Sunday, August 4, 2024

R.P.G. SpellJammer Sandbox - Part 12 - The Mechonosphere



The Mechonosphere is a unique crystal sphere that contains Mechanoir. The sphere itself is a complex lattice of translucent, crystalline structures that emit a soft glow, visible even from great distances in Wildspace. The Mechonosphere is known for its navigational challenges, with constantly shifting crystalline pathways and unpredictable energy surges.

Key Features:

  • The Electroveil: A region within the sphere where the energy fields are so dense that they create an electric fog, concealing anything within it.
  • The Forge Stars: Small, artificial suns created by the ancient civilization to provide energy. These stars can be tapped for immense power but are also heavily guarded.
  • The Mechanum: A vast, floating city within the sphere that serves as the Mechnauts’ primary spaceport and hub for interplanetary trade and diplomacy.

Planet: Mechanoir


Mechanoir is a planet made almost entirely of metal and crystal. Its surface is a blend of sprawling metallic cities and vast plains of crystalline structures. The planet's core generates immense amounts of arcane energy, which the Mechnauts harness to power themselves and their creations. The sky of Mechanoir glows with a constant aurora of shifting colors due to the planet's energy fields.


The Mechnauts have a society structured around various functions and castes:

  • Warforged Defenders: The protectors of Mechanoir, these Mechnauts are built for combat and defense.
  • Autognome Artisans: Responsible for crafting and maintaining the cities, they are the builders and engineers.
  • Cogmind Scholars: Intellectuals and arcane specialists who study the planet's energy and the universe beyond.
  • Rustbrood Harvesters: Specialized units that harvest resources and manage the planet’s ecosystem.

Interaction and Conflict

Internal Dynamics:

  • Cogmind Scholars vs. Rustbrood Rebellion: The Cogmind Scholars often find themselves at odds with the Rustbrood Rebellion due to their differing philosophies. Scholars advocate for peaceful coexistence and the pursuit of knowledge, while the Rebellion seeks expansion and domination. This ideological clash leads to internal conflicts and political maneuvering within Mechanoir.
  • Autognome Artisans’ Role: The Autognome Artisans are typically neutral but are sometimes caught in the middle of these conflicts. They are primarily focused on building and maintaining the society, but their skills are sought after by both factions.
  • Warforged Defenders’ Loyalty: The Warforged Defenders are generally loyal to the ruling consensus of Mechnaut society but are often pulled into the conflict to maintain order and protect the planet from internal and external threats.

Relationship with Adventurers:

Threat Potential:

The Mechnauts are formidable due to their advanced technology and arcane mastery. They are highly protective of their homeworld and resources. Any perceived threat to Mechanoir or their way of life can provoke a swift and coordinated response. Rogue factions within the Mechnauts, such as the Rustbrood Rebellion, seek to expand their influence aggressively, sometimes clashing with other spacefaring civilizations.

Ally Potential:

Despite their potential for conflict, the Mechnauts are not inherently malevolent. They value knowledge, trade, and mutual defense. Adventurers who prove themselves worthy can gain powerful allies. Mechnaut scholars might share arcane secrets, artisans can craft unique items, and defenders may join forces against common enemies.

Ideas for Adventurer Hooks:

  1. The Lost Codex: A Cogmind Scholar believes an ancient codex containing secrets of the Mechnauts’ creators is hidden somewhere in the Mechonosphere. They hire the adventurers to find it.
  2. Rustbrood Rebellion: The Rustbrood faction has stolen a powerful energy source from the Forge Stars. The adventurers must retrieve it before they use it to wreak havoc.
  3. Electroveil Expedition: A Warforged Defender requests the adventurers' help to navigate the dangerous Electroveil to rescue a stranded Mechnaut unit.
  4. Trade Negotiations: The Mechanum is looking to establish new trade routes, and adventurers are tasked with brokering deals with other crystal spheres.

Adventurer Hooks Involving Cogmind and Rustbrood

  1. The Cogmind Conundrum: A Cogmind Scholar has discovered a hidden archive with secrets that could revolutionize Mechnaut technology. However, the Rustbrood Rebellion is also after it. Adventurers must help secure the archive and decide which faction to support.
  2. Rustbrood Rampage: The Rustbrood Rebellion has begun aggressive mining operations on a neighboring moon, threatening its ecosystem. The adventurers are hired to stop the Rebellion’s activities and restore balance.
  3. Scholarly Expedition: A group of Cogmind Scholars seeks protection for a dangerous expedition into the Electroveil, where they believe ancient creator artifacts are hidden. Adventurers must guard them against the Rustbrood and other hazards.
  4. Defending the Forge Stars: The Rustbrood Rebellion plans to tap into the Forge Stars for immense power, potentially destabilizing the Mechonosphere. The adventurers must work with Warforged Defenders to thwart this plan.

The Cogmind Scholars

Origin and Purpose: The Cogmind Scholars trace their origins back to the earliest days of Mechanoir’s sentience. When the ancient creators first endowed the constructs with intelligence, a subset of these beings were designed to be thinkers and learners. The creators needed entities capable of understanding and managing the complex arcane energy sources that powered Mechanoir. Over time, these entities evolved into the Cogmind Scholars, dedicated to the pursuit of knowledge and the study of the universe.

Role in Mechanoir: Cogmind Scholars are the intellectual backbone of Mechnaut society. They are responsible for maintaining and advancing the understanding of arcane sciences, engineering, and philosophy. They operate grand libraries and laboratories within the crystalline towers of Mechanoir’s cities, constantly experimenting and innovating. Their primary goal is to ensure the stability and growth of their society through knowledge.

Interaction with Other Castes: Cogmind Scholars often collaborate with the Autognome Artisans to develop new technologies and with the Warforged Defenders to enhance their combat capabilities through arcane means. They are respected across Mechnaut society for their wisdom and insights.

Cogmind Scholar

Ability Score Increase: Your Intelligence score increases by 2, and your Wisdom score increases by 1.

Age: Cogmind Scholars are effectively immortal but can fall into disrepair or be destroyed. They do not age in the traditional sense.

Alignment: Cogmind Scholars tend to be lawful, valuing knowledge and order, but individual alignments can vary.

Size: Cogmind Scholars stand between 5 and 6 feet tall and weigh around 200 pounds. Your size is Medium.

Speed: Your base walking speed is 30 feet.

Constructed Resilience: You have advantage on saving throws against being poisoned, and you have resistance to poison damage. You don't need to eat, drink, or breathe.

Sentry's Rest: When you take a long rest, you must spend at least 6 hours in an inactive, motionless state, instead of sleeping. In this state, you appear inert, but you remain conscious.

Integrated Tool: You have proficiency with one type of artisan's tools of your choice, integrated into your body. This tool cannot be removed from you, and you gain double proficiency with it.

Arcane Knowledge: You know the Mending cantrip. Intelligence is your spellcasting ability for this spell.

Analytical Mind: You can add half your proficiency bonus (rounded up) to any Intelligence check you make that doesn’t already include your proficiency bonus.

Languages: You can speak, read, and write Common and one other language of your choice.

The Rustbrood Harvesters

Origin and Purpose: The Rustbrood Harvesters originated from a segment of Mechnauts designed for resource management and environmental maintenance. Their initial purpose was to mine raw materials and harvest energy from the planet’s surface and core. Over centuries, they became experts in resource extraction and the management of Mechanoir’s self-sustaining ecosystem.

Role in Mechanoir: Rustbrood Harvesters play a critical role in ensuring that Mechanoir remains functional and sustainable. They oversee the gathering of essential materials, the recycling of used resources, and the maintenance of the planet’s complex infrastructure. They are adept at transforming raw resources into usable energy and materials, ensuring the continuous operation of Mechnaut society.

The Rustbrood Rebellion: While most Rustbrood Harvesters are loyal to Mechnaut society, a faction within them, known as the Rustbrood Rebellion, has emerged. This faction believes that the Mechnauts should expand their influence beyond Mechanoir and dominate other worlds to secure their future. The Rustbrood Rebellion is more militant and aggressive, often clashing with the other castes and posing a significant threat to the stability of the Mechonosphere.

Rustbrood Harvester

Ability Score Increase: Your Strength score increases by 2, and your Constitution score increases by 1.

Age: Rustbrood Harvesters, like all Mechnauts, are effectively immortal but can be destroyed or fall into disrepair.

Alignment: Rustbrood Harvesters tend toward neutrality with a lawful or chaotic bent, depending on whether they are part of the loyalist faction or the Rustbrood Rebellion.

Size: Rustbrood Harvesters stand between 5 and 7 feet tall and are more heavily built than Cogmind Scholars. Your size is Medium.

Speed: Your base walking speed is 30 feet.

Constructed Resilience: You have advantage on saving throws against being poisoned, and you have resistance to poison damage. You don't need to eat, drink, or breathe.

Sentry's Rest: When you take a long rest, you must spend at least 6 hours in an inactive, motionless state, instead of sleeping. In this state, you appear inert, but you remain conscious.

Integrated Miner: You have proficiency with mason's tools or smith's tools (your choice), integrated into your body. This tool cannot be removed from you, and you gain double proficiency with it.

Durable Frame: You have advantage on saving throws against being knocked prone and can carry, push, drag, or lift twice the weight you normally could.

Resource Extraction: You know the Identify spell, and you can cast it once without expending a spell slot. You regain the ability to cast this spell in this way after finishing a long rest. Intelligence is your spellcasting ability for this spell.

Languages: You can speak, read, and write Common and one other language of your choice.







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