"

Premise: The party uncovers a prophecy related to the Mothman and must decide whether to support or thwart the cultists' plans.


  1. Investigate the Prophecy: Unravel the details of the Mothman prophecy through exploration and research.
  2. Cultist Interactions: Choose to ally with or fight against the Mothman Cultists.
  3. Fulfill or Prevent: Either work to fulfill the prophecy or prevent it from coming to pass, depending on the party's alignment.


  • Mysterious Visions: The party experiences strange visions and encounters.
  • Divided Loyalties: Some members might be swayed by the cultists' beliefs.

Rewards: Mystical insights, unique abilities, and influence over the Mothman Cult.

Okay so you saved Appalachia…now what?

Well, now’s the time to enleash an even greater threat.

Namely the vault dwellers of fallout 76.

They are some of the smartest people to survive, and that carries a lot of arrogance that they know better.

Plus they will go feral quickly being a chaotic mob that will treat the duty of “bringing back civilization” as a threat to all.

And that’s when they aren’t deciding to throw nukes willy nilly.

I think the stupendium said it best in song!

For the Good of civilization, they need to be stopped.

Potential Engine

·  Savage Worlds: Savage Worlds is a generic role-playing game system that can be easily adapted to different settings. It is known for its fast-paced, cinematic gameplay and simple ruleset, which could work well for capturing the action-packed nature of Fallout 76.

·  Genesys: Genesys is another generic role-playing game system that offers a lot of flexibility for creating custom settings. It uses a narrative dice system that can add a layer of storytelling depth to your game, which could be useful for capturing the storytelling elements of Fallout 76.

·  GURPS (Generic Universal RolePlaying System): GURPS is a highly flexible role-playing system that can be adapted to almost any setting. It offers detailed rules for character creation and gameplay, which could be useful for creating the diverse range of characters and factions in Fallout 76.

·  Fate Core: Fate Core is a narrative-focused role-playing game system that emphasizes storytelling and collaboration. It uses a simple set of rules and mechanics that can be easily customized for your Fallout 76 setting, while still providing a solid framework for gameplay.

·  D&D 5th Edition: While Dungeons & Dragons is primarily a fantasy role-playing game, its rules can be adapted to other settings with some creativity. If your group is familiar with D&D 5th Edition, you could use it as a base and modify it to fit the Fallout 76 setting.


the fallout 76 wiki is fantastic in showing off ideas when your party wants to go in a random location.

  • #Fallout76
  • #FalloutRPG
  • #TabletopGaming
  • #RPGCampaign
  • #TTRPG
  • #FalloutFan
  • #RolePlayingGame
  • #PostApocalyptic
  • #ScorchedPlague
  • #Vault76
  • #ApocalypticAdventure
  • #WastelandSurvival
  • #MysteriesOfAppalachia
  • #BrotherhoodOfSteel
  • #MothmanCult
  • #WatogaQuest
  • #Fallout76RPG
  • #WastelandHeroes
  • #FalloutFactions
  • #AppalachiaRPG


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