Saturday, July 6, 2024

Leagues of Votann - A Reimagining - Part 8 - The Korgul Reckoners

The Korgul Reckoners

Bio-Engineers of Vengeance: The Korgul Reckoners have mastered the art of bio-engineering, allowing them to commandeer and weaponize Tyranid biomatter. This knowledge is both their greatest strength and their greatest danger.


The Korgul Reckoners lost their Votann to a Tyranid invasion, which drove them to the brink of extinction. Swearing a Grudge of Vengeance, they dedicated themselves to understanding and exploiting Tyranid biology to turn their enemy’s strengths against them. They managed to capture a damaged Tyranid ship during a desperate battle and, through sheer ingenuity and the sacrifice of many lives, brought it under their control. Now, they use this ship, dubbed the Nid-Reckoner, to raid other Tyranid fleets and harvest their biomass for resources and weaponry.


Strategies and Tactics:

  1. Bio-Engineering and Control:
    • The Korgul Reckoners have developed bio-engineering techniques that allow them to hack into the Tyranid synaptic control systems. By creating specialized Ironkin units (that volunteer) equipped with neural interfacing technology, they can issue commands to Tyranid organisms within the ship.
    • They use a combination of neural disruptors and synthetic pheromones to keep the captured Tyranid creatures under control. These methods are not foolproof, and there is always a risk of the creatures rebelling.
  2. Weaponization of Biomass:
    • The biomass harvested from defeated Tyranid ships is processed into bio-ammunition, regenerative materials for their own ships, and even new bio-engineered drones and weapons.
    • They have developed hybrid tech, combining Tyranid bioweapons with Votann technology, such as bio-plasma cannons and spore mines enhanced with Votann targeting systems.
  3. Dangerous Game:
    • The constant threat of the Nid-Reckoner being overrun by its own Tyranid inhabitants is a daily reality. Specialized containment teams and Ironkin are always on standby to quell any insurrections.
    • The ship's hybrid nature makes it a target not only for Tyranids, who see it as an abomination, but also for the Imperium and other factions who view the Korgul Reckoners' use of xenos technology as heresy.
  4. Incredible Science Skills:
    • The Korgul Reckoners have developed advanced bio-scanners and genetic manipulation tools that allow them to quickly adapt and evolve their hybrid technologies. They are always on the cutting edge of bio-engineering.
    • Their scientists and engineers are among the most skilled in the Leagues of Votann, capable of turning the horrors of the Tyranid biology into usable and deadly technologies.

Tactics and Implementation

1. Hybrid Assault Units

These units would be genetically modified to have enhanced physical capabilities, integrating Genestealer and Hormagaunt traits. They would be deployed in rapid strike missions, capable of infiltrating enemy lines and causing chaos through their superior close-combat skills and agility.

2. Psychic Warfare and Disruption

Leveraging Zoanthrope DNA, the Korgul Reckoners would develop psychic amplifiers and neural disruptor drones. These would be used to disrupt enemy communications and command structures, providing a significant strategic advantage.

3. Stealth and Reconnaissance

Utilizing the stealth capabilities of Lictors, the Votann would enhance their recon drones and assassin units. These units would be crucial for gathering intelligence and performing high-profile eliminations without being detected.

4. Heavy Assault Warmachines

By incorporating Carnifex genetics, the Korgul Reckoners could develop living war machines capable of withstanding heavy fire and breaking through enemy fortifications. These units would serve as the vanguard in large-scale assaults.

5. Self-Sustaining Units

Ripper DNA would be used to create self-repairing drones and biomass collectors. These units would ensure that the Votann forces remain sustainable during prolonged engagements by scavenging and repurposing battlefield resources.

6. Field Support and Resource Production

Tervigon-derived units would function as field generators and resource producers, deploying support drones and generating biological resources to keep Votann forces operational during extended campaigns.

Danger and Risk

The integration of Tyranid DNA into Votann technology and biology is a double-edged sword. While it provides significant advantages, it also poses substantial risks:

  • Loss of Control: The inherent danger of Tyranid biomatter potentially overriding Votann systems and individuals, leading to uncontrollable mutations or even subversion by the Tyranid Hive Mind.
  • Psychological Toll: The integration of Tyranid traits can lead to psychological instability, as seen with High Kâhl Harek Renskar, causing potential fractures within their ranks.
  • Enemy Adaptation: The Tyranids could potentially adapt to the Votann’s use of their own biology, creating countermeasures and further complicating the Korgul Reckoners' efforts.


Unit: Nid-Reckoner Bio-Cannoneers

Unit Description: The Nid-Reckoner Bio-Cannoneers are elite Votann warriors who specialize in using bio-engineered weaponry derived from Tyranid organisms. Clad in hybrid armor that incorporates Tyranid chitin and Votann technology, they wield bio-plasma cannons and spore-launchers, turning the Tyranids' own weapons against them.

Stat Block:

  • M: 5"
  • WS: 3+
  • BS: 3+
  • S: 4
  • T: 5
  • W: 2
  • A: 2
  • Ld: 8
  • Sv: 3+


  • Bio-Plasma Cannon: Range 24", Assault 2, S7, AP-3, D2, Bio-Plasma: Ignores cover.
  • Spore-Launcher: Range 18", Assault D6, S4, AP-1, D1, Spore Cloud: Causes additional mortal wound on a hit roll of 6.

Special Rules:

  • Bio-Engineered Armor: 5+ invulnerable save.
  • Controlled Fury: When targeting Tyranid units, re-roll hit rolls of 1.
  • Hybrid Warfare: Once per battle, can release a spore cloud, causing all enemy units within 6" to suffer a -1 penalty to hit rolls until the end of the turn.

Potential Conflicts:

  • Tyranids: Constantly view the Korgul Reckoners as a rogue element to be purged. Their synaptic creatures often prioritize attacking the Nid-Reckoner to reclaim their lost biomass.
  • Imperium: While the Imperium of Man might tolerate the Korgul Reckoners, they are highly suspicious of their use of xenos technology. Inquisitors and Adeptus Mechanicus agents might actively seek to investigate or even sabotage their operations.
  • Other Factions: Eldar may view the Reckoners as a threat to the balance of life and death, while Orks might see them as prime targets for a good scrap. The Tau might be intrigued but cautious, seeing the potential for dangerous escalation.


The Korgul Reckoners represent the ultimate fusion of Votann ingenuity and Tyranid biological horror, a testament to the Votann's relentless pursuit of survival and vengeance. Their story is one of adaptation, cunning, and the thin line they walk between mastery and annihilation.

Votann Hero: High Kâhl Harek Renskar, the Hivebane

Background: High Kâhl Harek Renskar, known as the Hivebane, is a driven and obsessive leader of the Korgul Reckoners. Once a respected and stable Kâhl, his experiences and traumas from losing his Votann to the Tyranids have pushed him towards a dangerous path. Consumed by his desire for vengeance and control, Harek has begun experimenting with Tyranid biomatter, integrating it into his own body. His ultimate goal is to harness and dominate the Tyranid Hive Mind, turning the galaxy's greatest threat into his greatest weapon. However, these experiments have started to erode his sanity, leading to moments of brilliance mixed with bouts of madness.

Appearance: Harek is a fearsome sight, clad in hybrid armor that combines Votann technology with Tyranid chitin. His eyes occasionally glint with an eerie, otherworldly light, and parts of his body show signs of Tyranid integration, such as chitinous plating and bio-mechanical enhancements. Despite his unsettling appearance, he commands respect and fear among his kin.

Personality: Harek is a mix of relentless determination and cold calculation. He is both a charismatic leader and a ruthless tactician, capable of inspiring his followers with his vision of vengeance while instilling fear with his merciless methods. His growing instability makes him unpredictable, but also exceptionally dangerous.

Stat Block

High Kâhl Harek Renskar, the Hivebane

  • M: 5"
  • WS: 2+
  • BS: 3+
  • S: 5
  • T: 5
  • W: 6
  • A: 4
  • Ld: 9
  • Sv: 2+


  • Bio-Plasma Gauntlet: Range 12", Assault 3, S6, AP-3, D2. On a hit roll of 6, the target suffers an additional mortal wound.
  • Neural Disruptor Blade: Melee, S+2, AP-4, D3. This weapon causes an additional D3 mortal wounds on a wound roll of 6+.
  • Enhanced Chitin Armor: Provides a 4+ invulnerable save and reduces all incoming damage by 1 (to a minimum of 1).

Special Rules:

  • Tyranid Integration: Harek gains the Synapse rule and a 5+ Feel No Pain roll.
  • Unstable Genius: At the start of each turn, roll a D6. On a 1-2, Harek suffers a mortal wound as his body rejects the Tyranid integration. On a 3-4, nothing happens. On a 5-6, Harek gains +1 to all his hit and wound rolls for that turn as the Tyranid enhancements temporarily boost his abilities.
  • Mind Over Hive: Harek can attempt to control nearby Tyranid creatures. Once per game, he can target a single Tyranid unit within 12". Roll 3D6; if the total is greater than the unit's Leadership, it falls under Harek's control for that turn.
  • Obsession with the Hive: Harek has a deep-seated grudge against all Tyranid units. He and any unit he leads can re-roll hit and wound rolls of 1 when attacking Tyranid units.

Potential Units and Tactics

1.     Hivebane’s Retinue: Elite bodyguards who have undergone similar, though less extensive, bio-integration. They are equipped with hybrid weapons and armor.

  • M: 5"
  • WS: 3+
  • BS: 3+
  • S: 4
  • T: 4
  • W: 2
  • A: 2
  • Ld: 8
  • Sv: 3+


  • Bio-Plasma Rifles: Range 24", Rapid Fire 1, S5, AP-2, D1.
  • Chitin Blades: Melee, S+1, AP-3, D1.

Special Rules:

  • Synaptic Resonance: While within 6" of Harek, the Retinue gains a 5+ invulnerable save.
  • Vengeance Protocols: The Retinue can re-roll hit rolls of 1 when targeting Tyranids.

2.     Tyranid Harvesters: Specialized units equipped with tools and weaponry designed for harvesting Tyranid biomass and integrating it into their own technology.

  • M: 5"
  • WS: 4+
  • BS: 3+
  • S: 4
  • T: 4
  • W: 2
  • A: 2
  • Ld: 7
  • Sv: 4+


  • Bio-Harvesters: Melee, S+2, AP-1, D2. On a wound roll of 6, regenerate a lost wound on the Harvester.
  • Neural Extractors: Range 18", Assault D3, S4, AP-1, D1. Causes an additional mortal wound on a hit roll of 6.

Special Rules:

  • Harvest Biomass: For each Tyranid unit destroyed by Harvesters, the controlling player gains a resource point that can be used to regenerate wounds on other units or to reinforce their equipment.


Controlled Aggression: Harek leads from the front, utilizing his enhanced abilities and the synergy with his Retinue to strike fear into Tyranid forces. Their advanced weaponry allows them to punch through even the toughest of Tyranid defenses.

Biomass Harvesting: After each victory, the Korgul Reckoners harvest the biomass of fallen Tyranids, using it to fuel their war machine. This not only provides immediate battlefield advantages but also long-term strategic benefits.

Unpredictable Warfare: Harek’s unstable genius can be both a boon and a curse. His moments of brilliance can turn the tide of battle, but his instability makes him a wildcard. Using his Mind Over Hive ability, he can occasionally turn Tyranid units against each other, sowing chaos in their ranks.

Hit and Run Tactics: Using their hybrid technology, the Korgul Reckoners can execute precise strikes against Tyranid fleets, raiding them for biomass and then retreating before reinforcements arrive. This guerrilla warfare tactic keeps the Tyranids on the back foot.


High Kâhl Harek Renskar, the Hivebane, is a terrifying and tragic figure within the Leagues of Votann. His relentless pursuit of vengeance against the Tyranids, coupled with his descent into madness, makes him both a formidable leader and a dangerous liability. The Korgul Reckoners, under his command, epitomize the desperate and innovative spirit of the Votann, turning the galaxy's greatest threat into a weapon of survival and profit.

Tyrannid Use

The Korgul Reckoners, under the leadership of High Kâhl Harek Renskar, could use a variety of Tyranid bioforms, modifying and repurposing them for their own ends. Here’s how they might employ specific Tyranid units:

Modified Tyranid Units:

  1. Hive Ship:
    • Usage: The Hive Ship serves as the Korgul Reckoners' primary base of operations. It's been heavily modified with Votann technology, including reinforced hulls, integrated plasma weaponry, and advanced shielding.
    • Modifications: The interior has been restructured to accommodate Votann facilities, weapon forges, and living quarters. The ship’s biomass conversion capabilities are used to produce resources for the Reckoners.
  2. Genestealers:
    • Usage: Used as shock troops and infiltrators, the Genestealers have been augmented with cybernetic enhancements, increasing their resilience and lethality.
    • Modifications: Neural implants allow them to be remotely controlled and coordinated in complex attack patterns.
  3. Carnifex:
    • Usage: Deployed as heavy assault units, these Carnifexes have been fitted with Votann weaponry, including plasma cannons and railguns.
    • Modifications: Enhanced armor plating and additional bio-mechanical limbs for improved stability and firepower.
  4. Hormagaunts:
    • Usage: Used as disposable frontline units to overwhelm enemy defenses and absorb enemy fire.
    • Modifications: Implantation of explosive devices that detonate upon death, causing additional casualties and chaos in enemy ranks.
  5. Zoanthropes:
    • Usage: Utilized for their potent psychic abilities, these creatures have been modified to boost their psychic powers and integrate them with Votann technology.
    • Modifications: Neural amplifiers and shielding to protect against psychic backlash, allowing them to disrupt enemy communications and electronics.
  6. Rippers:
    • Usage: Employed as scavengers to harvest biomass from the battlefield and bring it back to the Hive Ship for conversion into resources.
    • Modifications: Fitted with collection mechanisms and reinforced exoskeletons to carry larger loads.




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